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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. Not for me. I didn’t actually see Old School until years down the road, and while i think it is a great movie, it’s not my favorite.
  2. Talladega Nights is one of the best possibly the best Will Ferrell movie.
  3. I hope it holds. I hope he helped work it all out. What won’t be held is my breath.
  4. I just remembered you need a subscription to view the NY Times huh? Well, this was a good read i thought, and very similar to the point i was trying to make. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/22/opinion/trump-syria-turkey.html
  5. Never thought about it like that, haha.
  6. Understanding the difference between bias and credibility is huge, and a big problem throughout discussions at large. Many people i talk to or hear talking have this issue.
  7. Knowing what you do from following you and remembering, at least i think i remember, what you do for work, i was surprised to read how much you suggested to cut. Not that i disagree with what you said, i actually agree with damn near all of it. I think my opinion that we shouldn’t have left the Kurds the way we had may ha e been mistaken at some point for saying we shouldn’t leave ever. I also said at some point we should have never got into the mess to begin with, and have always been of the opinion to get us the fuck out of there. I just think we should have or should try to do it in some degree of an honorable manner. I also understand this is the real world and fancy ideas like honor and what have you don’t mean all that much in the end. Since 9/11 i’ve been of the opinion we should be majorly focused on defensive tactics from here at home, and respond with a cast iron fist when attacked, but properly. Not carpet bombing villages with drones killing more civilians than targets. Wishful thinking. Interesting to see you say you don’t think the country will last another 100 years, i can’t say i disagree. I’d like to hear how you think it’s going to play out. What’ll be left, what new lines will be drawn, and so forth. I have my own theories but it would be nice to hear others from people around here. Do we collapse and divide? Do certain regions get claimed by other nations? Do some get outright destroyed? Do states claim territory from other states? Who backs us? Who attacks us? Do we go down in a blaze of glory and hit the red button? There’s a book i have that i started reading and put down that i should finish, especially since this topic was brought up. It apparently discusses the collapses of empires past and how those civilizations always had new regions to run to (edit: and every time a new civilization collapsed the fallout was worse than before.) However when the US collapses, there’ll be nowhere left to go, and the fallout will be global and disastrous. Sounds like a good read from how i heard it described. (I didn’t get very far reading.) lol at imma dummy and be gentle though, haha. I feel the same usually.
  8. Television news is blatant propaganda to me. It is clear as day, to me, when you don’t watch it for a very long time, and then catch glimpses in a break room, or waiting room or wherever. It’s a comedy show. It seems like it’s out of a movie such as Idiocracy. Print media I tend to have a little more faith in, depending on who it is, because quite frankly, it’s more of pain in the ass to type a story in a dying industry then to just sit in front of a camera and blab, haha. That may seem stupid but it is what it is. If you took the time to type and cite sources, i’ll at least try to give you a chance. Even if it is from some ridiculously named website like “therealpatriottruth.com” or whatever. I almost always double, triple check stories to see how similar they are from various sources, and I try to check with news reports on the same issues from other countries, to get their perspective vs the home teams. My (very liberal) English teacher from my sophomore year of high school told me to “read all sides, all the sources, and form your own opinion.” I’ve tried to stick to that advice. Plus growing up in punk music scenes mainstream media distrust is one of the major talking points and alternative medias are usually preferred. In the end i don’t trust any of it fully, but i mean, you have to have a little faith somewhere. If it’s ONLY from MSM or ONLY from alternative sources is where i start to have issues though. I don’t trust anyone who only parrots CNN any more than i trust someone who only parrots say, Alex Jones.
  9. Decent amount of punk records in there, decent amount of some classic rock shit as well, then various other stuff. I actually built that shelf as well. was pretty simple and pretty cheap.
  10. None of that surprises me. I also try to find alternative sources reporting things i’ve read from major media outlets because of certain folks around here refusing to accept anything from a “MSM” link as credible in any way.
  11. I am unsure what you’re saying about me, haha.
  12. Agree about the economy aspect but i still think he’ll try to use the “defeat” of ISIS as a big win for him in making America great. The blame/praise on current economy is usually handed to the prior administration (edit: by whatever party isn’t in current control,) that seems par for the course.
  13. That’s a fair statement. I personally wouldn’t have an issue with troops being in Syria if the military agrees it should be. I would have issue with the money going to endless drone strikes from Iraq resulting in more unintended deaths than the intended targets like it sort of seems is going to be the course of action. I don’t know how else they would be continuing aid from Iraq.
