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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. dear cali, obviously she knows teh secks otherwise she wouldnt be pregnant. -jcagsfeelinglikeasmartasshaha dear christeezy congrats, i recently became a uncle, and i'm diggin it.. i get to take part in the cool shit and when it becomes responsibility time its back to mommy and daddy haha. its gonna be great when the kid grows up. -jcags.
  2. some of my friends do the microwave trick with every pair of shoes they get, i've personally never tried it. but i have a semi new pair of vox that fit weird i might do it to. jereme rogers is a clown. good to see mullen still rocking.
  3. horrible ending.. i've also watched approx 40 other movies these past 2 weeks.
  4. i cringe when i see that giamatti dude, but the movie isnt bad. its nothing special, but i mean peoples faces get caved in and limbs chopped off and what not.. this was good.
  5. dear grd, he played mostly his newer stuff, but: the boat, nothing left to proove, nomad by fate, valentine, wish on the moon, meet you in the middle, let it rain, and a couple others.. -thisguy
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by James Cagney (View Original Post) Prodigal Father was cause i've been on a MC kick.. haha, upon searching to figure out who it was, i discovered on page 71 that you sir, are a LIAR!
  7. finally started Anna Karenina the other day, about 100 pages in and enjoying so far. Cali, (i believe it was you,) did you end up reading Prodigal Father Pagan Son? whatd you think? the use of the same expressions started getting to me, like how everytime he talked about walking into a party his "eyes smarted from smoke", but i enjoyed it.
  8. dear grd, i've been meaning to ask you, maybe i have already and have forgotten.. but did you go see Chuck Ragan when he was in your area a few months back? saw him a month ago and it was worth every penny of the $30 i paid, and putting up with a little Social Distortion. never thought id see 3 guys playing a acoustic, a fiddle, and a stand up bass rocking the fuck out as hard as they were. -JCags.
  9. that wallride spot at 1:51 looks real fun.
  10. i like me some hatebreed, listened to some today, also like me some shai hulud, listened to that the past few days.. hatebreed and shai hulud all week make for a good week.
  11. nothing is fuucked, THEY'RE A BUNCHA FUCKIN! (amateurs..)
  12. ha, valid point.. Heat was the last one. watched the first 4 in the same sitting.. but i mean i could post 1 up everytime i swing onto 12oz and take a gander at this thread or i can consolidate.. does it really have to be that literal?
  13. ive never read anything by Bukowski, but i've heard his name mentioned about 3 times in the past week. makes me intrigued.
  14. saw this... thinking it was this because netflix tricked me..
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