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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. The man, the myth, the delivery boy..
  2. True, she neglects the pits a little bit at times, it’s never crazy so whatever.. person below thinks its weird that i dont care that much that rules, i dont listen to a lot of hip hop anymore, but Apathy is one of the people i do.
  3. Entirely possible @Kults Also, AOC cannot be VP as she is not 35, just reminded of that. I knew the President had to be but forgot the VP had to be. Joe Rogan apparently talked about this today on his podcast. PPS: this should all probably get moved to the Election thread, haha.
  4. See i dont know if i agree with that. Put the far left against the ropes. They’re not voting Trump, ever. So they’ll swallow their pride and do what Bernie tells them to do. edit: They both need those people that voted Trump because fuck Hillary. People that weren’t sold on Trump, but definitely weren’t fucking with Hillary. The right had/has their fuck the system with Trump, the left has their fuck the system with Bernie.
  5. I was going to say earlier that i think Bernie is the left’s Trump-style answer to their own establishment. They’ve had it with bullshitters like Biden, Clinton, Warren.. transparent, pandering twats. I think it’ll truly matter who Bernie would run with. If he goes hard with someone far leftish, he’s fucked. If he’s smart, he’ll run with a moderate, like Tulsi. I don’t think Bernie is truly that stupid, or will go that “commie.” I think he pitches that shit to reel the far left in. And if he’s calculated, will lighten up and reel the moderates in by running with a moderate VP. He doesn’t need the far left, he needs the swing votes like Mercer said. The far left and social justice types can bitch and moan all they want about shit like Sanders embracing Joe Rogan “endorsing” him on his podcast, but you know damn well they aren’t voting for Trump because of it. Rogan’s reach alone probably swung a fair chunk of people because those once critical listened to Sanders speak and thought “hmm, he really doesn't sound that crazy..” I still think a Sanders/Gabbard run could smack up the Trump/Pence campaign pretty good.
  6. Depends. (Edit: i may have misspoke a little bit on the closeness. Looking at their history, it appears there have been close races, but there’s also been some landslides, usually resulting in voting to leave an incumbent in place, or flipping the party altogether.) It’s interesting to see where these candidates have their backing on that map. On the southern border Sanders has Keene (a college town) on the left, and the Portsmouth/Dover area (pretty liberal) on the right, so that’s no surprise. The 2 big yellow patches are the areas of the largest cities in New Hampshire (Manchester and Nashua.) It’s all that scattered support that surprised me the most. However, Trump and Sanders do campaign on some similar promises. I would assume a fair chunk of votes for Trump in NH in 2016 were more along the lines of “fuck Hillary,” votes than they were strong Trump votes, as they are more of a “fuck the system” type state. These votes would more than likely go back to Sanders as he won the primary in NH against Clinton by a big gap, (It was like 60-30%) If they crush Bernie’s campaign again as they did in 2016, Trump has a shot in NH. If Sanders is the candidate, Trump is probably fucked.
  7. This seems misleading, because If you add the numbers of people who showed up and voted for various Dem. candidates, it’s well over 120,000 between Sanders and Buttigieg alone... these are of course numbers that showed up, and assuming for some reason people wouldn’t flip from lower polled Democrats to Trump, which i would’t bet on. New Hampshire, although usually a close race, and a history of largely voting Republican, hasn’t voted Republican since Bush in 2000.
  8. False, no idea what that is. I hear Mos Def’s name and all i can think of is Celph Titled saying “leave you black on both sides like i’m barbecuing Mos Def.” person below knows who Celph Titled is.
  9. abrasivesaint


    “Murder in the Bayou” on Showtime is a fun watch. About the Jennings 8, 8 women murdered and dumped in this small town of 11,000 people over the course of 4 years. It’s always hard with these sorts of shows as they clearly have a narrative to sell, but this seems pretty obvious there’s some fishy shit going on with the police in this case.
  10. abrasivesaint


