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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. I don’t think memes fall into that argument though. They have specific, designed purposes that achieve their goals in grown ass adults, never mind children. The only argument i could see for video games, specifically first person shooters, is war propaganda. That is never the argument when video games are questioned though. The other stuff is nonsense. Kids do imitate what they see, (monkey see monkey do,) but it’s almost always harmless. I know i wasn’t immune.
  2. Memes have always bothered me. Of course some make me laugh, of course i check this thread, but I usually stay clear of the other “dank memes” thread though. Unless i am really bored. They don’t offend me whatsoever, i either think they’re either moronic, or i get a cheap laugh. Memes worry me, a lot. I’ve seen this with my nephew and now with my girlfriend’s son. Memes and youtube videos control their worlds. I am constantly checking what my girlfriend’s son is watching because he is just spitting utter nonsense that he saw in memes as truth. Children don't know the difference, and algorithms keep them engaged. If parents don’t stay on top of what their children are watching these videos can warp their minds pretty easily. I am also always checking friends and family, grown ass men and women, who post political memes to their social media. I know they think it’s funny, but they also post them in the, “yup this says it all,” manner as well. I forget who mentioned it up there, or if i’m making it up, but memes have essentially become a “Idiots guide to politics.” It is 100% the reason why i deleted my Facebook account.
  3. Fuck, that is a good question. I’d have to go to the store in Colorado and see the package to remember which one it was, ha.
  4. I’m fairly certain that patch i had was Mary’s Medicinals. Not 100%, but pretty sure.
  5. Are you in a state with shops? Would really recommend trying the Mary’s Medicinal stuff. You cant buy the patches online. I put that patch on the veins of my foot and i slept for like 12 hours easy.
  6. abrasivesaint


    Good question, and not a bad idea. Utilize the Red Flag system to automatically exclude them if they have a Punisher sticker on any of their property. If they’ve watched the Netflix series or movies more than once a year exclude them. I actually saw something not that long ago where the Punisher creators say they absolutely hate what the symbol has become, haha.
  7. Is there like a post limit for a day? I’ve noticed in my benching thread that the file size i can post goes down, for instance i know sometimes is says “total max size 170MB.” I just posted a bunch of photos and right now it says “Max total size 7.05MB”
  8. abrasivesaint


    Thats not surprising really. I agree there are a ton of people who should not be involved at all, i’ve really been questioning and toying with the idea of more people who are so critical of policing putting their money where their mouth is and signing up. You want “proper” policing, do something about it. People become activists for all sorts of shit, why not a police force?
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