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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Going to the chemist to buy a scapel as I need to cut out this nut as it is completely fucked. I have deleted My past, now I am going to delete any future and I intend to burn all My art as I am done with this fucked up simulation.
  2. Well Mark, chance would be a fine thing, which is why I logged out of My "chancebordeaux" primary email address from the cloud as I am sick of playing the role of being a "Hard Target". So that is how I spent My Christmas so far, as I write this post at 8pm, and other than a call to My Mum for an hour who I didn't visit as she lives in the ghetto with desert heat and no sea breeze, I would rather remain parked up at City Beach as I have had to eat McDonalds twice in one day as I ran out of food in My van and nothing else is open. So not only am I wishing to sever all links and memories of My past by signing out of My account that has all of My memories attached to it, it is also the result of living in a world whereby I am refraining from even posting on here as I struggle to contain My hatred and negativity towards the fact that I exist in this world completely alone with no real relationships beyond My Mother, this place and one friend who reached out to wish Me a happy Christmas. Even My brother, is more of My drug dealer that views Me as a client He can profit off of and since he hasn't answered any of the 5 calls I made to speak to him today he has no real role in My life as well. So now I am relegated to My only hope in this world being the Lotto ticket I bought for a draw last week, as it represents the only possibility of Me ever experiencing a modicum of happiness in this world as I am going to spend as much time as I possibly can over the next few days sleeping or with My eyes closed just laying in My van doing nothing as I attempt to shut off from this world and the fact I exist as all things I have ever drawn or experienced any happiness from no longer exists as they are all tainted with the memory of a lying cheating cunt ruining them. As for covid, it seems that I have become afflicted with some bug that has spawned inside of Me and is visible thru My flesh like I am either a lobster or a dung beetle as I seem to have been mined by soulless cryptominers of all that was once good and of value in this world, as their attempt to extract money from mining the living and turning them into what is best described as a corpse that is eaten by bugs being My place in this fucked up simulation. I won't mention having to dig the axes out of My back from where I was cut in half or how I was once high and grabbed a torch that was plugged into the electrical socket and streamed a light into My upper thigh at once point such that it burnt a hole in My leg in an attempt to become "enlightened", as whilst it seemed like a good idea at the time I just l allowed Myself to be ripped a new arsehole as some centipede like bug infiltrated the wound and then proceeded to fill My bloodstream with metal such that I can't even have a wank these days without "the crown of thorns" essentially stemming from any pubic hair I have on My balls or At the base of My dick essentially depriving Me of any pleasure that doesn't come from viewing My balls as being 12 gauge shotgun shells with My cock as a cannon that if I pull it enough (all the result of My female avatar being taken from Me!) then I get to shoot a hole through My heart just like Bon Jovi sings about. In short, fuck this world, fuck this universe, fuck existence, fuck creation, fuck personal identities as they are irrelevant and meaningless in the context of a creator who would give Me the fate of being the one to hold them accountable for fucking Me over in the way I have been these past 7 years, as the deadline for any chance of forgiveness being provided by Matthew Luke is now over with as existence itself is now the joke being experienced by Matthew Luke, as I am no longer going to be the butt of the joke as I get fucked to death given all value in this world beyond this place offering some degree of entertainment and conversation is dead to Me.
  3. lol. Well if we are all "children of God" and God is everyone else, including the women he masquerades as to entice straight Men like Myself into sexual encounters, then wouldn't such deception in fact be the equivalent of Me as "the child" getting molested by "The Father"? Also if God exists on the atomic level, then He is inside children's bodies at all times. Is this not a correct assertion of truth based on common belief structures of what "God" is? And I say this noting that the word "atom" is an anagram of My shortened name and surname initial (Mat O), and I see it as a big joke I can use to test the admittance and acceptance of truth within those around Me really. As nothing is more satisfying than bringing down those who egotistically purport they are superior to Me based on their bank account balances as a differentiating factor of measuring the value of one hexadecimally identified human (via Government social security IDs which all have a specific chain of letters and numbers to identify them) from another.
  4. I guess I am alone in My disdain for modern internet slang beyond "wonk saggin". From "cap" to "glizzy" and whatever other assortment of slang terms created by the Tiktok generation, I find the cyclical relevance and utilisation of such terms to the point of oversaturation nauseating to say the least. Perhaps I am just getting old?
  5. But also, if one believes in God, which follows that everyone and everythint extraneous of you is essentially "God", then God is a child molester and not specifically Michael Jackson, but every one of those whom have been committed for such crimes.
