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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. I’m still not worried. Theres 210 people currently infected out of 327 million documented citizens. Thats like .00000067% of the population. if that shit hits .01% maybe i’ll start getting a little nervous. Edit: a little over 3000 people have died globally since January. I’ve read before that on average about 3000 people die a day from car accidents. To me this is the mass shooting panic of viruses. Something i admittedly have been guilty of being concerned, maybe overly concerned about.
  2. 4 to 11 is definitely a spike. Still not too worried but, it’s growing.
  3. Agreed 100% I’ve thought numerous times about how that movie would be if they tried to make it, absolute blood bath. Child of God was the first first book i read of McCarthy’s. I can understand why @metronomesaid he’s never finished a book, because he has sort of a weird style. Many of his books besides Blood Meridian are 90 pages of flat reading and “what the fuck is happening..” Then it takes a HARD turn. The first time i read Child of God and i got to the scene in the car on the side of the road i was honestly shocked, haha. Did not see it coming. edit: one day my brother in law and I were driving somewhere and he picks up All The Pretty Horses off my backseat and just holds it up and says “really dude?” It took me a couple minutes to get him to believe it was a misleading name, haha.
  4. I’ll 2nd this. I’m calling for a lawsuit against Angel Soft.
  5. The more i thought about it tonight the more i’m not really even worried about this thing economically. I’m just really not all that worried about it..
  6. I don’t know if i agree the media is downplaying it. I don't know about televised media because i don't have a tv, but anything i’ve seen online has only been talking about the escalation of the virus. It is true that many agencies are just saying shit like “just wash your hands and you’ll be fine,” but i think they’re trying to just keep a lid on chaos as long as possible and also don’t really know quite what else to tell you at the moment. I agree that the most impact i see this having due to panic is economically. Medically, i’m no more worried about this than i am about dying in a car wreck at the moment.
  7. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/02/health/coronavirus-how-it-spreads.html?referringSource=articleShare edit: i’m honestly still not that worried about this virus. We’ll see.
  8. MRSA is pretty common. General infections and sicknesses, flu, common colds, so on. Also depending on where in the hospital you are you’ll have exposure to things like hepatitis (fairly big one), HIV, tuberculosis.. Something like HIV comes with a high level of concern but you’re fairly safe from it in comparison to other viruses. HIV doesn't last long when exposed to oxygen. I mean i’ve seen surgical equipment that had mad cow disease. While that is extremely rare, that shit has to get transported straight to an incinerator, and if you’re improperly protected from it you’ll be shitting in your pants the whole time. If you’re dealing with sterilization you could be exposed to things like Ethylene Oxide. Though this has been removed from most facilities, at least that i know of. Decontamination puts you at risk to everything under the damn sun, and protective equipment is absolutely necessary.
  9. I wonder if there’s any credence to whether or not the media coverage and spread of panic is intentional to drive forth consumerism during times like this.. Not saying i believe it. Just thought of it while eating a burrito, ha.
  10. Some standard supplies for hospitals are on back order, mine included. Things that protect healthcare workers from catching the numerous other viruses and diseases we dance around on a daily basis are out of stock. So healthcare workers are now at higher risk for catching other ailments as a result of this panic.
  11. I missed this yesterday. I agree whole heartedly about the media push for division whether it be class, race, gender, whatever.. it sells. I wasn’t saying it’s only white people who are racist. Hispanics i’ve known or know talk more shit about black folk than i’ve heard most white people talk, haha. I would say that although it may not be overt, it can still come with dire consequences. Someone who might be prone to racial ideas or the occasional slur may also be desensitized, or just flat out not care, about the hundreds of thousands of innocent people dying because of where they live or what color they may be. Does this mean that everyone that’s ever said “towel head” is a racist? Absolutely not. However, nature, and that division from an “us vs them” mentality can come much easier when those of us who aren’t keen to the workings of media, get sold on the ideas with ease. A little support, and a lot of desensitization, can go a long way.
  12. Again, simple statements turned to utter nonsense. It’s not what i was saying at all. Get fucked and have a nice day.
  13. As far as what to do about the virus.. Just live your life, but be cautionary. I’ve worked in hospitals for about a decade now. Ebola happened and they hit the panic button, and look how that turned out. I haven’t heard a peep about the Coronavirus. So either it’s not as bad as the news is selling, of they’re really at that much of a loss. I know the comparison to the flu has been mentioned throughout the media but the CDC has this to say about flu related deaths... in 2016-2017, 38,000 deaths resulted because of the flu. Average that out, it’s about 104 people a day. The only difference so far is the flu is relatively seasonal and Coronavirus has man unknowns still. If you’re in good or decent health i wouldn’t hit the panic button yet. As far as preparing for any panic of the population, that’s a different story.
  14. LOL. What the fuck are you even talking about? What the fuck just happened? Haha.. This went from pretty simple statements to utter fucking nonsense. Who’s knit picking? Who’s flying off the handle? Who said anything about jokes not being funny? Dudes getting real sensitive about some shit. Fun fact: i’m going to see Chapelle soon.
  15. I’m assuming this is in reference to the India violence? I never said we have any responsibility. I was pointing out that you confused Indians and Middle Eastern Muslims and that currently there is violence between the 2. You don’t need to be a member of the clan to be racist. I’ve never met a member of the clan either, at least that i know of, but i’ve encountered plenty of racist people saying racist shit.
  16. I disagree. People may not have been out there dropping dimes to the Feds and stomping Muslims and Middle Easterners every day, but the racist shit that flew around was heavy. PS: India is Asia. There is actually a lot of anti-Muslim violence happening over there at the moment.
  17. I’ve been waiting for the numbers next week to see whats up. But with my limited knowledge, i agree with this. I’ve been mulling over this idea of some sort of conflicts with China as a result of all of this. I can see them pressuring a smaller country and the US getting involved. If there’s some sort of revolt you know we’ll stoke the fire. A few politicians have also been talking beef with China for a while now, and with the fear creeping its way into the minds of many Americans, i can see an easy separation from any sort of sympathy or humanity towards Chinese, or Asians in general, if our government decided to slap em around. Not saying it’ll happen either, but if it does my “surprise meter” will be stuck on 0. I mean look at what happened after 9/11. Every Middle Eastern person was a terrorist in the eyes of many Americans. I’m not saying this is even remotely a similar circumstance to 9/11, obviously it is not, just pointing out how quickly a populous can turn on an entire group of people with a little nudge from the media and politicians. Natives, Blacks, Japanese, Communists, Muslims.. i mean pick a group and attach a little media driven propaganda and it’s off to the races with the possibilities. You can have some fools calling for bombs in no time.
  18. Enjoyed thread so far. 10/10. Would read again.
  19. False, i work overnight so i havent slept yet, but its supposed to be a nice day out. person below has trespassed on a golf course recently.
  20. I got fucked last year for the first time in the history of paying my taxes. I’m expecting the same this year.
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