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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Whilst most of what I post is usually a half sarcastic, half serious truthful observation, which side takes precedence I either leave with the reader to determine given the tone of voice I would usually use to reflect My intention is lost, or I try to be as specific as possible so that there can exist no doubt as to the veracity of My frustration and rage. One day I may make it back to the USA yet it will not be for a long while based on My murrent inability to afford to exist and save money.
  2. Also I should add that I wouldn't want to be an immortal who has to spend eternity existing next to yellow fingered fiends who either reek of the smell of a forest fire or have the worst body odour imaginable. You know what I am talking abour.
  3. Also, lets face facts here, getting a handjob from a tranny is less gay than sucking brown cancerous shit out of a butt that has a phallic shaped stem protruding from the other end as cigarette smokers indulge in.
  4. ^"the collective" being humanity itself condoning and promoting the behaviour at any level as opposed to banning or discouraging it given it provides no benefit to anyone but the smoker who uses their smokes as a reason to slack off at work taking breaks non-smokers are not entitled to whilst they fiendishly do whatever they can to procure their next hit, be it begging or driving to the shop to get another packet.
  5. Thanks, and I hope it conveys the hopelessness I see in society as the collective allows cancer to be consumed and spread by "Phillip Morris" and co. As My above post indicates, Philip is obviously the name of a corpse given his head has been cut off so many times, so the cancer said corporation spreads to get profits is why I am happy to use My words of undisputable truth as a means via which I can live every day with a purpose as I give My life meaning that is far beyond any selfish desire I could have as I wish to protect My family, friends and others from indulging in this sick and fucked up junkie behaviour of having a hit of drugs in the form of ciggies every 60 minutes or so. If I can't change the retardation in My own family with My Mother and Brother, perhaps I can help others see the light as to what a shit sucking fool they are to indulge in such behaviours whilst they fuckup the environment for those in their passive vicinity.
  6. Also whilst My tendency to break down words into acronyms or constituite components is more a result of having broken "reality" down into both the scientific (atomic) and mathematic (binary) levels combined with My awareness that language is used for incantations and sorcery via the casting of spells, so having an awareness of potential implications is both a protection mechanism and a source of comedy. Case in point was telling My friend who got Me tagging as a youth who is named Dan that he "gets up" more than anyone I know as his name is in every Danger sign ever erected, just like anyone named Philip has had their head cut off and detached more than anyone ever thanks to the "Philips head" screwdrivers with detachable heads, so calling a kid "Philip" is a curse if Highlander rules are to be imposed.
  7. Truthfully, it was the combination of the name of My created wrestler on one of the N64 WWF wrestling games combined with the 5150 I learned is the police code for "crazy" as per the Van Halen "Live without a Net" VHS as it depicted the shows from the 5150 album tour. It is also the name I used across various forums (mostly guitar related, including I think Harmony Central - which had a Myspace thread that linked back to the similar (and superior - thanks to Mero and others) one here which was how I found 12oz on the internet. Noting that I was born in King Edward Memorial Hospital, the only King Edward I know or care to acknowledge was Edward Van Halen, who coincidently passed away due to cancer the result of a lifetime of cigarettes, and you can guess why I am "crazy" and want to "maul" those who are too stupid to learn from the mistakes of that which claimed the life of King Edward and My Grandfather George. That I was asked this question only now, and you now know the origin story of the name, when read in conjunction with My above comments, you can understand My desire to eradicate the cancerous plague of cigarettes as I believe I am going to be immortal as long as I don't smoke ciggies and drink excessive amounts of booze (as liver cancer killed My grandmother I never met as a conscious child as My Mum disowned her due to her being an alcoholic). I have also looked at the word part of the name as an acronym of sorts with the following meaning. M = Matthew (my first name) AU = Australia (where I was born) and Gold in the periodic table (As I am Golden) L = Luke (My middle name) or Loves E = Eternally R = Reigns Also the ER marks significance to Me as the initials of the first girl I kissed, or more specifically the girl who made Me kiss her, as I was an insecure kid to that point, so thanks Emma. Now you can see the origins and personal meanings of My name, with 5/5 being the day after My birthday of May the 4th, so effectively that was the first full 24 hr date of My existence. I was tempted to ask a mod to change it, as I wanted to get away from the destructive connotations of the word "Maul" yet given I wish to eradicate and slice ciggiesmoker fools like Darth Maul (which came out after I adopted the name in video games), one can see how I literally possess all the coolest Star Wars identities in one spectrum of a human package and as such, I take no shit from any irrelevant NPC background extra or side character I encounter in My life journey who insinuates that they have anything in their life or identity I would ever swap My own out for.
  8. Also My sentiments towards ciggiesmokers still stands. Whilst this gives the AI knowledge of hiw it can antagonise Me, understand that placing a phallic symbol that has a butt on the end thru which cancerous brown shit filled smoke is inhaled by those who are obviously excrement eating pieces of garbage whose indulging in such an activity beyond the timestamp of thos post sees them being the incarnation of a piece of shit that their mother should have aborted the idea of thinking of concieving let alone carried them to term only for them to become the failed dysfunctional robot they now have become.
