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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. I saw this last night as I parked at the beach, along with what looked like a massive shooting star preceding the point where the scorpion tail that was the red crescent moon fell from the sky and disappeared below the horizon. Definitely worth watching and happened about 10pm or so. October 18: Moon and Antares The scorpion is vanishing in the evening twilight. But tonight offers one last chance to see it. Antares, the scorpion’s bright “heart,” is close to the Moon. They drop from sight not long after the sky gets good and dark.
  2. Never Ending story still haunts Me from when I was a kid to this day. I remember even hearing the theme song as a kid while asleep was enough to make me wet the bed and wake up screaming and crying as the white friendly dragon freaked Me the fuck out for whatever reason. Now I am literally sleeping on a eggshell type mattress topper that resembles dragon scales in the light of My phone so I must be getting over it. Aliens had the same effect as My now stepdad's housemate had an 8ft tall cardboard video store display xenomorph in the house all day as they were smoking bucket bongs and stuff when I saw it as a kid. I ended up falling asleep that evening only to wake up from dreaming about the xenomorph coming after Me in My dream and i ran out into the living room to be confronted by this 8ft tall alien I just had a nightmare about facing Me in reality, and it was enough to have Me crying and screaming. Now I have literally seen such creatures in alternate dimensions of reality that drugs bought down the curtains on, and I just nonchalantly have zero reaction or fear of it, like I subconsciously am daring it to kill Me if only to free Me from having to acknowledge that such things exist in the first place. Similar thing to when I was yelling at the 100ft tall trees I was seeing demons having an orgy in the wind high off of herbs in Margaret River a couple of Christmases ago to prove themselves capable of giving Me a greater reality than what I have already experienced if they wished to portray themselves as so immensely powerful and huge. Big tangent there, but a funny story all the same as such trees and the universe itself did show Me their tower as per the aliens story above was proof of.
  3. This sounds like an interesting story, but maybe I am missing the pretext? As for the original thread topic, I would say personally in the past few weeks, Social media has improved My conversations given that I now willingly tell people of My disdain for social media in so many ways (this forum obviously excluded). I think My issues with social media have helped Me learn that I much prefer to speak to people directly face to face in person than to interact with them online, as not only does real life contact between two people create and form bonds and experiences which social media, which, in all truth acts more as an escape mechanism for the individual to detach from "reality", really cannot replicate. And it is these type of experiences which really have actual value that can never be lost nor buried in the sea of endlessly scrolling social media streams. I think forums like this one, which holds 18 years of My posts and can show how I have personally evolved from being a ninja whose face was hidden behind a MS paint drawn mask to a middle aged Man who no longer cares to hide behind a screenname or online persona given I am now far beyond caring about the potential judgement that can be cast at Me by any other human as I have learned to love Myself and who I am after scrutinising Myself and My character to a degree that is far harsher than anyone else could make based on whatever limited data they have on Me from their visual impressions or the limited conversations I indulge in with them. If anything the point I am making is that forums (and I guess Facebook groups - to a lesser extent) help conversation evolve as it contains permanent records of specific topics and subjects that are commented on by an array of people, yet social media, with the omnipresent threat of getting cancelled if one is too honest or truthful holds back conversation in that people elect to self censor if only due to fear. If one is unable to tell from My posts the past 12 months or so, I post whatever is going on in My mind with zero filter nor fear of getting cancelled as ultimately if one fails to joke along with Me about that which is mutually congruently able to be proven as "truth", then they either choose to exist within a lie or they deprive themselves of happiness, laughter and the ability to love themselves fearlessly as the fear that they may be subjected to a similar judgement which they may have chosen to subject Me to would see the elevated position they believe they hold to be decimated. While this might not work for everyone, at least I can encourage others to laugh at themselves and others who take themselves so seriously as mocking those whom engage in such behaviours is perhaps the funniest thing one can do, especially if they stumble across old posts you made 10+ years ago only to see if you have or haven't changed in that time. And when you see where you haven't changed, it helps you self actualise who you truly are as a "soul" for want of a better word.
