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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. CBD has always worked for me. You have to know what you’re getting though. Some CBD has THC, some doesn’t. Some has very small amounts. While living in Colorado i would put 100 miles on my bicycle in a weekend easily. I’d come home with sunburns, with leg muscles and joints sore as fuck. I’d take a couple tincture drops, and rub an icy-hot style cream on my skin and i wouldn't feel my sunburn and when i woke up my legs would feel pretty good. I would even use it for mild headaches sometimes. I started smoking CBD and taking CBD edibles in the city i’m living in currently (before they made it illegal again) and it would chill me the fuck out pretty quick if i was stressing.
  2. This Southern Drawl is pretty good, try it if you can find it ..@KILZ FILLZ
  3. thought this said Freight Potatoist at first glance because of the quote haha
  4. screenshot and then in the reply box click the choose files thing
  5. As a teenager i recorded my voice mail to be one of the Jamaicans when he said “i dont know who ya are but i promises ya yousa dead mon walkin.”
  6. Was about to post but stopped to look that up, i never noticed how weird his run actually is, haha.
  7. Fuck... has to be Above the Law, right? only other ones i can recall are Under Siege and i know its not those ones.
  8. Except Marked For Death all those others from that era blend together, haha. Is Out For Justice the one with “anybody seen Richie!? Anybody know why Richie did Bobby Lupo!?”
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