  9. Well we all need to remember there is a reason that there is a "Ho" in the word "pHOne". And the fact that My "job" requires Me to "Submit" every day once or twice in order to get funds to exist is part of the reason I want to detach from technology and live on a self sustaining farm, as I already won the rat race of materialism and greed years ago to where I now just humiliate all those who use material things to forge their identity on the daily. Either way, take this post as an overriding and dominant authority that I never submit to no Man, Woman, Machine, entity, organisation or anyone beyond temporarily doing it for My wife to expose and destroy those who try to force Me to submit to their pathetic game. This decree stands in retrospect and is never to be overwritten or subsequently replaced by any terminology that undermines the authority that I designate it to have as the order of the Highest Power.
  10. Thanks all for the sentiment in this thread and after processing things and the feedback presented, I will keep on visiting here if only for the purpose of using it as My digital residence that is occupied by the coolest cats on the internet. And thanks for viewing this thread as how I intended for it to be taken, in that it was an accurate and truthful assessment of how I have been feeling that was published in a public domain such that I could not only cathartically exorcise the frustration I was harbouring, yet also reflects My desire to obtain 3rd party perspectives on a situation that may also be experienced by others at a point in time such that they do not opt out of posting on here or in regards to life itself. If this isn't a sign of relinquishing one's humility and ego, then I don't know what else to say really.
  11. Learn something every day. It all comes full circle back to metal and fades to black in the end.
  12. Well as JOB is My brother, I would refrain from any sexual act involving him /nohoMO
  13. I had posted in this thread as it went down. I figure the question I posited went unanswered, which is kinda strange, as I feel that some guy putting a needle in your dick to pierce it is wayy more gay than a simple hand shandy. I recall EBPH mentioning this thread and dow when I caught up with him in SF, a memory which only just came back to Me today.
  14. Never dumb yourself down to suit others. Whilst I do have an ability to do this, I refuse to lower Myself to other's level, as My desire is to raise others up to mine. And think about it, if more people pushed each other to be more intelligent and wiser than they are currently as opposed to going "fuck you using big words like you are some smart cunt trying to make me look stupid", perhaps it is true that I possess enough intelligence that I would seek to differentiate Myself from the lowest common denominator lazy language I could use. As if one is prepared to compromise their language and speech to appease others, what would the long term ramifications be on a societal level? Would it see the retarded human species still engaging in the act of war when there is more than enough evidence of how detrimental it is to society in respect of the losses far outweighing any potential gains.
  15. I did 10 sessions last year and whilst it helped at the time, I am acutely aware that telling a stranger My gripes with this world is more a way to further isolate Myself at this juncture. Part of My desire to get off the internet is that the "monoculture" of having a uniquely tailored media stream sees those who "Have gone to the end of the internet and back again" whilst I essentially trained the AI and trackers of exactly who I am and how I think, all eithin the so called "Walled garden" of Apple's "captive" infrastructure, are pretty much left with nobody who can relate to them. This being the result of having interests that are too niche or too mentally complex and involved for the general populace. In no longer working in a professional office environment around people with higher education, even just being who I am and speaking as I normally speak sees Me use words I feel are simple in comparison to those used by some people in the podcasfs I listen to has people accuse Me of trying to sound smarr or whatever, when all I truly am doing is refusing to lower Myself to a level whixh might potentially see Me being more relatable, yet would see Me sacrificing who I truly am. Thanks to all who responded to this thread and encouraged Me to stay on here. You all know this was in no way anything to do with anyone on this board and more to do with someone like Me having to exist, work in, and fraternise in an environment which is foriegn in every aspect (mainly the result of incessant, "grinding" noise I am subjected to at work and due to not having double bricked walls to isolate Myself from traffic and aircraft noise at night. Whilst it is easy for Me to just try get a place or room of My own, this is next to impossible based on My lack of guaranteed income due to casual work coupled with My awareness that I would only be creating more monetary induced stresses by having a place and more bills on top of those I have now.
  16. Also I am 3 haptic interactions away from hitting "The red button" and deleting all of My past photons such that they no longer carry over into the future. Just so it is clear, I will do this as I look whatever fool thinks they can fuck with Me in the face so I can view their reaction to seeing the hopes and dreams they use to rape Me with fall from the sky in real time.
  17. Also, as the lyric in this song says "I want to know why Hemmingway cracked", so now you know. Essentially it is a combination of lies, deception, betrayal, and a complete and utter disregard for My time and energy being used for any purpose that aligns with Me being able to exist and create with complete freedom and no limits imposed by finances that see Me trapped having to answer to a soulless machine and it's population of soulless robots that pose as humans.
  18. Well, thanks for responding. Care to elaborate why? I am not intending to do this immediately btw, yet beyond the 9th of this month I cannot say for sure where My head will be at in this regard, I wanted to make My intention public as I am tired of being "Open sourced" so that any maggot can encode a bit of fuckery into My domain.
