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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. Nope, was going around in the political memes thread. If i didn’t know better i’d say you were trying to be insulting Kults.
  2. I’m not saying you claimed that, that’s my opinion of how you view things. Edit: strawman seems to be the term to use around here these days.
  3. I was once a “everything is a conspiracy” type person. Someone from this forum in a 9/11 conspiracy theory thread actually changed my opinion on that with one simple book recommendation. The Fourth K by Mario Puzo. It wasn’t an epiphany “holy shit” type moment, but it got me thinking, and forever changed how i viewed things. Cheers to the one known as Cracked Ass.
  4. That’s fine, but I’ll never not address your 4chan/reddit/whatever everything is a conspiracy shit. If it’s a semi-legit theory with some sort of decent evidence to back a point, i’m all ears.
  5. Always wanted to shoot a FN P90. Thanks Call of Duty.
  6. Just to use that meme right there as an example. Your average person isn’t going to look into that, but a very quick search shows no such information about Buick changing the button so minorities don’t get shot. Then they go out and spew that as fact, maybe 1/20 people at a BBQ believe them, but then that 1 person spews it again and 2/100 people at the bar believe them.. “Bro CNN reported it, i saw it in a Twitter post in a meme bro.” ..and the propaganda continues.
  7. And never questioning a conspiracy but questioning everything else is very on brand for you.
  8. 1 death, and the cause of death is unknown/yet to be reported. No offense but i’m not taking the word of a website for selling comic books. The woman in that story was mentally unstable and a stalker. She admitted she suffered mental illness and went too far. She wasn't assaulted, she was claiming he was assaulting other people, much like many news outlets, and all those people are still alive, and no one is reporting her death. You’re telling me no reporter out there would love to claim the big bad juicy story of Kevin Spacey offing people? People love to call out people for way less shit than this. I’m not buying it.
  9. So why are y’all jumping to conclusions then.. From these statements anyone would assume: 1.) Spacey had something to do with it. 2.) There’s more accusers who have died. There is not evidence of either that i’ve seen.
  10. I did. It said there’s no information on circumstances of death and it mentioned nothing of other accusers being dead.
  11. That looks fun. The DIY eventually got bought up and there’s an office building there now. At one point though kids from all over had come to it and heard about it. Kids from Florida showed up one day and said they heard about it in Florida. It was wild. Some kid stole that quarter pipe and spray painted it black to try to hide our tags on the sides but they bled right through the paint and we saw it at a local park. Someone tried to stop my buddy and I from taking it back and we barked them off. They called the kid who stole it and he come down like a hard ass (screeching wheels and brake slams and all,) but when he realized who’s ramp it was he backed down quick. I also went at him pretty hard as soon as he stepped out of his car. We also steered clear of the DIY for a bit because local cops found a field of weed behind the spot. About 70 plants worth.. Needless to say all the run ins we had in the past and the new discovery in the back we wanted to lay low. In that time frame is when it all started going to shit because we couldn’t maintain it. Edit: theres a bunch of photos missing as well. We had orange barriers, fridges with kickers, CCS rail, all sorts of shit.
  12. Some photos of a old DIY spot we had. This was just about the time it died. Cops started rolling on us frequently. Kids started fucking things up, so on. Once upon a time this was a great spot. All those ledges had angle iron, the ramps were pristine, the spot was left alone..
  13. I might just go as myself as a 15 year old. So basically this kid minus the leather jacket and turn the hair blue..
  14. How it read to me is that he doesn’t go all in on matters he isn’t quite sure about, whether or not it aligns with his political leanings, simply because he “needs” to have an opinion on the matter, and that he feels like you think he has to. It seems you shopped around and decided on a set of beliefs you agreed with. You’ve said in other threads you would call yourself an AnCap, or in the least you have a lot of beliefs aligned in that philosophy. You throw Agorism around all the time as well. Thus your arguments generally come from those foundations. Correct me if i’m wrong on any of that. It comes off that you liked AnCap and Agorist ideology, and went whole hog on those systems. Where as some of us don’t form our opinions off of predesigned philosophical systems but information we gather, and if that may end up aligning with a certain ideology, so be it. Nothing wrong with either approach if that’s what suits you. Edit: dont know why the text size is so big, didnt intend that, ha.
  15. I loved Swing Kids as a child. Haven’t seen it in so fucking long.
  16. Doubt it will happen and i highly doubt either one of those dolts will make the long haul. Then again i highly doubted Trump/16 was actually going to happen, so what the fuck do i know. Edit: didn’t they try this in illinois and it failed miserably? Threatening imprisonment and all that.
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