  14. I agree that the original animatronics in the original were better. I would also agree with Kults that this remake was not better than the original, but i didnt hate it. In hindsight the attempt to rewrite the original story in terms of the possession/ AI robot is a little annoying.
  15. My comment about the taxation aspect was just to say that the money will be probably be somewhere we don't approve of regardless, as i said. The discussion of our tax money being used in manners against our wishes is a horse of a whole different color which i’m sure we’d actually agree upon.
  16. I agree, we shouldn’t fight all their battles for them, and we clearly aren’t fighting their battles for them. We were fighting ISIS along side them. I think we should at least still be there with them, even if we aren’t engaging in the Turkish-Kurd battle which i think would stop as soon as we landed back in town, because it didn’t pick up until we left town. Many military personnel agree, and want to be there as well. I totally get the taxation aspect but let’s get real, just like our deployment will always be somewhere, that tax money is going to go to something we probably won’t approve of. Trump is claiming victory over ISIS because he desperately needs something to cling to in an effort to claim he got something done for the upcoming election. Military reports are coming out against it and it’s starting to appear that it is not the case. As of August the Pentagon reported what i believe was about 18,000 members of ISIS still running about. Who knows how many have been and will be released or escape because the Kurds are being pushed back, the estimate is about 11,000 prisoners currently detained if i’m not mistaken. edit: and 70,000 some odd member of ISIS families, supporters, and the like. There is still plenty of time to boost numbers again. Look at what happens to American mobs, gangs, biker gangs, and so on.. They make these big sweeps, round up 40 some odd guys, numbers go down and the clubs, gangs, whatever, go more underground. Then the groups sometimes split into various factions, some young family members that are now older join ranks, new recruits take up the cause, and so on. I don’t think this is going to prove any different. Maybe we do pull back, let them figure the shit out for themselves. It is also probable that in time they will grow again, they will spread, an attack will be made, and we’ll be back at it.
  17. Touché. I won’t deny the death tolls from terribly executed drone strikes. Massive scale may have been poor wording. edit: to bring this back around though, we were talking about Syria and abandoning the Kurds. It was an incredibly dishonorable move, that we shouldn’t have done, i’ve yet to see one member of the military say otherwise. This is also how you create more anti-American factions.
  18. I was referring to Mercer quoting Bin Laden talking about our involvement and allowing Arabs to overthrow their own governments. I can’t imagine Bin Laden would have impose a well balanced system.
  19. I won’t argue this. Once oil is obsolete we’re all but gone. Fully agree with that.
  20. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/global-news-podcast/id135067274?i=1000454242099 Listen to the whole thing or start at about 4:40. A former US Special Forces officer who now works for a group called “Free Burma Rangers” goes on about how we betrayed the Kurds, the Kurds are being displaced and all believe regardless of the ceasefire they are going to die because of what has been happening during this “ceasefire.” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/oct/19/erdogan-threatens-to-crush-the-heads-of-kurdish-fighters-refusing-to-withdraw
  21. Also, centuries ago, shit 100 years ago they couldn't hop on a plane and be here in hours, and vice versa. I always try to look at things from all perspectives, mine, opponents, whoever. I understand what you're saying about his motives, but what sort of regimes are they replacing those they’re looking to oust with? One corrupt regime replacing another corrupt regime isn’t a win. It’s just a changing of the corrupt guard.
  22. I still think you’re naive to think violence on a massive scale is going to just stop because we leave. There are Syrians who want a Democratic system. I’ve seen a few reports that “pro-Turkey mercenaries” and “Turkish-backed mercenaries” are murdering civilians, regardless of the “ceasefire.” https://www-m.cnn.com/2019/10/13/middleeast/syria-turkey-kurdish-politician-intl/index.html?r=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wsj.com/amp/articles/kurds-say-turkey-is-still-shelling-key-syrian-town-testing-cease-fire-11571488971 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/popular-front/id1364539980?i=1000453983525 “We speak to journalist and filmmaker Khabat Abbas, a local born and raised in Qamishli, NE Syria (or Rojava). She refuses to leave as the Turkish invasion of Rojava gets ever more brutal. Khabat takes us through the last week and a half, explaining what she's seen on the ground as Turkey and its mercenaries try to destroy what the Kurds have built in NE Syria” I forget who recommended that podcast, someone around here.
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