  4. Finshed a hard day of a 3 hr shift that wasn't even worth getting up for only to find Myself with nothing better to do than go to the beach. I have nightshift tomorrow night from 5pm to 2am so I have an entire day plus of time to chill at the beach here and sort My van interior out so it is shmick. I also nearly lost My van keys as I left them behind in the sand and luckily had sandal footprints to trace them back as My work apparently never recieved My timesheet I sent on Sunday evening so I left My keys behind in a panic like a full retard not even thinking of anything but the money I need to exist for the next week. Beyond that and the exploding battery which has put acid holes in all My clothes, here is to a better tomorrow than the past few days prior.
  5. Pics would help no doubt, but $700 for 2 tickets is insane unless it is meet and greet with at least a shirt.
  6. And now you know why I completely have every reason to laugh at the fucktard Australian millionaires who lack the knowledge of the system to realise that their "investment" in property isn't the equivalent of being worthless given that it can be repossessed with zero compensation under thr title system which affords them temporary ownership and utilisation of. Whilst said clowns may wish to obfuscate this truth, now it is here on the internet forever for anyone and everyone to consume whilst at the same time rendering money, and the dead Queen whose likeness adorns the physical notes and coins which hold actual tangible value (as opposed to the worthless binary digital currency which equates to the significant majority of the money supply) as being only worth what I deem it as being worth. Which, for as long as I am deprived the ability to have the residence I require to create thibgs that are not chaos that stems from destroying the financial system and asset values of everything material in a single post for every Commonwealth country and by extension all world financial markets whose trade is inextricably linked to currency exchange and foriegn trade deals, sees Me using the only true power that exists in "knowledge" to play My joker card by saying fuck this noise I am getting exposed to as a result of allowing greedy cunts to try and infer they have control or power that I supposedly lack.
  7. Well there is land that is held under native title, which is owned by Aboriginal corporations and isn't subject to the Crown title system as is the rest of Australia and the Commonwealth member nations. Funny fact is that under said Crown title system, the Monarchs in England can thus reclaim and utilise any land under Crown title for any purpose necessary to defend the Crown. As such, one never truly "owns" the land they pay millions of dollars for in Australia, as those river and coast front mansions could be reclaimed and repurposed for the purpose of housing troops such that they are classified like the fortifications of European cities of yesterday, because such prime locations are the perfect one for any potential "threats" to the crown to use as entry points to take over control of the waterways which then takes control of the people who live near and depend upon the waterways to exist. Hence another reason I opted out of getting another mortgage to get a property that is essentially borrowed with the outcome of My name being located under the Crown as owner on the actual title deed. Fuck it if I am going to be a slave to the banks, a slave to the system, and just another bitch of a Crown and inbred, qualificationless King and Queen I refuse to recognise, especially as I voted for a Republic in the first ever referendum I voted in back in 2000 or so. Other people may want to partake in such foolery, yet I am more of a King than the "King" of England, as My work and investment in My life and experiences has not only seen Me wake up in a castle in the Queen's bed, and I have made a woman have the title of Lady to My "Lord, but I made Her feel like a Queen in the process, in spite of growing up devoid of slave like servants and the priviledge, pomp and circumstance as a result of centuries of inbreeding.
  8. Also I am posting past midnight as a result of a street sweeper (or Hunter Killer) coming thru the carpark I was parked in such that I have had to move for the first time ever after getting to sleep. I put this down to the fact I saw another camper I spoke to who had a dog, and the simple fact that if one lies where dogs do then they are bound to get fleas, or at least get the street sweeper coming thru as the "PO Lice" that intends to clean the streets of suxh bugs and their dirty dreadlocked owners.
  9. As guitars are metal strings under tension with wood, the extreme climate change from hot to cool or cold sees the humidity make the wood expand due to moisture content and the neck can warp and bow essentially ruining the guitar and it's ability to maintain tuning. As My guitars are all expensive and have extreme sentimental and emotional value, I would prefer to just abstain from using them until such point in time that I have capacity to have a permanent domicile and fixed workplace address. Whilst My greatest stress reliever beyond training at the gym is sacrificed, and noting that My guitar playing is the only thing which due to My insane inability to play to a metronome that sees the randomness of playing whatever comes thru Me in the moment being the only thing that has has such a sense of immediacy that I can't put it down to being scripted simulation code as I feel in playing I am manipulating energy waves to a degree I have control as opposed to just playing scripted "music", it is in some ways a loss to the universe that I am deprived of the ability to play "My" music for the purpose of entertaining and giving Me a non-destructive creative medium unlike some of the other pasttimes I can partake in.