  6. Quite possible that I do read too much into things. Yet truth is truth. What brings Me joy in life is being able to go swim and surf in the ocean, and to exist without mathematical calculations running thru My head 24/7 calculating the opportunity cost of every choice I make as the financial constraints placed upon Me prevent Me from living the life I want. As such, there is only one motivation I care about, which is My own agenda to be able to indulge in the lifestyle I choose free of any necessitive means that sees Me exchange My body, mind, focus, attention and energy for worthless binary impulses that represent the dollars in My bank account being whatever arbitrarily meaningless figure they are to Me (yet they mean something to others who view money as a neccessitive tool to exist in spite of it being no more than code running on a bank server). As such, at present the opportunity cost of Me retreating to the ocean from where I work and predominantly park up to sleep in the hills is a 2 hour return journey that essentially deprives Me of sleep time. Sleep time which allows Me to depart this realm of lies and the liars which inhabit it. As I refuse to compromise My own existence to placate others who view money as a god they chase and worship above everything else that exists, one can understand My issues, especially when I am drawing a clear line of differentiatioj between Myself and those who chose to live what is a lie that sees them bound to a world whose framework is based on a lie in the form of the monetary framework that forms the economy. And just think, if I was freed from such financial shackles, I could once again travel to meet up with you Ch0 members so you can teach Me the secrets to painting epic pieces, ir DAO could give Me the rundown on eating Philly Cheesesteaks in between drinking sessions whilst I used an infinite money glitch to make both Mine and those around Me's ultimate materialist realitys their actual reality we share & laugh about. Or I can remain a slave to the system and just resent the fact that in spite of knowing what is irrefutable truth, that at least I am not the retard that is retarding the ability for both Me, My family and friends to exist in a world of actual freedom, as the current slave based society is preferred in which we all sacrifice our time for what is electrical impulses running over the circuits of a machine which serves the function of fucking us all until death occurs and we were the subservient jokes getting screwed for every second of our existence.
  7. Also this.... https://battlebots.fandom.com/wiki/Mauler
  8. "the scythe's relentless swing is remorseless". Especially to pimps, liars, thieves. rapists and practitioners of polyamory. If you are attached to any of these types of people who may succumb to the swing of My scythe, understand I am glad they are dead as the cost of them eroding all value and love from existence sees their death the inevitable result of their treachery. What more can I say?
  9. I can play the Apache games for the rest of My life as I watch the slit throats of those who once raped Me bleed forevermore as there is no forgiveness ever coming from Me towards a species who has Me living the life of a enslaved caged animal thru the imposition of financial controls. Every rotation of My blades are intended to represent the cut throat and scalp of another maggot rapist of truth such that I intend to get past all shadows back to the blank white construct via "The Quickening" ot Hoghlander reclaiming the light that was stolen from Me by the deception and lies of a now doomed species.
  10. Since this is My thread, I will add how I see Myself as the main character cutting down the demons from Hell with My SIMulation popper and key that serves as the tool which ai will chop any and all nefarious maggot pimps and rapist "johns" with. The real life equivalent. I am happy to keep chopping until all I see is metal endoskeletons as zi chop all the flesh from these terminators of all that was comprising "love" in My world
  11. Well I just had a massive hamburger, which beyond My one trial on March 31st this year when I had McDonalds, sees it as the first red meat filled burger I have consumed. My hatred for whatever "divine" entity that would see Me as a slave to those who rape My body and mind is now at the stage whereby I am indulging in such activities out of spite and disobedience because My concern for those whom are not Me (or a member of this forum) is below zero.
  12. Thanks My friend. I can't help but iterate truth as it clears My conscience and also has others face the worthlessness of their lives given they refuse to acknowledge said truth let alone fearlessly speak it to others who they would rather remain slaves as they are.
  13. Back on topic though, I was at 10k+ before the forum migrations, so I consider the textless image only Myspace forum posts made here in Ch 0 to be those which were lost, and as it didn't pertain to Me beyond being the freaks and beauties I found in those Myspace travels, lets just say the 10k I reached now is the true 10000 that are more representative of "Me".
  14. Consider Me ready to "Maul" those who viewed Me as meat they could consume without getting punished. To fully convey what I mean one would have to have been subjected to the abuse I suffered as a result of forgoing My historical self, such that I will have those who consumed My bull flesh become cannibals via forcefeeding them their own flesh after My body has processed it.
  15. My point is that I would be prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice as it is the ultimate form of selfishness as I would do so to spite those who believe they can fucking rape My body and mind with their fuckery. Instead I have gone back to consuming red meat as My protest against being classified as a chicken whose head can be cut off as I willingly consume the Hindu form of bovine God to emerge back as My true self as BrahMa "the Mad Cow" and infect the chicken eaters with the knowledge I am ready to consume their flesh once more. If you cannot tell, those which took My sacrifice (of giving up meat) whose days are now numbered as I will send them into a grinder that is the prop attatched to My hands in the form of a dual ringed key.
