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Everything posted by caffeine

  1. Yeah thats definately a tough decision to make. I know I had to make alot of the same in my life. You just gotta take a seat, weigh out your choices, and figure out what is the best thing to do. I think everyone hear can attest to losing alot to continue on with this addiction. Go to school, get a good job, maybe do a legal on the weekend; or instead bomb the fuck out of your city everynight, even with the 8 am courtdate later that day, while getting mad respect from fellow writers. Just remember, graffiti wasnt cut out for everyone. In any case, good luck.
  2. From my understanding of this event, some chinese guy was standing on capital hill with a brief case asking to speak with the president. Right now theyre charging the guy with disobeying an officers order, which was to leave. Last i heard, the only "dangerous" device in the briefcase a cd player. Although, just to be careful of course, they blow the damn thing up. We are some paranoid fucks nowadays.
  3. What would the police be asking donations for? Sounds like a scam. I'm sure half the people they called enjoyed telling those pigs to fuck off. I know I would.
  4. Un-banned? 12oz conspiracies? Lame thread?
  5. They run bots on ebay now.. Interesting. Anyone know how to set one up? I wouldnt mind sweeping bids from under people a minute out..
  6. b0b: Verlan is swapping the first and last -syllables-, not letters. And you can use it on any word, even single syllable words Quoted post [/b] I would sure like to see some examples of this "slang".
  7. :haha: It wouldnt be as funny without that damn music.
  8. Ha. Without that last sentence it would probably be more believable.
  9. Got some nice oneliners there. :king: Good interview post.
  10. For the last couple of months I've been picking up alot of Stephen King work. Last one i read was a collection of some of his short stories, Everything's Eventual. Definately a good choice for those who are typically short on time, but wouldn't mind reading a quick good story every now and then.
  11. Theyre called periods. Learn to use them.
  12. Thats alot of burgers.
  13. caffeine

    lil' kim

    Most celebrities don't go to jail.
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