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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. abrasivesaint


    I have a few issues with that breakdown. - Important information is left out. The suspect survived. If you just watched the video it would be easy to assume that the suspect is dead. - I believe 6 shots were fired, at least thats what it sounds like. - He talks about the inaccuracy of a single shot to the leg shot and how i t can be just as deadly or dangerous, which i understand, yet doesn’t discuss how the officer fired multiple rounds to his center mass and the man survived. He either missed a shot or two or the guy is Superman. I understand adrenaline is a hell of a drug but eventually multiple shots catches up to you. - “That’s how they’re trained,” isn’t an excuse. Queue the “Nazis were just following orders,” argument. He words it nicely but basically says that they’re trained to kill you. - Look at that half ass swing. The reports say the man was reported “swinging” a pipe at multiple people, doesn’t mention that a single person was actually hit. One would have to assume this isn’t Sammy Sosa at bat. - Like Kilz said, mace wasn’t mentioned anywhere. He mentioned the “less than lethal,” but not specifically mentioning the other methods would leave ones brain to assume a tazer is the best means of non lethal, and a tazer could be lethal. I’ve been maced, it fucking sucks, a lot. Not saying Superman couldn’t power through it, but it sucks. - Could have attempted to corner the dude and waited for backup. - He’s a Texas law man. You think he’s never jerked off to the idea of blasting a criminal. (Just trying to be a little fun to finish it off.) I may have missed a point or two. This said, i may be slightly biased. I’ve had a run in with Corpus Christi police and it escalated very quickly and almost became physical because the cop was an absolute hard on and i was a moron as a 19 year old.
  2. I’ve fallen off my diet hard the past few months. There was a point while living in Colorado where i had never felt better though. I was cycling every day, on the weekends it would be x10, and i was eating pretty good. I had a handful of meals i would switch between during the week. Always some mixture of meat and veggies. My breakfast in the morning when i got home from work was always, 4 eggs, parsley, bell peppers, onions. Every now and then i would add chorizo. I was also fucking with CBD heavily. I had a tincture that i would take 3 drops from a couple times a day. I had a Icy-Hot style cream for after skating/cycling that worked great. My legs would feel like they were radiating while using it. Sometimes i would have these patches that you would cut in half that the woman at the shop told me had the “relaxation equivalent of 2 Valiums.” Now i’ve only taken Valium once so i cant speak on that, but i can say, if i slapped that bad boy on my foot. I’d sleep like a fucking rock for 8+ hours easy. That was during the weeks, on the weekends all bets were off. I’d eat whatever i wanted and would munch weed edibles on my bike rides while hitting a weed vape pen if i needed a pick me up, (a friend bought and left the pen when visiting.) It was a glorious time for me physically and mentally. I was also fucking with my mentality through micro-dosing shrooms and occasionally going whole hog into a bag. It worked great for me. It felt cleansing and i actually feel like i’m due. In a few hours i had let go of so much negative shit i had been harboring my whole life. I had reached that point where i had no other options that i saw. Recreational drugs never worked, booze never worked, anti-depressants never worked.. a couple hard doses of psilocybin did the trick though. I’m very happy there seems to be some headway being gained on the positive aspects of mushrooms. Not saying they work for everyone, but they worked for me. Edit: i believe the CBD i fucked with was mostly Mary’s Medicinals. https://marysmedicinals.com/products/
  3. I’m fairly ignorant on supplements, and I don't know much about Stevia, but i know these drinks that i pound back instead of sodas have it..
  4. This thread makes me realize ive been slipping. I used to be able to nail almost every movie in here.
  5. I fucking love that board. The scheme was initially an accident but then i ran with it.
  6. I was actually about to order it but it’s $75, haha.
  7. We got a incredibly similar package, haha. I wanted to scoop a hat but could ‘t afford it at the time.
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