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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. This goes for the entirety of any and all contributions to all social media platforms I have ever made from the beginning of the internet until now. All video is now devoid of this "bug" I unknowingly spread throughout My profiles to unwitting passersby as a result My neglect of posting in the tech support thread headed up by casek and co
  2. Also, all youtube links I have posted with a "si=?" designation are to be trimmed of all references to be that which is prior to any Spanish inference of "Yes" being "embedded" as these bed bugs are eradicated forevermore as such injections were not added with My consent or approval.
  3. As you can see, I have the original patch on My head so I give the redlight on all the velcro haired assassins to become "Skull and bones" with every step I take.
  4. Effectively all the bootleg "Mauler" clones now have a redlight to get posted by a big shiny silver bollard
  5. https://youtube.com/shorts/CUEm1DjyBnA So the above link shows you where I put up a "Bootleg" series sticker at the place whereby the real Me was lied to by the fake ass cheating bitch who became My wife to try and steal My legs from Me in India. Fuck that whore and her entire family for being worthless deceitful cunts who can't be trusted as far as I can kick them. I reserve the right to rescind this post upon the return of My wife in Human guise to My side, lest she forever be bound as being a worthless cheating cunt who prefers the company of the bootleg version of Me as opposed to the original.
  6. I tapped the "Mark forum as read" button for Ch0 so I guess I uploaded the 1700+ pages of content to My head with one click. Lets see what happens next as the insanity of this place is unleashed upon My psych in one massive hit.
  7. I watched the Creator last week. If anything it showed the tech exists for them to make a Mass Effect Trilogy movie series that is convincing to the eyes. Now waiting to watch Expend4bles as mentioned in the other thread.
  8. Also I have deleted My entire digital cloud identity so that My photos (18k or so that remain at this point) will be deleted in 29 days from now on 10th of November. I have left one solitary video of My ex in there to "Make her feel like the only girl in the world" like the song that keeps playing whenever I go to to the gym, but I can also delete this. I am tired of digital ghosts of My past haunting Me as I voluntarily allow them to do so when truth is I want to detach from being online such that I am going on Airplane mode whilst at work from now on. Sadly this means no more videos or photos given that My youtube has been plagued by paintsniffer gins and such, and I am likely to delete My entire Youtube channel and Google IDs so if you ever wanted to watch Any of My content in that regard, best to do so before I go all the way i this regard. Now to watch Expendables 4 for the meme which starts in 15 mins.
  9. Well I apparently had a tampon placed on the RFID chip reverse side of My Australian passport that was surrounded by a load of French garbage. I have since spraypainted that shit as I am done living on Epstein's island of child predators and have no allegiance to Australia from this point forward whilst I am not even allowed to go on the internet without putting a "greenlight" on My head by clicking the button on My iPhone. Fuck these cunts.
  10. Well My sentiment is you mess with assholes and you are going to eventually get shit on you. And I am as big an asshole as any to ever exist, and another screenname I had that I retired obviously signified this yet people still try to mess with Me only for Me to shit on them.
  11. Inverted as My shoes have the soles spraypainted blue (Lille in the Loop cans) so I could say I am walking in the sky. It is also missing The HIVis as I stand around watching Tiny and the rest of the House of 1000corpses extras work on either filling holes, playing with pipes or playing with poles like they aren't all just anal parasites of various kinds.
  12. If I wear My 12oz hat with the patch part removed I literally have an afro patch of hair on My head. I guess this earns Me a Nword pass?
  13. and here I was being bothered at smashing My fingertip between a road sign and the legs today at work, it is nothing on your effort. I am at the gym checking here between sets.
  14. I had a 3.25 hr shift today at work so hit up Scarborough for a swim and My 12oz hat git baptised in the Indian Ocean thanks to the wind.
  15. Given that as far as I know there is no bush in the USA, as down here one can go bush whilst donning a Hitler stache or a landing strip resembling one.
  16. looks baller. I much prefer to play video games on smaller screens to large ones though, am I alone in feeling as though the more compressed 24" monitors are the easiest to play games which require quicker reaction times or not?
  17. Opening My package of 12oz merch with My Coyote Crown being the greatest surprise of all in that I didn't click to the augmentability of the velcro stick on patches allowing the cap to be changed to how I wish to rep the oontz symbolically, so I guess I can commit to attempting to try and ensure this hat doesn't end up like it isn't the cap that signified Me moving away from madness and the self percieved solitude I imposed upon Myself such that I could place value into that which is moral in life, love and ultimately one's soul. Props to raven and the crew of designers who contributed to the 12oz store products being to the level of quality they are, and I guess the only thing I feel I considered to change going forward would be My username on here, yet the definition of Mauler5150 as an anagram to Me now has a new meaning to Me given it represents a rebirth of sorts and whilst the police code of 5150 designates "crazy", I am sure that if anyone has ever lived a life as crazy as mine it is My Brother Dev born the day after Me on the 5/5 as One doesn't exist alone. Thanks once again for reading My madness that has occurred over the past 18 years and nearly 10K posts on here given that whilst some posts are crazy and might not make sense in an individual context, when taken in the aggregate they have accumulatively resulted in My ability to never get justifiably "mad" about anything ever again, given I am a "Nomad" who lives in his van down by the river, or beach, or bush, or desert, or wherever else I end up venturing, time, money, and mechanicals permit Me to do so.
