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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. The only 2 movies i can place that guy on the right in right now is Blue Streak and The Mask. Edit: correction, and Training Day.
  2. Rule 1: take off the governor. Rule 2: always make sure the flux capacitor is fluxing. Rule 3: prepare to see some serious shit.
  3. Mine is out for delivery as well.. agreed with the Christmas Eve comment, ha.
  4. It needs to be restored. It fires over but doesn't start. Wiring was trash. Obviously needed paint and such. A lot of little thing were just trashed. Definitely fixable though. I was going to sell it recently but where i might not need the money now the project might live again. If i’m able to restore this thing how i envision it, it will be a rad fucking bike and a pretty quick little bar hopper type bike.
  5. Bought this before i started traveling for work, so it’s just sitting in a garage back home at the moment. I did the easy part and started stripping all the things i didn’t want or were trash. Was about to tackle the engine but learned about a lovely little thing on Triumphs called a “sludge trap.” If not handled properly i could kill the motor so i decided to do more reading, or eventually say fuck it and bring it somewhere. Then i started traveling. Still had some more things i was going to replace, but was going to wait until i got the replacement parts before i took any more off. Bike is: 66 Triumph Bonneville frame. 650 Trophy TR6C Competition motor, i believe from a 71, and i’ve been told by someone with more knowledge than I it has a 750 hop up kit. I had some pretty grand plans for this thing, then life chose a different path for my financial gains.. would love to see what i’ve had visioned for this thing come to fruition.
  6. Edit: just noticed the tractor, answered my question, ha..
  7. abrasivesaint


    Arrested for what exactly? Edit: nevermind, found the story.
  8. Does this fall under politics? I dunno. Does to me. So much for the separation of church and state amirite?
  9. I remembered the beer wall being higher, ha.
  10. BB016806-6594-4D11-B9F6-C5FB61561747.MOV
  11. Hail season sales are the time to buy in Colorado!
  12. I didn't say they weren’t connected. He dies, charges go bye bye, like they did. An investigation into his death and the charges against him are two different cases though. The latter was dropped, as is standard procedure. It’s why the family of Aaron Hernandez of the Patriots was able to get his money. He killed himself after being convicted but during the appeal process, so in the eyes of the law his conviction gets erased. Epstein died before he was convicted, the prosecutors indicated that the case will still be investigated due to a conspiracy charge. Not saying that’s going to go anywhere.
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