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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. First time viewer, long time oontzer. Got to say, this is not the thread i thought it was.
  2. Try to stay safe @SMdoubleXLthat dude sounds like a real douche. We got told today that tomorrow seems to be the day we’ll all be reassigned because it seems the shit has hit the fan here. I mean i’ve already been exposed to COVID at least twice and i’m good so far so.. I’ve also already had people say they’ll drive here and scoop me if i wanna bail out so at least i have some options, haha. I have a job though, and giving that up during this time doesn’t seem like a smart thing to do. I also feel somewhat obligated to help here because i can. Fucking hell.
  3. True, except to take the dog out, food store, and work. person below is stocked up on frozen pizzas
  4. About to go for a run, and attempt to take the dog. Wish me luck. Jah bless.
  5. Some leftover corn from the other day, haha. Chipotle pepper carrots, and parmesan breadcrumbs on some pork chops. If you haven’t caught on i put chipotle pepper on fucking ever-ree-thang.
  6. For real. I took my dog for a walk to the park the other night at like 3am and i felt like i was part of the resistance of some Dystopian movie.
  7. False, i don't make resolutions person below has never seen Peaky Blinders either
  8. Anyone know if KOH is still out there slinging em? Havent seen any social media activity in a long ass time.
  9. False, i got 2 maybe 3 rolls under the sink. person below’s hands are raw as fuck from washing so many times
  10. Just for the record, i’m still doing what the CDC recommends, haha. Don’t want anyone thinking i’m out here trying to kill your grandparents.
  11. I’ve been trying to keep more to myself the past few days in my real world life because it seems like no one cares to hear it or think about it, but i think the issues with testing are pretty important to think about.. I think it’s largely a waste of time. I honestly feel like there’s a percentage of people out there who want to be tested just so they can talk about it. There’s also a decent percentage of people being tested that are wasting the hospitals time and resources, and frankly the hospitals cannot handle it, as we’re seeing.. That point about testing 100,000 a day is something i hadn’t thought of, and a point i think is also important to make. I think we’re largely wasting our time with this attempt at quarantining and testing. We will need to shut down for months to attempt to properly quarantine and i don’t see how that’s going to happen and not have collapse and chaos. I was talking with a coworker earlier who didn’t understand the current measures being taken either. The more i thought about it the more i was having trouble shaking the idea that in situations like this, society demands an answer, and they have no answers, so they do the only think they think they can do to attempt to minimize loss of life, because they’re not allowed to come out and just say “Listen. We don’t know what the fuck to do. Some of us are gonna die.” It seems it’d be easier to “rip the bandaid off” so to speak, and quarantine the more susceptible than the entire country. It seems like the lid is already off and been thrown to the wind. But, what the fuck do i know. I don’t work for the CDC. I’m just another idiot rambling online about shit. Clearly these people don’t give a fuck..
  12. I just realized that the voting off the island thing comes from that tv show Survivor doesnt it? Or is it Lost? I dont know. I’m kicking myself off. @mortonyou’re in charge now. Your last comment showed you have what it takes to be a leader.
  13. Line gets drawn at the use of the term bootlicking. Edit: and zeitgeist. Use either one of these terms and you are voted off the island. Haha.
  14. Hmm, i’ll say true, person below wants to kick their dog in the ass sometimes, even though you love them to death and would murder a small village if someone kicked your dog
  15. Was cooking some chicken and asparagus for dinner tonight and decided to get weird. Mixed a can of southwestern style corn and cream style sweet corn, added some chipotle pepper powder. Cooked the asparagus with some Szechuan sauce and added some chipotle pepper and some black pepper to that. Dumped the corn in Szechuan sauce. Added the chicken. In hindsight, WAY too much corn, haha.
  16. Right on, that’s awesome. I had a feeling that's who you were referring to because i think you had mentioned his name somewhere in the past. Definitely a good dude to know. Tangentially Speaking https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/tangentially-speaking-with-christopher-ryan/id566908883 Nine Club https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-nine-club-with-chris-roberts/id1121362690 edit: correction on the rattlesnake guy, it was 50 years not 20. It felt wrong as i was typing and i just looked it up to confirm. double edit: i actually started listening to Andy Stumpf’s episode earlier but am going to save it for work tomorrow.
  17. Why are grocery stores limiting hours? You would think a smaller time frame to shop might cause a higher concentration of potentially infected people potentially exposing higher amounts of other people. What am i missing?
  18. False, i dont watch my tv person below doesnt understand why grocery stores are changing their hours either
  19. True, and i would hVe to say anyone who says they have never lied is a liar person below plays Risk
  20. False, beer shits took care of that hours ago person below has a multi bulb light in their room and one if the bulbs is blown
  21. True, person below is gonna move to the middle of nowhere after this shit
  22. From the NYTimes. I got to say, if we actually did offer aid, he has a point, it is awfully strange..
  23. I think a diverse guest list/ list of topics is very important. I also think when podcasts are over produced and have shitty advertisement placements is a huge turn off. The rawness of Rogan’s podcast is what makes it so great, as has been mentioned here. I think you also live in a unique location to potentially have some interesting guests that may otherwise not fit the “mold.” Some of my favorite podcasts have been random guests that live lives completely opposite of mine and have interests, hobbies, careers or life paths i’ve never paid mind to. Jocko Podcast is a great example. Tangentially Speaking is also a good podcast for stuff like that. There was an episode with a guy that’s been studying rattlesnakes for almost 2 decades. I always thought a rattler bite was a death sentence, turns out it’s not. It’s not even the venom that generally kills people it’s the infection from bacteria in the snakes mouth. If you get bit by a rattler you can choose to go to the hospital, or ride it out if you’re a healthy adult. I think the dude said he’s been bit a handful of times and only went to the hospital once.. fun facts. But back to podcast structure stuff.. Rogan reading his ads at the beginning is a great way to do it because you can skip through if you choose to. The way Bill Burr reads his ads is incredible and i look forward to the laughs, but thats a hard model to copy, haha. When podcasts stop every 10 minutes and read an advertisement it’s fucking annoying and i’ve stopped listening to podcasts because of it. Just some food for thought if you get to that point.
  24. I think this can be an important point for certain podcasts. I know people that ONLY watch podcasts and will not listen to them. I often listen at work so watching isn’t an option. The skateboard podcast called the Nine Club has a great thing going. Monday’s they drop an episode with a specific special guest and go over that skaters history, stories, whatever. There’s a host and 2 co-hosts. On Wednesday they do what they call the “Experience.” They have an additional 2 co-hosts, bringing the total to 5, and sometimes shuffle in special guests if one of the co-hosts is out of town or whatever. This episode basically covers what happened during the week in skateboarding. While the Monday episodes can generally be listened to, the Experience episodes are far better when you’re watching them on YouTube because they play skate clips and there’s a lot more visuals. They also raffle products every week that get donated by various skate related brands and they drop the episode as a live stream on YouTube. You can interact with the hosts during the live stream/live chat and this is where you donate money. If you’re into skating i would highly recommend it. But that’s just a couple ideas i’ve seen that podcast do that i thought i’d share so maybe you could repurpose them to fit whatever you have planned.
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