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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Hip hop practitioners that are males are all secretly gay given that the term "Hip Hop" is how I would describe the act of bouncing up and down on a man's cock. Prove Me wrong.
  2. On another note, I am realizing that the longer My time on the internet becomes, the smaller the group of people who seem to enjoy the same sense of humor as I do continues to shrink, with this place and the "Svencells" of svenstoffels.com (aka the most cancelled stream on the internet) being the last places online whereby any joke and language can be used in the same fearless way comedy existed in the 80s.
  3. You are a perfect fit for this forum, and this post proves it.
  4. Hmmm. Perhaps you are not familiar with the abysmal Youtube algorithm if you have never been familiarized with what passes as "comedy" in 2023, where the H3/Kleins have extorted and gamed the Youtube algorithm over the years to where they now live in Bel Air and have a literal basketball team of sycophantic employee Yes men and women agreeing with their shit takes and manufactured Youtube dramas. The Redbar guy I posted literally dissects these internet anomalies and deconstructs their characters in the most insane way, and literally predicts the future that has befallen many of his "fools" over the years in a prophetic way that is super entertaining at his best and borderline cringe at his worst. I think that the lore of the whole situation begins in this video, and it should be obvious as to why I took this thread on this tangent. Essentially I have watched this unfold since the extreme sanitation of Youtube and comedy to where everyone seems to be a cocksucking revenue parasite who is worried about offending people in their pursuit of Adsense money, which supposedly "edgy comedians" like the Kleins use to pay off their Bel Air mansions and shit. TLDR- Youtube comedy is a train wreck and I watch it with Redbar acting as a "Condom" of sorts such that I don't give these fools any ad revenue by viewing their videos at the source.
  5. I would say Mike Majlak. He or anyone in that circle of LA douchetubers he hangs around should all be on this list as their slide into irrelevance continues to gain steam as the kids they broadcast to grow up and realise how retarded these idiots are.
  6. One of the all time classic memes I will never let die.
  7. You ever think of starding a second bizness Mama?
  8. More power to him if He is successful. Given how inquisitive I was as youth about researching things, and that everything He would need to learn how to live off grid is on Youtube, I believe that someone that age would be capable of a acquiring the know-how to make it happen.
  9. Even though I am a member of Sven’s Streams I refuse to watch the gore episodes or the episode where they comment about the video of watching a sex change operation surgery being performed Yet that sounds like old school CH0 material worthy of its own thread with a title that leaves no clue about the content lurking within..
  10. Well how do you explain how those who rely upon “end to end encryption algorithms” are to go about existing given that they are dependent on getting their assholes reamed by dickheads like Me who see them as completely fucked as the only reason such “encryption” is necessary in the first place is because they are too fucking retarded to focus on themselves and to not touch what isn’t theirs (data, goods, cash, money, belongings women, etc) in the first place. The label features the word “crypt” as it pertains to the soulless and dead inside who partake in such activities.
  11. Well the ASSociation wordplay here made me think of an “ATM”. Whilst many would default to the porn acronym, Myself included, the residual Banker part of My brain thinks “AutoMatic Teller Machine” which further coincides with My take that the excrement covered cash emitted from an ATM machine is the equivalent to the shit an ATM attempt made by a non-enema’d girl would be like. YMMV and all that.
  12. Also this question reminds Me of a thread I read on another forum once titled "Is Hot Kinky Jo an Alien?". *Insert HKJ animated gif here* as I have vowed to clean up my google search history in regards to that kind of content, as I believe such a gif would answer your question in a way words will never do justice.
  13. Both are the winners of this as per the comments I made in the UFO thread, as the asshole can not only take the same if not more of a pounding than the world's biggest pussy by the world's biggest dick, but it can shit all over them at the same time which not only is humiliating, but it can cause infections, degradation and disease at the same time. Hence why I will never abandon my asshole identity as the Gapeninja because some times I will have to encounter egotistical male fools who need to be shit all over to keep their ego in check., hahahahah
  14. It appears we see the world in a similar way then, and you might appreciate this noting that the thumbnail does not represent the video and the joke I am making within it.