    I would say in this situation, like many situations still today, some people saw the potential financial gains far more worthwhile than the potential consequences, some people just don’t fear incarceration or death. Jailbreaks were also far more common and achievable. They could bribe and kill their way out of many troublesome situations with a fair amount of ease, which, i would say, is not as easily accomplished today by your average criminal organization. While this approach doesn’t deter everyone, and i would argue is ridiculous in some cases in terms of states with non violent 3 strike laws, i would argue does work for you average joe thats had some fuck ups and isn’t a career criminal. DUI penalties get harsher the more times you offend. About 1/3 of all offenders become repeat offenders. This means that first time was still enough of a wake up to 2/3 of offenders to not repeat the mistake. I understand your argument @Mercerand if he was just another off duty cop i dont know if id agree harsher penalties should be thrown at him, but in this situation he was not just another person driving drunk. I also agree with @misteraventhat in situations where there is clear abuse of power, much like this situation, harsh penalties should be enforced. Those cops let him slide, a privilege not afforded to the vast majority of the public, and everyone involved in not prosecuting this man should lose their jobs for that abuse of power, in the least. He was 5 times the legal limit, had admitted to driving, and in possession of his firearm, all criminal offenses. He was in the middle of the road in the middle of the day, he could have easily killed someone. If this were any other citizen they would have thrown the book at them. There’s even footage of the on scene cops admitting he was drunk..
  11. abrasivesaint


    Maybe not double or triple, in the least it should be equal, maybe slightly higher. Stiff penalties are often enforced as a deterrent for normal citizens. Perhaps stiffer penalties should be enforced to deter those with a position of power and authority. Depending on what exactly we’re talking about here, no. Unless there is a conflict of interest. If they’re qualified and honest they will have nothing to fear.
  12. abrasivesaint


    Every cop between the Rockies and Kansas, just to be safe.
  13. abrasivesaint


    For anyone that’s not a cop.. “The penalties for a DUI in Colorado depend on how many drunk driving convictions the accused has and their level of alcohol. A DUI is a misdemeanor offense. A conviction for a first-time DUI can include: -From 5 days up to 1 year in jail, -A fine of up to $1,000, -Revocation of your license for 9-months, -Community service for up to 96 hours, and -Alcohol education classes. A driver with a BAC of 0.08% or higher can face a DUI per se charge. However, even with a lower BAC or no chemical test results, a driver can face charges for driving while ability impaired (DWAI), based on the observations of police. The penalties for a DWAI conviction are slightly lower than for a DUI, including: -From 2 days up to 180 days in jail, -A fine of up to $500, -8 points against your license, and -Community service for up to 48 hours. Note that each successive DUI conviction will trigger harsher penalties. A second offense DUI in Colorado will entail stiffer penalties than a first offense, and a third offense DUI in Colorado entails still harsher penalties. High Alcohol DUI An individual with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) 0.15% or above will be classified as a “persistent drunk driver.” There are increased penalties for drivers with a high blood alcohol content, including Level II alcohol education classes. Even if the accused has never been arrested before, he or she will be considered a persistent drunk driver with BAC of 0.15% or higher. A high blood alcohol content DUI may require a mandatory ignition interlock device (IID) for at least 2 years to have the driver's license reinstated.”
  14. abrasivesaint


    He didn't just fall asleep in the parking lot he left the car in though, he drove, and then passed out. He flat out committed a crime and admitted to it. He could have easily crashed the car and injured or killed someone. If he walked out of a bar and passed out in the parking lot we might be able to talk. Again, this situation would never happen if it were not a cop, not in today’s society. Back in the day i’ve heard numerous stories of this taking place. Cops giving rides, leaving cars on the side of the road, telling them to sleep it off.. it doesn’t happen anymore. Maybe in small town Nebraska, but on the grand scale, no way.
  15. abrasivesaint


    To hell with all of that. If this were absolutely anyone else, and not a cop, they would be in jail. He was 5 times the legal limit of .08, which is .4... At .4, you’re toying with alcohol poisoning related death. When you pass double the legal limit, .16, you can be charged with aggravated DUIs in some states, which comes with much harsher penalties. Falling asleep in your car drunk is absolutely a arrest-able offense in many states, including Colorado. If the car can be driven, and you are in it, they will use intent, forget admitting you had already been driving like this guy did.. It happens to every other John and Jane in America, it should have happened to him. edit: the next drunk person they find sleeping in their car won’t be as fortunate as this cop, i’d bet my next paycheck on it. double edit: not saying i don’t agree that people shouldn’t be able to sleep it off safely, but that’s not the real world, anymore.
  16. I’m honestly not trying to be a dick, but being “infuriated,” by definition, is valid. Surprise has nothing to do with the emotion itself. You can expect something and still be extremely angered.
  17. Anyone know how to transfer the BAT on mobile? I’ve been able to do it on my Mac but having trouble figuring it out on mobile.
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