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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. mr.yuck


    I dont understand what the set up was or what his initial problem was. Like were the police targeting this belligerent fellow specifically by his vehicle for reasons unknown and when it turned out to be his dad, they (police) concocted some other nonsensical scheme to mess with B.F.? @Merceryour take?
  2. mr.yuck

    Current View

    That's sweet. What kind of trouble would it be to do a repeating geometric pattern around the entire slide? Like fish scales for example.
  3. mr.yuck


    I equate that guy to the guys that try to explain to the police how they are sovereign citizens but also cant quite articulate their thoughts properly so they just get loud and belligerent with it. I enjoy watching those guys.
  4. Im gonna go cut those shrubs down one day
  5. mr.yuck

    Current View

    @ndvis that your work?
  6. mr.yuck

    Current View

    @misteravenhave you given any thought on doing 12oz engraved 80% lowers? You know, for "novelty" purposes!
  7. Not a van but I think this thing is cool enough to share here https://bringatrailer.com/listing/1978-toyota-chinook-4x4/?utm_source=dm&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2020-08-12
  8. I just binged this yesterday. That first episode with the guy who moved to baltimore was the shit unsolved mysteries was built for. Im having a lot of fun watching people discuss that episode on reddit
  9. @Steel Schnauzerheyyo my man. Is that kraft liquid gold on those rolls?
  10. @Kalashnikovim doing the same thing. Im a strict mask wearer, hand sanitizer, social distancer. But so was my aunt, only going out to go grocery shopping. I dont know what to think. Id like to go get the test but at the same time I dont want to put myself needlessly in the center of the plague rat nest.
  11. I just found out my aunt went in for a physical and while she was there she asked to get the antibody blood test. She got the antibodies and never knew she was sick. Im wondering how many people are ducking and covering and worried to death but have already gotten it.
  12. @NightmareOnElmStreetI watched broken flowers several years ago and continuously asked the person next to me "yo, what the fuck is this shit?" I dont know if I just wasnt feeling bill murrys suicidal phase or what.
  13. @KultsI got a surprise for you Ive also had my eye on this waxed trucker coat for a while
  14. That's pretty dope. Ive been sleeping on CRKT. I thought all they pumped out were those little $20 or $30 walmart knives. I just scrolled through the site and found this
  15. 4f054832f1606ba81f03be51f40aeb93a4580a7a.mp4
  16. I buy all of my cars that I need to depend on 2 or 3 years used. Sometimes they are still covered by manufacturers warranty, sometimes dealership warranty. I've only ever bought 2 vehicles brand new and they were both work vehicles. I got really tired of one thing after another breaking down on my daily drivers. I think the key is to sell it in another 2-3 years before it starts crapping out and it depreciates completely. I cant even begin to fuck with dealerships and how they charge for any given task.
  17. @ndv I probably wont talk them down. I have a feeling they might be selling this project to make ends meet. My last project was an absolute cluster fuck. I bought a 73 buick centurion. Every single panel and pan was blown out and the vehicle was such a small run, none of these companies wasted their time repopping anything for it. So I found a duece and a quarter roller on ebay that I picked up for $500. I was gonna swap the 455 and tranny from the centurion into the electra but some more other shit went sideways and nothing came to fruition.
  18. Thats awesome @ndvI love sleepers. Nothing like watching some one get smoked at a red light for trying to race what they think is a shit box. Shit. I didnt have any idea how expensive these fucking things were even in shit condition. I just found some ones unfinished project that fits the bill nicely for $3500.
  19. @Deine Mudder My favorite thing as a kid was ruhrei mit schinken and bratkartoffeln.
  20. Drammit man. You would figure shoe sizes would be a pretty exact science by now.
  21. No way man. I trimmed down the services I offer to trim carpentry and paint and Im fucking killin it. I worked almost 3 full days and 7 half days last month and cleared like 15k after payroll and expenses. Its weird. I know a bunch of electricians but no one is picking up their phones. Im sure they are busy as shit cashing in on this storm damage. Oil is easy bro. A bolt at the bottom to drain it and a hole in the top to pour the oil back in to.
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