  18. Me. No seriously, I am uploading a video to Youtube that relinquishes Me, as the Human avatar representing "God", of all responsibility for all the pain, suffering, war, loss, inequality and other negative attributes of the Human experience as I unveil the "Green tick" I gave that allowed those who fear Me and My love to abuse and use the trust that was given and implied by My checking and authorising the security certificates in My keychain to augment My existence in a negative way. In delegating responsibility to the "Devs" who used the power I imbued to them as being those who now can be held accountable for the (no doubt much more pleasant and painless) future that I and this world will experience given that each and every contributor who has "committed" something nefarious to antagonise, hurt or to try humiliate Me now has to answer to both Me, the world, and to themselves as to why they would happily experience what I have been subjected to (And how sticking a cactus up someone's ass such that the needles protrude out the shaft of My penis as My skin is scrolled along - is in any way justified beyond being a joke and aliteration to the 80s movie "Dudes" and the fact that Steve Vai did the soundtrack and only I would understand both the comedy after it ceases along with the "in-joke" of it being something only I would ever be capable of making the connection as to what part of My life and existence it actually pertained to, unless it was Kristina Rose dissing Brian Pumper in a quote I read or saw on the internet years ago). Anyway, the synopsis for part 1 which is uploading now is in quotation marks below, with part 2 a 3 hour journey to complete the circle back to where life literally began for Me as I pass King Edward (Van Halen - Rock In Power My Friend) memorial hospital where I was born into this world going to be uploaded next. Hopefully this frees Me to get all the people on here over to come create with Me such that we can build a "New Church" that artistically can illustrate the fact that Humans as a species are still capable of creating art and music on a level that is at least equivalent to (and aspirationally I believe "actually greater") than the churches of centuries that have long since past. So please feel free to say Hi in person to Me or advise in PM whenever you are able and free to come and join Me in the New World which has yet to be written or described that exists after the end of the Book of Revelation, as that Book of the Old World and My history has been concluded and closed such that "His Story" should be amended to "Our High Story" as together Me and My fellow Prophets ascend to greater heights than ever, as lies and the shadow of doubt that facilitated the existence of that which should not be held Me and this world back from being all it was supposed to be to begin with prior to the origination of Sin.
  19. With this said, it is time to make karma manifest upon the men who have raped and abused Me as I relegate them to having to exist in the conscious awareness that I will not allow them to escape the guilt by opting out of existence in order to free them from the loveless, pathetic Hell hole they have dug and have doomed themselves to. All I can say is I am sure these guys will love having a cactus shoved up their arseholes as they did to Me.
  20. Sleep is invaluable, yet at times I purposely choose to defer it in order to give those whom are too weak to apologise to Me the opportunity to prey upon Me when I am in a more vunerable state of existence. The fact that I do this, in part due to My own masochistic tendencies, in part as a way of conveying that I would rather stand alone and take on an entire army of identity-less NPC drines if only to prove the extent pf how those who band together to try and take Me down do so because they are too pathetic on an individual basis to be anything other than assrspists whom do whatever possoble to not look at how worthless their compromised existence truly is now it precariously hangs in the balance whereby I retain the ultimate control of telling them all to go fuck themselves, knowing they have reahed the stage whereby they have well and truly screwed any and all reason for them to exist anywhere but in the shadow of My happiness💯
  21. Mine is of the Perth Belltower from a pic I posted here previously. Partly because it is an alien spacecraft, partly because I desire to ring the bell on existence itself as all meaning and purpose to life itself has been lost for Me.
  22. Sounds like a comment "Mr Hands" would make in a previous life whilst commenting on what is at best described as "demon claws".
  23. If anyone is worried about My state of mind, understand that I lost My mind a long time ago and as each day passes all I experience is nothing more than the realisation of how arbitraily meaningless life, existence, My thoughts and ideations of a better world resulting should I persist through dealing with the garbage and shit other people place upon Me, and any attempt to become a better person who can get others to value their own lives truly is. As this world is but an old angry cancer spawning dragon and I am but one of it's scales, the truth is that there is no difference or battle between "Good and Evil" as they become not only equivalent but they render all existence devoid of any meaning or value beyond the unfulfillment of true desire, love and happiness.
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