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Everything posted by 26SidedCube

  1. VIVA LA HIP HOP RESISTANCE! ..gimme a break.
  2. I've been 5'9" and 175-180lbs for the past few years, which was alright because I've got this wide German-Finnish frame that distributes fat pretty evenly, but thanks to hitting the gym 4-6 times per week I've dropped a considerable amount of weight and turned a shitload of fat into muscle in the past two months. Currently: 160lbs. ...and aiming for 150-145 just to see if I can get there. Losing weight is easy if you've got the time for it. Thanks unemployment!
  3. To fully appreciate these guys you almost have to forget that you're listening to Pearl Jam and just take it in as good rock music. Which is exactly what it is: Solid rock and roll. Fuck anyone that says otherwise.
  4. There's taste and then there's stupid. This shit is just stupid. Not like 'Ew, I don't like that, that's stupid!'-stupid. I'm talking full-blown 'I hope you don't take that approach to everything else in your life'-stupid.
  5. I'm about to drop the Browns off at the Superbowl.
  6. What exactly do you do, Fermentor? I've noticed you talking about video/music production equipment quite a bit on here. Beats? Video editing? Production? Got anything to share? I figure if you're looking into a protools setup you must be pretty decent at whatever it is you do.
  7. someone should add this to that wikipedia page.
  8. Dude, MOST music, or art in general, is a contrived mockery of itself by default. Why? Because being an 'artist' in the 21st century is a matter of ambition and not devotion.
  9. Yo, be sure and cancel that shit the DAY it ends or else it's going to roll over and you'll be billed a dickload of money. I made the mistake of letting a membership run for months because, like an optimistic dumbass, I assumed they forgot to cancel my trial membership. Wrong. When I realized my credit card had been billed for 6 months of porn (@ $40/month), I called customer service and gave 'em the 'broke college kid' story. Luckily the receptionist was some Indian guy who barely spoke English- dude re-imburst my card for everything but the trial membership. So, basically, that's how you swindle six months worth of overpriced porn for $5.
  10. All I know is that I've been in and out of Amsterdam twice without ever talking to anyone in customs. I don't know if things have changed in the past four years but that place was a joke.
  11. ^Yeah. I've actually had to explain to people that this show is satire. The fact that people don't realize this scares me.
  12. Now you're just being ignorant.
  13. Why can't everything orange be Dratts? My doctor says "Dratts".
  14. aka: The one snack I won't ask for by name while in jail.
  15. -Tim Horton's cream of broccolli soup with a shitload of crackers. -Tracks five and seven on that Clipse album. -80% of all the beats on that Clipse album. -Arabic food. -Having a car for the first time in a two years (moving sucks).
  16. The only (legit) way I know to make money that fast is to sign up for one of those bullshit 'work every day for a few months' labor jobs where they cover your hotel, food and transportation somewhere out-of-state. I know a few dudes who are away doing a three-month tour of storm-ravaged Florida and they'll have around $15,000 banked by the time they get back. Then again, I dunno how often word of this type of shit spreads out to BX. And, seriously, fuck going into the military. Some dufus I went to highschool with signed up for the same reasons you mentioned- not having shit to do with his life- and got a hernia while on duty. Which is fine, because hernia's aren't really shit in the grand scheme of things, but the problem came when dude had it operated on and the military doctors clipped when they were supposed to tuck and caused some major nerve damage that he'll be dealing with for the rest of his dufus-ass life. Compensation: About $1,200 a month for the rest of his life. You know, just enough to pay rent and sit around and drink because even sitting in a classroom for 2 hours has become unbearable. By the way, I just bought a car... so, like, plan on throwing 40's full of rotweiler piss off your roof come June. I'll scream at ya.
  17. That first set of pictures doesn't do her any justice.
  18. You guys should give it the appearance of a makeshift weight room by scattering some dumbells, towels, vitamins and the occassional jug of mineral water about the room. Then invite company over and act completely casual when you're down there. You know: take a seat in a torture chair, bind one of your arms, flick on the video camera and start doing curls. You'll probably find yourself as the CEO of a multi-conglomerate by the week's end. And seriously, this thread gives new meaning to the word 'scattered'.
  19. I was trying to find the words to say exactly the same thing when I started scrolling down... and then BLAM!, guy nailed it. I mean, I don't know anything about actual 'technical aspects', but that final freefire-zone sequence was impressive as fuck. Especially when all thse people waving their white flags got flushed and mowed down like some fairways. B-.
  20. that tead guy has a seventh sense that intercepts jakes at like 20 miles. the sixth one detects steak, beer and diner food. or so i've heard.
  21. jackass as in a mule or mtv degenerate-types? let it be known: either way I'm going to start using this.
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