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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. False, person below needs to buy shampoo
  2. Not mine, seen in passing and thought it was rad.
  3. I didn’t catch the fights but saw some highlights. Looks like Nate Diaz got fucking molly whopped.
  4. My buddy always shoots out some streaming link, if i get it i’ll post it here if y’all are interested
  5. Any thoughts on this? Apparently nobody knows who this cat is. Doesn’t sound like a good place to be on the counter side of things. Obviously they’re going to try to plan some sort of retaliation, question is how significant will it be? https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/31/world/middleeast/isis-al-baghdadi-dead.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share
  6. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/28/world/middleeast/isis-kurds-baghdadi.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage Dude really had to swipe a pair of his tighty whities for confirmation.
  7. I haven’t had an issue with anyone except that dude. He’s deleting comments to purposefully make it look like i’m just stirring shit up. All the while saying more snide shit than i am. I figured out how to ignore him. I’m assuming he can still see whatever i’m saying being a moderator and all, so he can have fun. I’m over it.
  8. Kults out here just deleting posts that don’t agree with his now.
  9. What’s that Skin movie about/ how was it? Just started Midsommar.
  10. abrasivesaint


    Don't have a console anymore but have been playing COD on mobile and i’ve yet to lose a Battle Royale.
  11. I just had this whole shit typed out and closed the browser and when i returned it was gone. The one time it didn’t save it.. I’ll return when i’m no upset, haha.
  12. Rocky Horror Picture Show. Had never seen it. Apparently it came with a live interactive performance.. it was something alright, ha.
  13. What was that Texas murder movie? Not Chainsaw Massacre. Town that Dreaded Sundown maybe?
  14. I actually used to hate those movies for that exact reason. As i’ve gotten older i’ve grown to appreciate the NOES movies more. Last year i went to see a screening of it the week of Halloween and the majority of the crowd was older. You would have thought we were watching a comedy with the amount of laughs coming out of that room.
  15. I tried to listen to a podcast about the Mueller report and it was hair pulling-ly annoying. Every 5 words were “redacted, due to ongoing investigation.
  16. To touch on the accessibility of world news vs US news here and abroad, I do know the only Australian friend i have is WAY more up to date on US news than most people i know, including myself at times.
  17. Noticing that there is 2019 pages in Channel Zero 😱
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