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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. https://ktla.com/2019/08/06/gun-background-checks-and-red-flag-laws-with-author-and-retired-lapd-sergeant-cheryl-dorsey/
  2. “You awake my love?” - ASaint 2020 sup with them starburst though, hit ya boy with a yellow.
  3. Last time i took LSD i was staring in the mirror at one point and couldn't get over the fact that i looked like a frog. Last time i took shrooms i stomped around my kitchen blasting viking metal and Blind Guardian while drinking mead imagining what it would have been like to be a viking berserker.
  4. AI asked him a few years ago about Crash. I knew Crash worked on the railroad but hadn’t known anything beyond that and i saw him in the north east a lot, sometimes on trains that were fairly local. His response was basically “lets keep it a mystery,” and a wink emoji, haha. At the time i was sort of bummed because i was naturally seeking the knowledge, but in hindsight i respect and appreciate his perspective on it. I bought one of those prints he was doing of railcar logos with a hand drawn moniker on them and bro’d down a little bit on a particular moniker he had done and the message he wrote. Seemed like a good man. RIP TKK.
  5. True, sort of i guess. I dont sit in silence on a yoga mat and hit off the “om” but i mean i sit in nature and wait for trains to roll by. Or go for a bike ride and let my mind go, you could argue those are meditative. Person below has a preferred brand of bottled water.
  6. False, Clinton is the first i remember. Although i was alive for Reagan. Person below had to change the battery in a smoke detector recently.
  7. I used to be able to keep up in here, not so much these days.
  8. True, i guess, cooked a steak and asparagus person below has fallen asleep during Taxi Driver every time they've tried to watch it like i have, and has still yet to see it in its entirety.
  9. Dear collarbone, Cut the shit. It wasn’t my fault you broke you weak ass bitch. Stop throwing a temper tantrum in my chest, because it hurts like a mother fucker you’re really starting to piss me off. Best regards, -ASaint
  10. I was never promoting the banning of firearms. I have only talked about possible further regulations. You could argue that the gun violence has been going down since the enactment of “Brady’s Bill. “ This article doesn't specifically name Brady’s Bill as one of it’s factors in the decline, it actually doesn’t even mention it at all, but the graph/timeline in this photo could be a case for it. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/12/03/weve-had-a-massive-decline-in-gun-violence-in-the-united-states-heres-why/
  11. Fair and valid point. It had completely escaped me that the Bill of Rights itself could not be amended. No offense taken, and i will follow up on the advice. I would consider arguing the placement of importance of the 2nd amendment in the time it was ratified in comparison to today, but that’s a whole different can of worms. It is also frankly something i hadn’t considered until just now and its level of importance really isn’t existent as for as i’m concerned, so my argument would be trash and i don’t know if i would even end up agreeing with it. Some people would argue we are well on our way to a revolutionary war, or the fall of the American empire altogether.
  12. I have asked you to quote me numerous times and point out where i’m dodging arguments, and ignoring points or ignoring articles you have cited. I’m still waiting. Edit: I specifically left my fuck up in my search of the Dayton shooting when i typed in Daytona. I have quoted you and others directly. Elaborate on my bad faith.
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