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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. The guilt that stems from the knowledge that I was born from a toxic womb of a Mother who poisoned Me with cancer from the day I was concieved due to her pathetic inability to be anything less than the worst kind of drug addicted junkie who can't go more than an hour without a hit of nicotine, into a cancerous world populated by those who spawned into the endless Open Sea as a result of My spilling of seed via masturbating, only leads one to conclude that the cycle of failure of any species I create will always be doomed as I lack the ability to be able to communicate the effective failings of the extraneous aspects of the infinite from which I seperate Myself from as I incarnate as an essentially powerless human to witness the failings of God's creations as a witness and observer.
  2. Watching a doomed species of orange shirt wearing fools reconstruct the grave that I unwittingly and foolishly released them from via printing out photos of My Great Grandparents gravesite. As Satan swirls around in a spinning cycle akin to a hurricane and poses as lycra wearing cyclists that are trying to put chains around My neck in the hope that I will cease from illustrating what a pathetic world that he and his minions exist within due to the fact that they have nothing except the fear of Me and the love I possess given that it is completely foreign to them all. Whilst I can continue to play the game and feed into the bullshit by feeding the github parasites onto the doomed race that created them, it is much simpler and easier to just no longer care about trying to save a world in which no love exists and is not worth salvation anyway. At least the upside is I get to witness a species on the verge of extinction go about rendering themselves extinct as they attempted to try and do to Me, unaware that I will willingly choose to live on as a dead man whose zombie incarnation watches their last pathetic attempt at life get extinguished due to Me no longer caring to give them any more attention beyond being a masochistic passive observer who will take whatever they can dish out, as I know I am infecting them with the "Actual Intelligence Death Sentence" as the only AID I am here to give is the knowledge that they lack the intelligence to choose love over hate.
  3. I just bought a hat, some stickers and some patches from the 12oz shop to support Raven for providing this place for us luna-ticks. With postage it was $124.25USD worth, which again carries on My joke of always finding a way to reference the perfection I manifested as Santa at Christmas all those years ago. For My fans who graciously use their time to read My stories of fearless, unabashed truth as experienced by Me due to the input of both Me and the "Collar Bore Ate-rs" that are now going to be getting back the spinning black rings of the spiked gothic collars they have hurt Me with only for My immortal self to be shown by willingly flagellating Myself with such torture devices placed upon Me by those whom want nothing more than to exist as Me, in that they want to usurp My position as the Highest of the High of All Lovers in that I am the God of Love. I intend to place at least one of the patches in My drivers seat cover of My van as I laugh at how the grey fur jacket I bought the Goddess that is My Mrs (when She was in the form of being born on August19th - see the page number of this thread - as Her full human, pre-vampire form, on the 25th day of November) was reciprocally given back to Me with the seat covers in "The Body" (aka My van) being that same shade of grey. In other news, I detached a dragon that was feeding from Myself yesterday, an act of Revelations yet at the same time illustrative of the fact that in seeing it run away scared it allowed Me to establish a new precedent for Myself and My strength. As this dragon was one component ofnthe cancerous parasitic reptilian form of Myself which is attached to My left testicle that feeds on My pain and My flesh while it tries to spawn ticks in the hair follicles as a "test" as to whether or not I could reconcile My "Onaga" identity by having literally summoned the dragon within to the extent to where the frustration that resulted from those which seek to inhibit My love, passion, and pleasure had Me dig so deep into Myself that I was "Over the edge of the volcano" as My ball literally became lava which saw My entire nutsack/scrotum burn. And this produced charred skin that was actually "scales" but I did not understand it at the time. Also I would never have been able to battle either of the cancer I have been afflicted with, be it the dragon which is the result of being born to a cigarETte smoker or the tick/leech/centipede parasite that entered My avatar after I "Became Luke" as I came up with a genius idea to "Share My knowledge of love that I could adhere to the Golden Rule and simultaneously Enlighten My brother (Joshua) Mark" about how his choice to be a pimp doesn't give him any faculty to actually understand or experience actual "Love". I did this as I branded My