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Everything posted by 26SidedCube

  1. White? Black? Mainstream? Underground? Punchline? Storytelling? Abstract? Hood? In rap, none of that shit fucking matters. All that matters is that you've got soul. Period.
  2. College? Why? All the information about anything you could ever want about anything is available at the library. Sure, it might take you a while to find the best way to cohesively present it to yourself (in a logical, sequential order) but it's all there. I recommend no one goes to college for at least five years after highschool. Get to know yourself without the distraction of 'peers'. Read up on the things that genuinely interest you and get a head start. Then, if you want to make a living out of the things that interest you, dish out the cash. That or just do like Glik0 said and get good at something on your own. Degrees only prove that you can stick something out for 4+ years... but nothing negates true ability.
  3. I just hate shitty drivers. That's seriously the only thing that pisses me off on a regular basis. Other than that, I'm usually peace. Sure, I hate ignorance and all that.. but nobody should actually have to state that.
  4. Early teens/twenties? How many people in their early teens/twenties know about the sitcom Dallas? There's so many obscure cultural references in that show you practically need someone in their 40's sitting around to catch half of 'em. Family Guy is great. Like Mams said, if you can't hang you're just looking for a reason to hate. And since when is 'lowbrow' humor a bad thing? I like cerebral shit as much as the next head, but there's a time and a place for stupidity. Family guy does it well.
  5. I mean, I don't understand the hostility.. but dude has a point.
  6. apparently you can download it off itunes... so it shouldn't be that hard for people to check out.
  7. wait. the computer makes your sammich?
  8. shocking? who said anything about it being 'shocking'? shit's just certified strange.
  9. I dunno, but that 'un chien andalou' thing he did was sorta bugged out.
  10. Seriously. And the Southpark's writers are just mad because Family Guy doesn't have to try to drive home "THE ULTIMATE POINT" at the end of every episode to stay 'edgy'. And don't get it twisted: I like Southpark. Even though I haven't watched it in 2 years.
  11. beings that I've injested roots that've left me convinced that i'm a xanax on the floor of an all-night pharmacy, a root that makes you 'sleepy' isn't too hard to believe. velarian. i've heard it really works.
  12. Ew. Shit's got hermaphadyke clit.
  13. I don't even have an opinion on these guys as a band, that's how insignificant they are to my personal musical archives. BUT... Flea's ill on bass and I liked what he did on that first Mars Volta album, so, gay or not, I respect that guy as a musician.
  14. Necro's about 600 miles from being ICP.
  15. yeah, bees don't have shit on the wasp community. those fuckers attack at random.
  16. Faggots need to start ghostriding the hang-glider and put an end to this shit.
  17. Yeah. Making sure your muscles actually work is totally retarded.. Like, why bother doing anything that isn't out of neccessity and stuff, bruh.
  18. Sayin'. My problem is that I'm exactly like dude in question, excep that I don't really need graffiti in my life to have a fucked up time passing out at night. This means, simply, that if you put me in a major metropolitan area, chances are that I'm going to end up breaking the law. It's not a matter of wanting to write on shit. I just do retarded things after dark and, in a city, writing on things is one of the easiest/most rewarding ways to destroy. If I'm not in living in a city (like now), I'll find someone to drive around to random areas and bullshit with.... which usually leads to someone breaking the law by either blowing up propane tanks at construction sites, putting rocks through windows or melting porta-potties with 2-litre gas/oil combination bombs. I can be a dumbass. So, mostly, I've taken to lifting weights at weird hours. That seems to keep the trouble at bay and the energy managable. Push-up and benches are the savior of my freedom. Pussy helps too, but sometimes after I hook-up with a girl I don't really like I just want to destroy more shit, so I tend to stick to lifting.
  19. Jail's weird like that. If you need to lose weight, you'll do it in jail. If you need to gain weight, you'll do that in jail, too. Or so I've noticed.
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