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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. Fuck yeah! Thats awesome. Whats the setup you ordered?
  2. Diving into this for the 2nd time.
  3. Dear people of the Dear_ thread, Sup n shit? Been a long time. Glad some of us get to share the honor of having our names on a shirt. Oontz gang. -this old cunt
  4. Cue up Merle Haggard's - "Big City." First time checking the forum in quite some time, was instantly attracted to this thread. Recently made the solo move from a small city in the northeast, to a major city in the west, and i'm reaffirming old notions that I hate cities. The most at peace I've felt since I've been here was when i took the train as far out of the city as possible and walked along this river for a couple hours. It was great. For years i wanted to move more off the grid, or into the country i suppose. Not as far as to not have running water/electricity, but far enough that i can't see someone else's house from my yard. Being single, if i went that far into no mans land I'd for sure go looney tunes. Recently it's been popping back into my head to save as much as possible while i'm here, and start trying to make these old dreams a reality. I've never been one to care for shiny things, so giving up stuff like that wouldn't be an issue, and as long as i make money to acquire what i need to live, and maybe travel here and there, i'll be good. I've also recently been getting into archery. I've shot a few times in the past and recently decided to take a quick little lesson to learn "proper form," and plan on buying a compound bow in the future. The idea of hunting my own meat has been steadily growing on me for a while now. Hopefully I can make good on this within the next year or so. Having your own chickens for eggs is incredible, and elk meat is some glorious stuff. I like to make bbq elk meatballs from time to time, y'all should give it a try if you can. (I've read that the more you handle elk meat the tougher it can get, fyi.) The photos, stories, and information here is rad. I've wanted to get back to Montana ever since I drove straight through it from Sioux Falls to Seattle many years ago. I haven't gone through it but i saw KIR's thread is still kicking, that was also great material Lastly, splitting the firewood is definitely the best part Raven, I agree. Growing up it was one of my favorite things to do while camping. I even used to like watching log chopping competitions and shit like that, haha. (fucking neeerd.)
  5. http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=MZxCMvElxKk&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DMZxCMvElxKk
  6. its Rhode Island. stopped at that park one day on my way home from CT, ate complete shit trying to nosegrab over something. cool story. Richie Jackson..
  7. dear anyone with paypal/computer/i dont even know knowledge, i got a email to confirm a paypal account for a dude from China. i am not this dude from china. should i be concerned this dude has gotten ahold of information of mine, or just trying to use my email address fo some shit? im currently on the paypal site trying to find some customer service shit, but everything i've found you need to friggin log in to a account to report the problem.. -jcags.
  8. hit a used book store the other day. McCarthy - All the Pretty Horses. Hemingway - The Short Stories Camus - The Stranger 6 bucks.
  9. im pretty sure some kid i work with likes this band, and saw them recently, and now that i know what they sound like, im gonna shit on him endlessly. got a laugh or 2 from the usage of movies.
  10. i havent, but im going to before i read the crossing, not sure why i grabbed it first, ha.. just finished the Road this morning, onto the Border trilogy.
  11. after finishing Child of God i went and got these last night, probably gonna finish the Road by tonight/tomorrow morning, damn good.
  12. i like Poe, read a bunch of his stuff over the past few months just started this.... while picking away at these....
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