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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. I’d highly recommend All The Pretty Horses or Child of God as well for those of you into McCarthy books, if you haven’t read them yet. McCarthy also wrote Sunset Limited. Only seen parts of it but i’ve heard it’s good, and dark. I think it was Sam Harris who said McCarthy is actually a super happy optimistic guy, the irony that all his books are pretty dark.
  2. I was thinking of a COVID cook off thread for some of those make shift quarantine recipes, haha.
  3. Hand them a crucifix and tell em to pray for cash. @mr.yuck
  4. I believe you’re not in MA, but i’ve been told if you dont have felonies you can talk to the local police chief and they can approve it. I can’t get one back home either.
  5. For the record the martial law shit is hearsay. Take it with a grain of salt, hospital staff love to gossip.
  6. Apparently New Orleans spiked overnight and they’re talking about arrests and martial law if these fucks dont start listening to Europe and stop gathering in groups. I guess there was a church that refused to shut down and some 300 people attended a mass.
  7. Is this shit about police departments not arresting for petty crimes legit or is this some viral social media nonsense? ... it’s almost like they want to impose martial law...
  8. Them getting together in small groups is no different than walking into a grocery store right now, in fact, it’s probably safer than going to the grocery store.
  9. I’ll kinda piggy back on that and say the singer of Sum 41
  10. Also, apparently my grandmother and her friends and family (of the same age) are out there getting together drinking tea, going for walks, playing cards, and telling this coronavirus to suck their dicks. Go nana.
  11. Props. Finished earlier. Sounds like this dude and i share a lot of the same thoughts on the situation, although he is definitely more educated on business and economic matters.. and prepper matters.
  12. Same. I bought a few more shares of a stock i have when it got lower, but the one i’m invested in is fairly cheap and hasn't had much drop in price compared to Tesla for example. Crypto i have touched. I realized that shit is far too volatile and i know fuck all about it. I have some money in it but ive generally just watched it bounce around trying to figure it out, haha. I think i’m gonna book a flight or two this week, i ain’t sweating this virus, and i want that cheap airfare. I’ve been watching my 401k and while it has gone down i haven’t panicked and pulled it out. I thought about pulling it and reinvesting during this situation but realized i don’t know enough about that sort of shit either. Bonds, metals, whatever..
  13. I was gonna say one of the Rolling Stones..
  14. Apparently a few hundred prisoners escaped from jails in Brazil. Ruh roh.
  15. Nah, let’s play.. I’ll mull over some ideas at work.
  16. Oh that i don’t disagree with at all either, i was just talking death toll. If you meant in terms of political power grabs and such then i’m on board with that. Like you said, never let a good crisis go to waste. edit: the social, economic and political ripple effects have a much higher chance to cause worse damage to society than i think the damage from this virus itself will cause in terms of general public health. I’ll check that podcast when i’m at work later.
  17. I agree with this. The economic consequences is something that is concerning, I will say that. Mostly because in the grand scheme i don’t know much about how this will work out on that front. In terms of this massive die off and comparing to Sept. 11th, i’m not buying. I’m not an anti-gun guy but, gun violence has already killed over 3,000 people in America so far this year, according to the gun violence archive, and that’s excluding suicides. Again, i’m a moron. The fuck do i know.
  18. I still dont think this situation is going to last more than another month or so. I think we will largely figure this shit out and we’ll see ripple effects for a while, but i don’t see this mass quarantine - mass death toll truly getting that bad. But... What the the fuck do i know. I’m a moron. Doesn’t mean i haven't taken a few precautionary measures. I’m just refusing to be sold on the doom.
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