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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. I just farted and my dog jumped up in a hurry and gave me that hard tilted head confused look.
  2. Trying to download shit on my mac but i dont have internet and hotspot sucks ballbags.
  3. Looking at bikes online, my bike sucks and the shop told me get a new one, haha. .
  4. True, was trying to get crackteeth back on here. Person below is actually happy the forum is kinda alive again (i am)
  5. Who was that dude that used to dress in that hipster-y prohibition style clothing and someone said “this nigga looks like he works at Knotts Berry Farm” ?? I wanna say he worked in NYC for a while and moved.
  6. True, been reading heavy into the politics and crypto the past few days. To the point where my lady has been eyeballing me and told me i’m being weird, haha. person below has taken a photo of a bug recently.
  7. Saw them with Baroness (it was just a 2 band show) a few years ago and the fucking killed it. One of my favorite shows ever. Saw them a couple years later and the singer was sick and couldn't hit a lot of high notes so it wasn’t as rad. Still good though. Edit: i want to say the lineup was Pallbearer-Skeletonwitch-Obituary. I ate some edibles during Pallbearer and that made Skeletonwitch fucking incredible. Not a fan of them, but for whatever reason they’re fucking great live when you’re on edibles, haha.
  8. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FSvNhxKJJyU
  9. If I walk by one of those sewer drains.. I’d be lying if i said i didn’t look twice. A lot of the other shit never bothered me though.
  10. Half tempted to alter Mero’s wikipedia page to include getting his start on the oontz. edit: the first time i saw his name wherever i saw it i thought “no fucking way.” Then i looked into it and realized it was him. Hadn't thought about that name in years.
  11. Thats a fucking sweet hat.
  12. I do remember when bitcoin first came around though and thinking people were fucking stupid for buying it. Then a kid i know turned his like $60 into 17k or some shit. Looks like i was the fucking stupid one. Edit: Anyone feel like crash coursing me? I’ve been reading through this thread but i still have no idea what some of it means, haha.
  13. Ive bought about $20 in bitcoin and have absolutely no idea what i’m doing. All i know is it’s gone down, haha.
  14. Saw T2 and the original IT one the same day when i was 6. Older neighborhood kid tried to scare me with IT, i thought it was cool. Funny enough when the reboot came out he contacted me about how excited he was and asked if i remembered when he tried to scare me, ha. last movie i saw was Lion King though, disappointing.
  15. Oof, been bit, or stung i’m not sure, by a wasp at the base of my spine/head once and that shit sucked.
  16. Dear 12oz, i officially have to go to page 2 to continue looking at threads to catch up now. Slow build, hopefully it stays. Dont call it a comeback. -A.Saint.
  17. For the record i tuned to 92.3 as soon as i saw this and it was playing The Smiths - Panic
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