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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. Was I the one who posted Swing Kids? I dont even remember hah
  2. Not surprised at all. I once saw bigger pop punk bands take all the door money and screw without playing because the turnout wasnt what was expected and their guarantee was bigger than the smaller hardcore bands.. third parties got involved and everyone got paid, haha.
  3. Nope, i did not, haha. Lost in text translation. I saw the abrasive and saint and assumed he was talking to me and just toying with the words. Thank you for pointing it out. edit: wait, looking back he quoted me directly. Now i’m lost.
  4. Possibly. I think a lot of it just may be the way i’m coming off, because generally it’s not how i’m intending to be. If i’m being a troll, to me, its fairly obvious, but i guess not, so maybe i’m just a natural cunt, i dont know. What some may consider me being a contrarian is genuinely how i feel, i don't generally just say things to say them. As far as people coming at others.. case in point: I’m not the one who just took a statement about not being right because you’re the country with bigger bombs and turned that into questioning whether or not i support slavery and killing civilians. You want to talk about far fetches.. I wasnt speaking as a “victim,” but again thats where it comes down to where if you dont agree whole hog with some views around here you’re a Clinton loving shill libtard fag with an antifa branded dildo in your ass. (< trolling.) Any sources produced that lean left are fake news media and lies, yet the other sources are always the truth. Whatever. Back to your regular scheduled programming:
  5. Tell this to the trillions of dollars we owe to China, American investors, and ourselves. Bingo. I was going to say this the other day but knew i’d rip open a can of worms i didnt care to rip open at that time. It’s better it came from you. These dudes dont come at you the way the come at some of the rest of us. Just because we have the big booms doesnt mean we’re right in what we do. Just because you win a fist fight doesnt mean you were the person in the right in the situation.
  6. I very rarely smoke weed but will eat edibles all day. So much better. edit: eat edibles, ride bikes.
  7. When i went back to MA for the holidays the one store i went to was pricey as fucking hell. $200 for 14gs of CBD. In Denver i could swipe an ounce of shake for $70.
  8. I think we need to hire Ryan Reynolds and his 6 Underground team. They toppled Turgistan with a magnetic boat and a parkour kid.
  9. I remember when i saw Municipal Waste open for Exodus those shirts were pricey. Like minimum $25 for Municipal shirts.
  10. It depends on the bands obviously, but ya $20 is pretty standard. I imagine something like a Metallica or Black Sabbath shirt goes for like $40.
  11. This movie is ridiculous. It’s like XXX on steroids.
  12. Had a roasted chicken pizza earlier that used black beans as a sauce under mozzarella with jalapenos, cilantro, tomatoes, sour cream... Never seen that black bean sauce before. It was damn good.
  13. This is coming from someone who has been on both sides of that fence. I drank heavily for years, WELL past the point of beneficial and WELL into the territory of detrimental to my life. I’m still reaping the consequences of what i sowed while drinking heavily. That’s not the alcohol’s fault, it’s mine. Alcohol is no more at fault for my stupid decisions than Trump is at fault for Iran blowing a passenger plane out of their airspace.
  14. I disagree. A drink depresses the nerves and relieves anxiety. Sitting down with a drink and some music is a great way to reflect on a situation (or your whole life depending on how deep you’re going into that bottle, haha.) Sitting down with friends or family for a drink can be a bonding experience. I have had conversations with people because of alcohol that i otherwise would probably never have talked to due to superficial differences. I have made lifelong friends because i met them at a bar and discovered we had a lot of similarities. Of course, alcohol can have negative effects, that we are all very aware of. Just about everything can. McDonalds is trash food. A Big Mac, large fries, and large coke is less healthy than a water with some home cooked chicken with asparagus. However, when you’re visiting your in-laws and your kid is screaming in the back seat because they’re hungry and you still have a 2 hour drive home, swinging through McDonalds and getting that little cunt a Happy Meal is beneficial. The kid gets food and gets their toy that they’ll play with for 5 minutes and kick under your seat, and you get some stress relief from your kid not bitching for the next 2 hours that they’re hungry. Too much McDonalds will lead to obesity and god knows what other ailments, but in moderation is fine.
  15. my brother’s presa canario - mastiff mix. He’s a big ol bundle of lap dog.
  16. Had one when i was a kid that my family took in from a family who didnt want him anymore. Almost every day i’d get home from school and he would jump up and down seemingly begging to be picked up. As soon as i picked him up he would bite my hands. He was a real prick. Still cried when he got hit by a car though. Stupid little douchebag.
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