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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. While talking to some friends about it i referred to the marinade and salsa as “sauces” and a friend began to accost me through text messages by starting with “First of all, you used a marinade specific liquid seasoning with ground beef and used it as a baste.” He also said that the guac is not a sauce. I called him a food fascist and said they were non conforming, sauce-fluid. Fucking nazis, man.
  2. Had some ground beef i needed to use up and i was lazy and didn't want to make a store run or get too extravagant.. So i whipped up some sort of off shoot of like a weird Shepard’s Pie i guess? If that’s what you want to call it.. I don't know, call it whatever. Ground beef, peppers, onions, southwest style hash brown potatoes, chipotle pepper powder, and then this marinade and guac salsa for some flavor.. Not going to lie, it was pretty fucking good. I was surprised.
  3. Anyone listen to the CDC dude on Joe Rogan’s podcast? Some worthwhile stuff to hear i’d say.
  4. Just dawned on me that the 3 front runners for our Presidency at the moment are in the top demographic percentages to die from COVID-19. Not saying that means anything, just a weird fun fact.
  5. False, person below thinks seafood can get fucked
  6. Steak in a Tennessee Whiskey marinade and carrots.
  7. Dominos pizza because my hungover ass was too lazy to cook.
  8. I’ll say true, person below knows whether the statement i’m thinking about typing, but not typing, is true.
  9. This isn’t a truly accurate representation. It’s because i did absolutely fucking nothing this weekend, haha. My average usage is usually 4hrs i believe. I have limits on many apps but shit like Instagram i’ve made a habit of smashing that ignore limit for today button. i really should make it a password and give the reigns to someone else as my self control is terrible.
  10. Damn! Once in 30 years.. maybe i am fucking up, haha.
  11. Ahh see, i’m one of those it builds your immunities types. While i generally don’t grasp things like handrails or train poles either, and i open doors by bumping them or with my elbows and shit as habit of working in hospitals, i’m not afraid to. I’d be one of the people side eyeing you on the airplane too. Maybe i’ll have COVID tomorrow and you won’t.. But i say rub some dirt on it, it’s good for ya.
  12. Ah fuck now i have to watch it again. There’s a lot to address around here at the moment, haha, i’ll circle back around. Maybe start a thread for the discussion of media sources, media control, that sort of thing?
  13. For those of us that are reddit-impaired, what is this rule set exactly? I can’t speak for how things are conducted on other forums, as this is the only one i’ve truly engaged in, but.. I’m not good with rules. I don't believe in censorship. I think sometimes it’s just hard to have these discussions, and rules may not affect that at the core. For instance, If someone thinks that information from one media source is lies just because of who reported it, and information from another source is scripture, then the conversation just isn’t going to go anywhere due to personal bias. Same as if they have no room for question in their ideology. While i have my own opinions on matters, i am open to a persuasive argument. People here have directly effected my opinions on certain matters by showing me a different angle, or something i’m just outright missing. For example: Raven reminding me the Bill of Rights cannot be amended, (in reference to gun control.) If a person is not open to questioning their own opinions, and is just here to argue their point and thats that, the conversation won’t gain much ground. While i do think trolling and shit can be funny, and definitely has a history here, and even if it’s directed at myself lets say, it can get to a point of total nonsense when people are trying to have legitimate discussions about real world shit. There’s a difference between trolling DAO photos and some of the shit that goes on in this section. While i don’t think this sort of shit should be censored, and i’ll say i’ve been a part of for the sake of the conversation, there’s a point of “ok... chill.” edit: aye on the memes thing. I’ll throw more ayes or nays around when i know what “reddiquette” is. double edit: Reddiquette is apparently considered an actual word as it did not prompt spell check.. interesting.
  14. All that said, numbers doubling like this aren’t a good sign, still not crazy in the grand scheme i dont think, but when numbers start to double, or triple and so on in a matter of days is when things can get squirrely.
  15. The problem i find with the flu comparison is it’s only because COVID has flu like symptoms, the deaths are from pneumonia like symptoms. Something like 50,000 people died from pneumonia related symptoms last year. So comparing COVID-19 mortality rate to pneumonia deaths might be a better comparison. I mean the sad fact is old people die from viral infections all the time, these numbers still aren’t really staggering, yet. According to the CDC there’s over 250k hospitalizations from pneumonia every year in the US. If we see a radical spike i’ll start to get worried, but 300 cases and like 20 deaths in a little over month is hardly end of the world shit. edit: more on pneumonia: 2.56 million died of pneumonia in 2017, about 450 million people a year are affected by pneumonia.
  16. ^^ You wanted an example of Fox being sensationalist.. there you go.
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