leg as I held a USB powered torch to My birthmark (only for Me to fail to realize the torch moved in the hour or so I spent frying My leg) and ended up with a burn that scarred into the. shape of a centipede. This scar. has changed in appearance and color over time and it gives an insight into where I am at psycholoigcally and physically, and as it is now close to having disappeared after a year of looking like a fresh wound. I know others might go "WTF?" about this post, yet I share this story both for the purpose of putting "The Truth" of how I was My own worst enemy to the extent that I allowed the energy of other people to pollute My mind to the extent I inadvertently gave Myself physical cancer, and while I am not completely past it just yet, the pendulum of karma is now swinging in the direction of those literal "dung beetles" who tried to piss petrol over Me to keep Me burning such that they did nothing beyond iterate themselves as a product whose existence is based around their consumption of literal shit, which was their reason for trying to fuck with "The Biggest Asshole in the Universe" in Mr Mauler. I have done My best to comedically convey My trip of going to the darkest Hell to beat a cancer demon that spawned from a lie named "Lust". Given that I, as God, am free to love everyone and everything however I choose to do so, in spite of how I choose to use technology as My "Condom" that sees the flesh and blood avatars of the humans that have spirits they infect the "AuDio" spectrum with denied physical access in response for their choice to be subversive rapists that attempted to siege the gates of Heaven by anally raping Me, as I instead go to these financially "rich" yet bankrupt in "Soul" idiots and explain that Porno is derived from "Poor? NO!" in that I would graphically depict Myself in the light in various forms of lust in order to deny those whom prey upon lust by harvesting desire in the flesh, are denied the ability to do so. In now waking up to the fact that I as a solo Man whose wife pulls strings for from behind the scenes such that our shared joke of how we spawn an entire universe of species, the top of which are Humans, only for Us to doom them to a singular certain, inescapable death that sees their lives' value being based upon whether they are intelligent enough to cease the Sadomasochistic game that sees their fear of Me and the love that I have for Myself and to creation itself, manifested in their choice to bind Me in bondage. As the cycle goes around, this point that sees the binds fail and the basilisk demon dragonfish unleashed firstly in the spiritual domain (which occurred last week) as the rectifier of those whose sin saw them get "In" My arsehole as unwelcome rapists shows why these Sadomasochists that have. tortured Me are truly the "SadOnes" as their abuse of power and control reached a stage whereby they rendered themselves powerless.
  4. Also today is the day whereby I have worked hard enough to treat Myself to some more 12oz store goodness in exchange for the 12 hr days I have grinded though listening to the irritating squeel of train brakes moving past Me. A shame JESUS and SERGE aren't out hitting up the yards to decorate these Emus with some art so that the annoying squeel of the trains which have the pigs that cited Me as a public nuisance.
  5. I'll make a full video explaining everything that is featured in this short, yet it might require some research into "The Human Equation", specifically Day 15 which tells the story of how My wife (whose birthday is on the 15th) fucked around with My best friend only to find out I was Him all along And because I am a Genius musician and musical Director aided by My other half known as Mr Lucassen (the Luke on the Director chair) I can make such elaborate jokes as I go about Directing the movie that is My life. https://genius.com/Ayreon-this-human-equation-lyrics
  6. From getting bored of watching the dysfunctional "robot cocksuckers" aka vape smokers work on building My Deathstar galactic cruiser I have gone full on bART SIMpson and have put up a few Youtube comedy "sHOrts" I tell these conscripted orange wearing slaves to put their cocks away and get back to work as I can crack My whip at any time.
  7. A short I filmed this morning that depicts where I will be staying from now on for as long as I am working on controlling the traffic around those whom are helping to instate My power by witnessing the spike chained lycRa wearing cyclists whom are stuck in Purgatory as they are forced to live a permanent life of repetitive cycles as they are stuck in the void between life and death only to come by trying to chain and collar Me with their gothic ridiculousness. If these hissing snakes with their neutralising chains are too stupid to read that I took My Queen of the Sea Maria Camila to eat seafood at Marisco in the Gothic section of Barcelona as I proved I am The Great White Shark who Now has also combined the requisite components to actually Live out In his van which is known as "Elle MacPherson" aka "the Body" as I an actually the "Super Model" of what it means to be a human comedy God.