  10. One thing I wish @Theo Huxtablewas around for was the potential of making Purple Aki photoshops such that there could br Purple Aki squeezing the KC kid or DAOs muscles. Shit would have been hilarious
  11. https://youtu.be/i1-p_g288OM https://youtu.be/9hzgm9XAvcI
  12. This was a "global warming" induced state of reverie. I would not recommend it as whilst the allure of 3 breasted MaMartian babes is appealing no doubt, they are but mere machine elves who play a role similar to that of sea sirens, the difference being they lurk in the sea of internet waves and only sprout the 3rd titty as a result of Me imagining and focusing on them having them. In some instances I get carried away and they end up with a whole circle of tits going around their entire upper body like aome shapeshifting octopus, but truth is it is just shapeshifting Jesus playing around with My head.
  13. Alright so apologies for the lack of updates, but I would rather not put any more photons up My date. So I have broken My life down to it's most simple form possible and this is the entirety of My concerns for which finances are required. 5 of the 10 pertain to My van, so it is as simple as it gets whilst being "On the grid" still. Food Drinks Clothes Gym - showers & toilets Phone expense Car Registration Car Insurance Fuel RAC breakdown cover Car maintenance If one understands how few problems I really have now, especially when anyone with a car and a house already has the same 5 expenses as I do on top of their creditcards, mortgages, utility bills, car loans, kids expenses and schooling, prior to any entertainment or hobby expenses (My expenses in this regard are $0 except fora one off purchase of a wetsuit of say ~$500 and some surfwax @ $6 a bar), My life is as perfect as possible. While forgoing My guitars for the time being, I may get a storage unit and setup My iMac and My guitars and amp to go play on weekends or late at night, as this is the only sacrifice I have really made in choosing van life over renting a room. Also, based on my prior backpacker rate of rent at $350/week, I need only do the van life for 7 months to save $10k and I can be back in the USA being the American Jesus driving Lambos down the interstate once more, as opposed to sharing a room with 5 or 6 ungrateful cunts who neglect to respect Me and My wisdom as they only seek to rape My country and economy for $ which they couldn't get back in whatever fucked up shithole they came from. And FWIW, I have now lived in Mosman Park, North Fremantle, Subiaco, Mount Claremont, South Perth, Applecross, Dalkeith, Nedlands, Swanbourne and many other places of which the residents require multiple millions of AUD to have had the same experience I have had for free, the difference being they may only get a few of these off their list while I have them all checked off.
  14. I am going perfectly. And thanks to recent conversations in the "real world", I am only ever reminded of this fact whilst I hear about people whinging of kids, autism, bastard austistic kids, the issues autistic kids cause to the relationship with the Mother of said kids, mortgage stress, raising another man's kids or whatever other bullshit some people voice complaints about whilst understanding they get nothing but mocking laughter from Me as they still try to infer they have something in their lives I am supposed to aspire to have or be jealous or envious of. I might post in My van life thread about the only 10 things I have to concern Myself with in life, so people can compare their situation to Mine and assess whether there is an alternate situation they would prefer to their present one.
  15. This is a bit like The Thing albeit without the horror element. I watched and My understanding is that this already exists in the form of Wifi, and 4&5G waves which although imperceptible to our human senses, already envelopes us and our society and the ocean given the fiber optic internet cables that lurk in the deep blue sea.
  16. Well not to say I haven't already designated this as being a prerequisite, but during some now past bouts of "enhanced perceptibility", lets just say that this thought has manifested itself in the lightbound fairies devoid of physical matter that accomodated Me during said periods developing such additional appendages. A shame I will no longer be able to connect with such beings again in this lifetime.