  15. Of course. That is why I posed the question in the other thread about what is scariest out of the world's biggest dick the world's biggest pussy, or the world's biggest asshole? It is obviously the world's biggest asshole, given that an asshole could swallow the world's biggest dick (fuck egotistical men who think they can fuck people due to having a dick) and the asshole can shit all over the dick and the pussy along with anything a pussy could birth into existence. So based on this evidence of facts and logic, our alien overlords are definitely packing that ass, lest they get shit on by Me aka the World's Biggest Asshole.
  16. I cosign being here should anyone care to reach out, PM me and I will flick you my Facebook email address or whatever unless you (or anyone else) just post in my "Why Bother" thread as I created that topic in what I feel is a similar mindset to the one which possibly provoked this post. And the responses in that thread show how the people here actually care about the other people who positively contribute here, and they provide the reASSurance that having a sleep is pretty much the solution to letting your negative emotional states pass. The thing about the graphic you posted is that it tries to simplify what is an unquantifiable experience that relates to the individual in the moment. Whilst there exists commonality in the spectrum of emotions we experience, it doesn't account for psychopaths who consciously derive pleasure in fucking people over for their own gain or sadistic sense of amusement, and it is these types of people who render one's ability to adhere to this graphic obsolete as they can just manipulate you to any point in the spectrum at any moment due to their unpredictable nature and propensity to try causer chaos.
  17. Truth. I’m happy to trudge along and I laugh at the caffeine high which inspired this thread as being like a controlled comedown from more potent substances, yet with the same productivity gains being the result. FWIW, I went and achieved my goal of having a 5 figure bank account balance from being literally homeless and dead broke all within the space of a week. Whilst I do intend to use the funds to purchase a van as per my posts in the van dwelling thread the fact that I literally had the conversation with my Mother saying I won’t feel right until I have $10k or more as a safety net in my account last week, and now I am there, and after my first day at work I have the potential to build upon it as I work towards my dreams once again. So the question I asked in the Gen Chat thread remains to be answered. What is scarier? The world’s biggest dick. The world’s biggest pussy Or The world’s biggest asshole. The answer for Me, is simple and obvious, but I still want to hear your takes on this subject.
  18. definitely eat it. They are omnidimensional reptilians after all.
  19. Irish chick. Over here to pillage our economy on a working visa. I figure she was hot enough to burn some guy out there for a drink or maybe a big divorce settlement or binding financial agreement based on her figure, so is that hot enough?
  20. reminds me of @Shittles TasteTheasshole @Shittles..TasteTheAsshole
  21. Unless you are the woman who is “the town bike”. Then you are only good for increasing the health of the “Men Tally”. Which is no good for anyone.
  22. Question for you all. What is scarier? World’s biggest dick World’s biggest asshole or The World’s biggest pussy?
  23. If you read my above post you will know why.
  24. I appreciate this post and I will nEVEr bitch out as even if I am laughing alone, I intend to be the last one laughing, if only for the "I told you so" comeuppance whereby I would hopefully laugh in unison with those who doubted the loving intentions behind my perspective on seeing everything as part of some joke I am telling myself. Think "The Aristocrats" but the joke only extends the entire duration of one's existence, and thus requires one to ride the highs and lows of the emotion spectrum. I guess the punchline comes when I disentangle my balls only to find out that they were nothing more than 2 of those pink camgirl vibrators that I eventually shit out of my ass at which point God appears and says "well now you got fucked for 42 years you little bitch and you are now an A-WRIST-O-CR-AT" as I realize I was just being manipulated by some alien tentacle octopus type deity all along. Or something.....,. Cheers for the book recommendation, if once my finances improve I will look out for it, as I enjoy reading, as it provides a way to slow my intake of input data down to a rate akin to what I feel most people who exist and perceive lower vibrational patterns (as opposed to me who can perceive dog whilstles and shit) do.
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