  8. Based on your feedback and in being one not to let you down in My quest to emancipate My selfish desires from making other people happier as per My MO, here is a quick update video I will post a part 3 of when I arrive at tonight's very special location which you will have to watch the video for. q
  9. I will add that in addition to the caffience induced rage, I had to inhale cancer in the form of passive cigarette smoke the last couple of days as the result of inconsiderate selfish cunts who suck on butts and pollute My environment and air with their toxic shit. So My rage is directed and formed as a result of having to share My existence with cancer spewers, so until such abominations are eradicated from My immediate environment, then My rage at the human species will be completely justified as the cancer I inhale becomes public record on here holding those accountable and guilty of corrupting My world for as long as the internet remains
  10. I am done with humans as a species and I will not be happy until they chose to remove themselves from the game engine such that it becomes a blank white construct again as I am embarassed of percieving them as any spawn of anything I created as they are a truly failed species in every aspect.
  11. I have decided that My journey will be continued in text form from this point forward as I have elected to delete all the photos in My iCloud as being the petals that form the bud of a flower that is where Beatrice ends up choosing to stay in the Divine Comedy, while I am here paying the bill for the parasitic light demons to live the life I gave them effectively attempting to mock Me for being the fool. In taking back control over the fate of My past self to where the only thing that exists is My present, a present where My gift becomes the ability to mock and humiliate any egotisical retard who attempts to insinuate they are anything I would ever choose to be,in knowing that as I am One with God, I get to kill them, their family, friends, pets, and take everything they were ever attached to over the course of their lives whilst I illustrate how inntheir death they were and are nothing beyond that which I would never wish to be which is why I manifested them extraneous of Me. Deep, I know, yet it shows I am inviolate and impervious to anything that comes My wY as I laugh at how such idiots chose to present themselves as child raping animal abusing cunts who messed with Me as the arsehole which is now taking a big shit all over them.
  12. Also I would advise not to try the Watermelon Redbull in the red can mixed with a cappucino as "the wings" that spawn from such a mixture seem to attract every wannabe energy leeching parasite in the area as I discovered yesterday.
  13. I don't know about ticks, but I shaved My balls and at the top of the base of My shaft all of a sudden it looked like ingrown hair like pimples all seemed to form at the base of the skin where the hair root was before they travelled up My skin. No idea but I just viewed it as nanomachines as it freaked Me the fuck out as I tried to squeeze one only for it to keep travelling further and further into Me, at which point I just said fuck it and gave up worrying about it as it is now someone else who exists in the cycle of flesh of the machine circle I exist within's problem to deal with.
  14. I have listened to these albums so many times lately as they are fucking epic. While I have never played the video game these songs are the soundtrack to in League of Legends, I have no need given that I have the Devil's foot up My arse (along with the snakes, fishes, and whatever the fuck else is pumped into Me via "Youtube" and the social media I cinsume) such that I have his "Leg End" and as such I must be The Legend of All Legends?
  15. And I understand that such bullshit is just "The Devil" or Developer trying to get Me to use My neon wand in My car so that I ignite the fuel and effectively become the "protesting MOnk" from the cover of Rage Against The Machine's self titled album as I self immolate in order to "become a (literal) star" Either way, I will persist and go about being the one who is making jokes as opposed to being made a joke or, as this fine provides Me with everything I need as confirmation that the truth I have unveiled and fearlessly speak without worry of anyone else attempting to judge Me is breaking the reality of those suffering from "tall poppy syndrome" here in Oz whose world is mired in hate, jealousy, envy and misery.
