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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. The sound bite at the beginning of this always made me laugh. I’ve tried to find it's origins but have never had any luck. edit: fuck, seems you need to play the song from the actual Spotify app to catch the sound bite.
  2. This is fucking great, haha. I hope whoever designed this got a promotion.
  3. I’m fully onboard with foul play, corruption, abuse of power and all that happy shit. I don’t think it’s coincidence. However. Accusing someone of a crime you cant concretely prove, and expect them to be held guilty, is a bit hypocritical when most people would be absolutely bullshit if they were accused and convicted of a crime that produced circumstantial yet highly probable evidence. I won’t scold people (say in the social justice arena) who are ruining careers and lives over accusations and then turn around and do the same because it fits a narrative i prefer.
  4. I do take photos haha. One day i’ll digging and post a bunch. I found one cool one back in New England where it was a vertical and horizontal Coca Cola painting that was bleeding through the other, it was interesting..
  5. Breaking: Vague information about the death of a 50 year old man who investigated many high profile cases dies from health complications almost a decade after one of the many men he investigated was sentenced ,and 6 years after he retired from the police force. Edit: ..Clearly Hillary sniped this man with a Ricin bullet from Gaddafi’s amputated asshole while Trump rummaged through Obamas briefcase still looking for his Kenyan passport while flying past the Twin Towers on their way to Bohemian Grove to rig the 2020 election with the terrorist gang bangers Antifa.
  6. Wish i paid attention to this earlier. I love Goon. Got drunk not that long ago and watched it.
  7. He is also now the record holder for most UFC wins in Boston.
  8. My dude won! Arm bar submission in the 1st after a not good start for him. Didn't think it was going to go his way and the BAM, all i hear is the ref yelling “STOP STOP STOP.”
  9. abrasivesaint


    Hahaha. Ya. The French people pop off when they “protest.” Those fools don't play. @KILZ FILLZ
  10. I miss my 7th letter “Send Lawyers, Guns, and Money” hat. Tons of people were stoked on the Warren Zevon reference.
  11. Was actually set to go to John Downers course out in LA, at least in my mind. Had no idea what i was going to do, where i was going to live, but i needed to get out of where i was and this seemed like what i wanted and my way out. Hadn't heard back for a while and assumed that dream was dead. Found another job doing what i was already doing but traveling making almost 3x what i was back home and jumped on it. A couple weeks into my first assignment i get the letter i was accepted into the program, haha.
  12. New setup to learn and relearn some flatground. Total change from what im used to size wise. 8.12, 53mm, 5.5 Tensor mag-lights (i’m usually and Indy or death guy.)
  13. That post originally ended with you telling me i didn’t keep up. It’s hilarious that you can go back after the fact and alter what you said to make it seem like i’m taking things you say out of context or completely ignoring them without it being shown you did such.
  14. That was my point. is it because he said he runs a forum you listen to him, or is it because it was me who tried to make the point that you just didn’t care to try to hear it? edit: i love how you can edit things without it being shown you edit, because this wasn’t there originally..
  15. For the record it’s fairly active.. when i just checked the top recent posts there were 7 people posting in different threads in the past 10 minutes. https://www.thetriumphforum.com/recent-activity/ That’s still not the point i was making though. Reddit might have more people going in and out, but smaller more niche forums may have more in depth, knowledgeable discussions as those people go there to talk specifically about those topics. Which is what Kilz was talking about and Kults argued against. Again with the burger reference.. A non corporate burger spot that has a solid, loyal business with patrons who want a better burger can still thrive and be very much alive and not have the hundreds to thousands of people in and out every day like McDonalds. Much like how a specific forum for Triumphs, or graffiti.. could have better “product“ and substance than a reddit where every Tom, Dick and Harry can stroll into the conversation because it has more notoriety.
  16. Fair enough, i don’t know how that Triumph forum logs it’s activity.. That wasn't my point though. That was the point Kults was trying to make. I used the same information and examples he used. My point was McDonalds vs. the better burger.
  17. I think it’s a case of you having a hard on for everything reddit and ever since i started questioning your opinion on shit months ago you refuse to admit i might have anything close to a point on anything. I’ve kept up, the fact is i don’t give a fuck. There’s a difference. @Kults edit: that said, i’m not getting into this with you any further than that. I think you’ve missed my point.
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