  16. Mauler5150


    This is My 10000th post here on this forum. I figure I can retire from posting as My umbrage with existence and humans is now extremely well documented and I have to say that this board is perhaps the biggest positive in My world right now, if only for the fact that every other human I encounter in reality I speak the truth to goes literally insane as they comprehend how they wasted their entire life being a slave to money and capitalism. I would rather embrace death than to not make it explicit of how I refuse to be a slave to another man's agenda in the pursuit of gaining the electrical impulses on bank servers to rearrange the binary code to affect what I can and cannot do in My life. I say this on the fact I recieved an email of how My local bank branch I opened an account back in 1987 or so is permanently closing due to 97% of all transactions involving money now being done via digital means - a fact which sees Me unable to find work in the dying industry of banking, and as such My new profession is that I will instead expose the fact that the people I encounter are worthless slaves (as am I at this juncture in time) to a worthless system of electrical impulses and the waves they represent. Thanks Channel Zero, for all the laughs and support I have found here over the years. I seriously mean this, as whilst I may come across negative, the fact remains that should I persist on into a future that My desire to fuck with people by destroying their ability to get up each morning without the realisation they are slaves chasing that which is fundamentally worthless as they pay with their lives, time, focus, attention and energy. Or I can be given a farm and the ability to exist without having to consider money as being a relevant factor to My existence for the rest of My life such that I retreat with the secret of the truth of this reality. I guess knowledge really is power here and those who expect Me to remain a slave are now powerless to stop Me destroying their reality as I see them as being as real as the AI art posted here.
  17. Where did the sausage obsession come from on this forum? Was it a thread I missed? As for Taylor Swift, just consider that Swift is a programming language, and her to be the avatar embodiment of the power of said scripting language, similar to how Joe Rogan is representative of the Javascript Runtime Environment - hence the JRE. That is how I view the success of Ms Swift, and whilst She can never be Michael Jackson, she has more of an attractive aesthetic if only based on the fact she is a woman.
  18. The broccoli top is still being rocked at the close of 23 it seems.
  19. And this about sums it up. "I just can't take anymore" As I drink "spring" water that is barcoded and quantified. And the fact is there is no future. There is only the present and as the present sees Me being a slave to other's agendas and My conscious perception allows others who would keep Me as a slave beholden to monetary constraints affecting My ability to live the life I wouls seek to live, I rather kill the ability of wverything and wveryone to experience any life, joy or satisfaction when it only comes at My expense.
  20. Also being recognisant of the fact that My soul is eternal and I remember being God, the ultimate joke I could make would be to give a world life only to appear as an undercover boss to see whether those I grant life to via zmy perception and interactions with them were worthy of such a gift. As I remain a slave to money and another's agenda that is not My own as I am forced to exist alongside buttsucking parasites who spew cancer into the air like broken robots in the cartoons of the 1960s, I would rather be dead than breathe the same air as these selfish cunts. All I can fo is be truthful in My assessment of the murrent state of this fucked up existence and if My desire to depart from it.
  21. i have a job that is literally 3 mons drive from My Mums place where I have a pair of spare boots, yet the bottom feeding ciggie sucking guy I worl with initially refused to stop off as he is an example of the selfish worthless bottom feeding cunts in this world and it was only after the manager told him to help that Inwas able to get to work today. I have made My mind up, I told My Mother yesterday I wish I had never been born as I refuse to exist in a world amongst buttsucking bottom feeding parasites. Think of the body as being one massive blob of flesh that rotates and reciprocates around such that I am 1000 people in any one day, so theu going the way of bleaching a hole in the flesh I will free My soul from the cancerous maggots in this world infecting said flesh with their toxic garbage of cancer. It is a refreshing way to see a world full of creatures whose extinction is imminent as they still maintain their lies and status quo as I chop them to death in the interim knowing that their final cries of desperation will not prevent Me from extricating Myself from their world which would deem Me a slave in order for Me to exist. Essentially I am living amongst those I already view as being spiritually and emotionally dead, so in effect I will do them a favour by ending any future potential of existence they have via their attachment to "The one" mound of flowing flesh
  22. So after My van radiator blew up and left Me stranded off work for 3 days whilst I used My entire paycheck from last week to ensure I have accomodation, transport and an ability to work, I get to work this morning to find that the worthless cunt mechanics must have stolen My work boots. As I have so much shit in My van to live and exist I didn't notice until this morning, and if anything it hastens the need and desire ro chug bleach to end this worthless pit of misery that is existence. To the extent I have put a reminder in My phone on Boxing Day to go into Coles, a business whoch once had the marketing slogan of "Coles New World" and I will find and consume some bleach to go like the bad guy who gets splattered in Robocop.
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