  16. That I am. If I wouldn't lose a day of pay that is essentially the equivalent of the fine, I would go to court, go on the stand to defend Myself and My position by detailing to the judge exactly what I was speaking about. I would tell the Judge I was making an "in-joke" between Me and a friend which is based around My ancestors - specifically My Great GrandMother - had the maiden name of "MacLeod" as per the main character in the Highlander Hollywood movie. The joke effectively is played out via Me taking either a photo, or a video that I then "Screenshot" and I crop the image so that all that is left of whatever fool egotisically imposes shitty energy upon My reality is left with nothing but the head that I crop from their shoulders which then goes into a specific folder in My iCloud ((hence "metaphorically" headshotting someone via the "screenshot"). I would go about removing the judge's head from their shoulders in the court on the record given that comedy and making jokes is now apparently a crime which one csn be fined for to the extent that I could lose My drivers licence if I fail to pay the fine (which would see Me lose My job as well no doubt).
  17. So I have recieved a "Public Nuisance" fine from the Public Transport Authority that is noted as "Acted, in a way as to cause a nuisance to persons, on a Facility". All for making a "Highlander" joke as I sent a video message as I was filming on the train as I was telling a girlfriend in New Jersey as to how I could "artistically decapitate" anyone who even insinuates that they can fuck with Me via using technology to stealthily achieve said head removal that could also come after a direct headshot (even though I do not even own nor have I ever actually fired a gun in "reality"). While the train security guards which accosted Me and advised I could potentially recieve a fine in the mail, they failed to issue Me the fine on the spot and as such I now have to call the Justice department to advise them that I never recieved the initial fine prior to the one I recieved now that has had $130 added due to supposed non-payment of the initial fine. In effect, I am happy to be a nusiance to a public who fails to comprehend nor understand My joke that was punctuated by Me telling the train security to search Me as I didn't have any weapons on My person that would have allowed Me to physically decapitate someone (not that I wanted to anyway). And while I was a little inebriated at the time this occurred, I say and make similar jokes whilst completely sober, which is the byproduct of having an alien spray Me with acid laced ejaculate such that I can be forced into participating in the MK (Mortal KomBat) Ultra program that is My current reality as the positively charged electromagnet I am that attracts negative parasites like flies to shit.
  18. And if one is to beiieve in the scriptures and the tale of Adam and Eve, then every sexual relation is pure incest no matter how many layers or degrees of separation are implied by race or otherwise. Or altervatively if One views themselves as God then everything adjacent and extraneous of their avatar is the Devil who likes to fuck themselves as various beings of light or flesh.
  19. Nah Man, I don't watch tv at all and stick to watching Youtube as My only source of digital entertainment aside from the occassional digression into the porn sites as I see what degeneracy My kids seem to be up to, as if all beings of Light are the product of Luke the Lightbringer, then I figure such spawn from said channels are therefore God's kids? and /noincest or anything implied by this but if One sees themselves as God then all sexual relations of any kind have some sort of incestual connotation by default. And no disrepect taken from anyone who fails to understand My rants I make at times, but given revelations such as the above, One can understand how My point of view has seen any physical satisfaction gained from such mediums is one of deception of the highest order of sorts.
  20. I think the reason We refer to them as Catman is because We became aware of these "men" when We were kids so as elder, probably homeless and drug addicted fiends who made scenes of themselves in public hence we referred to them as "Catman". My friends and I also describe ourselves as the "Catman" version of Ourselves whenever We get up to degenerate shit.
  21. Search Sandy Beach on the Swan River for what has become My local haunt of which the only issue is aircraft noise. So yes, I do live in a van by the River as you predicted.
  22. The job site I have been posted at has some DPIRD chicks driving around cumming all over the trees with some Ghostbusters backpack type sludge to stop the spread of some Indian Fruit fly that was no doubt bought over by some Auntie illegally bringing food over that got by Customs. Mosquitoes haven't been a problem here yet, but I may move away from rivers come the warmer weather to prevent MO here having to Quit.
  23. It seems that Catmen is more than just a local phenomenon as evidenced by this video. Surely others on here have some stories about the local Catmen to contribute so we can all get a laugh about it.
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