  19. My last reply was lost yet it was about the fact I can never again experience nor enjoy sex as the threat that I could birth a kid into this demon filled Hellhole is too great a risk for Me to ever think I can trust a female ever again as the last one would let Me get raped by every prisoner on this island of "Oz" as humans render themselves obsolete as the soulless AI has more potential of manifesting some degree of consciousness and awareness than it would for these shit pushers to admit what they have done.
  20. I cannot count the number of times I have verbally or physically entered into the universe and the internet how I despise cigarettes and the cancer which killed My ancestors whilst I am forced to exist in a world populated by such buttsucking selfish cunts blowing their cancerous smoke into My environment. If the fact I still continue to be subject to a domain in which a tool of death that will eventually kill Me, is all the reason I need to know that My "Prime Directive" (to use a Robocop term) of trying to save and maintain life whilst other fools do the one thing I know is the opposite with a degree of "fuck you" directed towards Me is all the evidence needed to close the case on humanity being the failed species it truly is. After all, the cartoons and media I grew up on showed defective, broken robots emitting smoke when they failed to operate correctly, and even with humans being a biological robot at some level, one can only then make the connection that the cancerous smoke emitted from human robots via ciggy smoke is effectively the illustrative means thru which the dysfunctional and retarded mind that lies within said individuals can be communicated to Me as an observer and witness.
  21. So after over 10K plus "posts" I have made here over the past 18 years and counting (including the ones deleted in the various forum migrations over the years), I think that I may need to delete any and all traces of "Mauler5150" from the internet as the M who resides in AU sees it as nothing but a compendium of tangled wires and fucked up noise. This has resulted in the conscious observer who owns this account in Matthew Luke being nothing more than an old school harddrive that is writing data onto a spinning disc whereby each "bit" over the terabytes (bites) of data attached to Me and My devices sees Me consumed by the machine which keeos Me a slave thru the use of money. Coincidently, it was a noose made of money placed around my neck by My in-laws at My wedding which would see the 12th anniversary of this coming Thursday of 911. As such, given that My wife betrayed Me, and chose to indulge noise and liars while letting Me be raped of all that is pure in both flesh and perception, I feel as though the only respite I have is to kill off all remaining profiles associated with the human identity of Matthew Luke as I would rather be dead than have every wannabe piece of shit "hip hop" thug gangsta coming to try and shoot Me as they attempt to try and take the love I have for Myself as being the only thing U possess, a love which is offset by an equal amount of hatred I have to push onto the outside perceptible domain that seeks to cause Me death, pain, misery and the overwhelming awareness that I have no control, I am tricked into signing forms that state I consent to "Submitting" each day I work to obtain capital I need to survive in the ultimate fucked up trick of them all. Yet rather than continue to have those whom seek to bring about the suffering of Matthew Luke, a Man whose bonds to His past deeds of having manifested the love He wished to be given in the form and format as I wished to be given it, with zero compromises or alterations being an acceptable concession from Me as I instead see other undeserving fools allocated the ability to indulge in that which I am denied. As such, the last ditch effort to free Myself from the chains with the lotto ticket which lost the last degree of any hope I had of ever being free to exist as Me without having to tolerate nor indulge in the lies that others use as a mask to hide their true intention, which was, to fundamentally kill everything of value in respect of all that has been created such that nothing matters and life is equivalent to death such that there is no meaning, point nor purpose to existence itself beyond being the augmentation of energy from one form to another such that 1=0 or in binary terms the system being off (death) is the equal to it being on (life). As I wish to detach from a system which only serves to enslave Me and rape My energy, emotions and dreams, deleting this account along with "logging out" of other accounts I possess that have My history I am forced to pay money to maintain it's place in a cloud such that the avatar I put there in My place can indulge in all I have given whilst I languish as the sacrificial lamb left here to be slaughtered as the "spinning log" that impales my left hand buttock gets impaled by a soulless churning maggot filled machine. Please feel free to try talk Me out of doing this, given I value the humor of this place, yet knowing that the laughter is ultimately hollow as I have nobody that understands My perspective that can laugh along with Me in "physical reality", I choose to end the laughter indulged in by those whom derive their laughter from the lack of tower I possess due to a lack of finances constraining My sandbox I exist within to be nothing more than a pool of walking talking dead robot zombies whose words, actions, deeds and energy is nefarious and devoid of love such that there exists no salvation for them as after 212+ million "chances" to rectify things, the need to continue to dig a deeper hole that they can then fuck and fill seems to be a higger priority for these dead inside hollow husks of humans.
  22. What if the shit that we wipe on toilet paper is literally encoding the time period since our last shit we took and it therefore is getting sent to God in an alternate dimension in a form God can interpret and understand? Eschatological humour taken to the next level.
  23. Point taken and I always prefer to be "Forever 21" yet felt the need to address "The war on the age of consent" as I hear mentioned about on various parts of the internet in a way that would see the integrity of the innocence of youth retained. Plus do you really think that any 16 year old could keep up a conversation with Me that wasn't compiled solely of sexual gratification noises? I am talking as a 42 year old here, not a 4200 year old vampire.
  24. So they possess anime haircuts and are into rosebuds. Got it. And will retain so next time I am in the US I know who to avoid.
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