  17. Ok. So I think that as a Prophet named Matthew Luke who is an adult of 18+ years on this website, that with Me slapping a Bootleg series sticker on this monument to human engineering at a location whereby I have slept nights away, sees this post as perhaps My greatest contribution to this website and the community here who tolerated My unfiltered bouts of posting madness over the past 18 years. Whilst I could have stuck up the AKANYC sticker I have in reserve, I thought it best to not label My place I am forever going to be able to park up and get a sleep with the blessing of those who frequent and run the congregational services at this location. Take from this what you will, yet I also wish to say thanks to @misteraven for keeping this place online and with any luck I am now sending 22000 volts of high noltage electricity through the rail line and power grid promoting this place as being the most powerful website on the internet of which I am proud to be a contributor and member of. The fact that I wore the "Meme(nto MOri)" skulln bones patch on My 12oz hat as I stuck this up is perhaps the funniest meme I can post on here, and I may even go back to put up a few more original logo 12oz stickers from the packs I have in subsequent journeys.
  18. Ok so in this scenario I am God and the Earth is no more as humanity failed the experiment once again so Planet MaMa is started with the following augmentations to the previous Earth experiment. Women are unable to get pregnant from any Man who is not the Man who took their virginity, and they are not able to have kids until 40 such that they exhaust all of their selfish desires. Technology is imported at it's current level as it exists on Earth today so no innovation is necessary such that money and things have no reason to exist. The initial islands are in a Triforce configuration and as I am God in this scenario, I can extropolate it out exponentially in a fractal pattern if population increases warrant such expansion. The triangular land masses allow perfect, endlessly peeling point break waves to be surfed alongside each coastside. Obviously there will be slight variations on each side of the islands to allow for both geographic diversity and for differentiation but it will predominantly be perfect coastlines for surfing. There is no disease, and no bugs. Add in whatever else you think should be on this planet, be it legal walls alongside all traintracks or whatever, I am here to hear ideas and formulate a perfect world that is devoid of the war, crimes, and pimps that plague Earth today.
  19. And I forgot that the version of "Me" that was free and unburdened by his past was the one who was unafraid to cut his hair off every week or two. If it works for "The Goat" aka Kelly Slater, then it should work for any other man who is unafraid to own who they are as opposed to getting bogged down in some Samson type myth.
  20. I am contemplating going to the closest Hindu temple to place My 2nd AKANYC sticker I got from Raven such that it resembles the Twin Towers that has been My life in the aftermath of My divorce.
  21. I just did the same as My latest video shows Me with a number 2 all over. I kept My ponytail which is going to become a seahorse as I give it a burial at sea as opposed to igniting it in flames. I am now at the gym about to train before washing off the last remnants of a time period attached to the hair I chopped off today in response to trying to move past My past going into the uncertain future.
  22. Australia had a referendum about giving "First People" a voice. As One who believes only the God that created this domain deserves a voice as people created a society of slaves, and taking into consideration that I would consider giving "the worst" of whatever "first people" exist a voice through voting in the affirmative, based on the paint sniffers and such I couldn't with any conscience actually allow such people to have any more political sway than they already possess. So the result is in line with My desired outcome of creating a unified country as opposed to a dichotomised one. I could always find a video but it is relevant to this thread title I guess.
  23. Also I treat My 12oz hat as My most prized possession as it represents that fact that I have lived long enough to gain My "Skull n Bones" secret society crown and have gained all the experience and knowledge that has come along with having persisted to this point in time, such that I am effectively the most (knowledge) rich Man in the World.
  24. And thanks to the members here as you all know Me and put up with the madness I uncover as I go about decoding the Art of WAR. With WAR being an acronym for "Western Australian Retirement" whereby I get to surf and share My life willingly with you all on whatever platform allows Me to link back to here as My "Home" on the internet, hopefully sans the "Spanish Inquisition" of malicious tracking code being "injected" unbeknownst to Me in each link I have posted for however many of the past 6 years. All I can say about this is "wonk saggin" and the answer to the question posed in My oontz hat is "I get it, but I don't get nor want IT". As whilst I might be Penny Wise, I am done pounding the foolish as they do a good enough job of that themselves as they dig up holes to beat off into all dayc wonk saggin.
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