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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. US launched some airstrikes on “Iran-backed militias” earlier. Suck that COVID-19.
  2. People fighting over toilet paper, a mother fucker got stabbed with a broken wine bottle in Georgia over a case of wal mart water.. Jah bless the panic.
  3. Germany seems to be handling this better than anyone in terms of mortality rate. Fucking Nazi science and medicine man.
  4. How long do you think it will be until Italy is used as an example of why universal healthcare is a terrible system for America?
  5. Best of luck. Shit, some roundtrip flights around the country are going for $40-50. I’m thinking of booking myself a few trips, even if hell breaks loose and i decide not to go thats cheap as hell.
  6. These numbers seem to be pretty accurate when compared to other sources. It seems something has really gone awry in Italy looking at the numbers. I know it’s said you cant trust China’s reporting but it seems Italy and Iran are getting slammed in terms of cases/death ratios. Their mortality rate seems much higher than other countries. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries
  7. That part i’m not and won’t dispute at all. I agree it’s getting very real out there. I mean i had an exposure scare a few hours ago and i’m still reminding myself that every weird feeling or noise my body might make isn’t necessarily COVID-19. And that the aches and pains in my legs and chest have been happening since the other day when i ran 4 miles for the first time in my life, haha. I could go in to work tonight and have that scare become a reality.. I even stocked up on some food items for long term purposes just in case a quarantine/shut down of some degree does take place. The water, rice, and toilet paper shelves were absolutely bare. The canned goods, pasta and cleaning supply shelves were on the low side. Many vitamins and supplements were also sold out. What wasn’t on the low side was baby wipes. Fuck toilet paper i’m wiping my ass in class baby.
  8. I don’t care what news source put out that article, it was written sensationally. They could have chosen to write it like a professional and keep it to facts and yet they chose to write an opinion. I have yet to see any further evidence of scar tissue and “4 months of rehabilitation.” The virus is just breaking the 4 month point since it’s discovery in December, so how does this doctor know the recovery process could be 4 months of rehab when they can barely even treat the virus? This doctor openly admits they’re drowning in an effort to contain and treat the patients, never mind work on rehabilitation. They’re speculating, and provided no evidence in their opinion of what COULD happen, maybe. Again, not saying it’s not a possibility, but there’s no evidence of those claims. Yet.
  9. I don’t necessarily believe in universal healthcare. I believe if you want to pay for your healthcare that should absolutely be an option, as it is now and is something i would most likely take part in. The people who can’t afford health insurance should have some form of basic coverage and not have to worry about being absolutely fucked by medical bills even worse than those of us who have health insurance. Massachusetts has a system like this and it seems to work just fine. There’s those of us with our own insurance and then there’s those on Mass Health.
  10. Where? I’ve yet to see it, unless i’ve completely overlooked it. Not saying it’s not possible, brain damage due to lack of oxygen is also obviously possible, i’m just not trusting that particular article.
  11. I’d take this with a grain of salt. It’s an “opinion piece” by a “doctor from western europe” who seems to be in a state of panic themselves. I mean not attaching their name is a cause for question, and the title alone is pretty sensationalist with “GOOD FOR YOU. NOW STOP KILLING PEOPLE.” I don’t know much about Italian healthcare, but i do know we have some of the best hospitals in the world in the US. I would wait and see if a more reputable medical organization releases some information like that before i’d worry about any issues of scar tissue. If you showed me that article and could show me the apparent doctor who wrote it, i would not be a willing patient of theirs.
  12. By hitting the panic button i meant they will test us all immediately and quarantine those exposed. Things in Italy may be at the point where they aren’t testing medical staff because they need “all hands on deck,” but here we still have that luxury, at the moment. Surgeries are still running. If someone in a sterile field has coronavirus there’s going to be some real issues. People were already panicking and wanting to go home, some people were crying, people were pissed, some people were talking about beating the dudes ass who may have exposed us because of his irresponsibility. It got fairly messy quick like a scene from a movie, ha. Hospital staff is required to go to work during events like this, or get fired. If you’re sick, you’re sick, but there’s teams and protocols in place for situations like this and natural disasters, even shit like snow storms. If any sort of curfew does get implemented, state of emergency resulting in staying off the roads, ect.. medical staff are the only exceptions besides cops/emts/fire. It’s almost feels like having a key to the city, unless you look at it from an unfortunate perspective.
  13. Where have you seen this? I’ve seen absolutely nothing that suggests this.
  14. Nothing serious yet, they were just touching base, nothing’s been confirmed and no extra steps have been taken.
  15. I mean i’m also the highest at risk being in the medical field.. Funny thing is nobody has hit the panic button yet in terms of management or higher ups, so i’m not too worried still. You would think if there was a real cause for concern in surgical staff that the panic button would be smashed real quick. edit: scratch that, management meeting just called.
  16. Apparently i work with a dude whose wife works at the retirement home in Louisiana that has had 3 cases of COVID-19. He brought her to the ER with a sore throat and has been working all day and even after dropping her off came up here to talk to people. So everyone may have been exposed, could also just be a sore throat.. Will keep posted about how shit unfurls; most people here are spazzing right now. The irony that i may be the first around here to be exposed is hilarious, haha.. @Kultsyou’ll be in charge if my euology.
  17. Hahahaha. Curfews? For what? Is there new information that COVID-19 only comes out at night now? This panic is something out of a shitty horror movie..
  18. Graffiti writers when they hear the dude on Rogan’s podcast say the medical masks won’t help but there’s respirators that would..
  19. Sorry, let me elaborate. I meant stock up, catch it willingly and isolate myself until i’m good again. I didnt mean catch it and go about my life normally infecting everyone i pass by.
  20. If i’m not mistaken no one under the age of 9 has died from it, or at least been reported to have died.. Interesting if true. If Alex Jones is right about the government cults drinking the blood of our youth i imagine you’re about to see them popping out of the woodwork and kids going missing on a grand scale, haha.
  21. Is it weird that i kind of want to just catch this shit and get it over with? Not get it over with as in die, but fight it off. I mean obviously dying is possible i guess but seems far less likely for my demographic. Also, i’m going to assume this dude just scared Chapelle/Rogan right out of the show i’m supposed to see them at in April. Fucker. Haha.
  22. If you’re referring to the mom from the Goonies or Throw Mama From The Train, i do not believe it is.
  23. False, i like to think i am and tell myself i am, but i also know its a lie if i actually think about it person below knows how to play Forty Fives
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