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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. Who cares? Lets make it 10 trils and get this show on the road.
  2. I found this dope home made ET at goodwill today
  3. Bohunk is another fun one. I remember my dad and my gramps using that one fairly often as a kid.
  4. You can. You just have to register on the u.s. site and then log in thru the app. I just signed up the other day.
  5. My understanding of tax law is that it is open to interpretation. You do as you please, take the deductions you want and if you get called on your shit, you either pay up or you plead your case in court. In the latter of the two situations, it helps to already have incredibly deep pockets.
  6. I do have a friend thats convinced he is a sovereign citizen all while being entrenched in the government and all of their trappings by owning his own business. I like his stances on taxes and his situation is favorable to mine when it comes to such. Accepting only cash leaves nothing to report. I have to play along with the rules the way I am set up. So if Im going to play by their rules for the time being, I want to employ every tactic that billionaires employ to pay the least possible.
  7. Is anyone here a CPA or has anyone ever filled out form 1120S to generate a K-1? Can you walk me through it so that I can claim 50k as dividends instead of taxible income?
  8. Them boys are grillin the interstates on the peninsula!
  9. What do you think ogre pussy smells like?
  10. Yeah. But it was weird. Girls would never hit me up online, they would just catch me at a bar or a house party and laugh extra hard at my stupid jokes was usually the signal.
  11. Haha. I took a picture of my dick and set it as my background pic on myspace and let the rumor mill do the rest.
  12. I was just watching family feud and this lady got all bottom answers in the final round. It was all 3s and 5s. Lol. Trash.
  13. The lady that lived downstairs from me called me one day screaming that her ceiling in her kitchen was caved in and there were mushrooms growing out of her wall. I started laughing and went down stairs to check it out. So Nuff there was a giant slab of plaster still attached to wood lath that came down, smashing through her little breakfast table. The mushrooms in her wall just turned out to be effervescing plaster. So I told her I'll call rich and get him over here to figure out what he's gonna do. He finally shows up around 830 pm. He comes straight up stairs to my place and he's like "its probably your sink plumbing," without missing a beat. This dude was notorious for scavenging used parts from his other houses to do repairs at other properties. So I asked him if he repaired my sink at some point with used parts, knowing that at this point I had already lived here for about 5 years and the only time he came inside was to get the rent. So me and rich climb through this little access door in the eaves to get access to behind my sink. When we get back there, the fernco looks like it was installed dry rotted about 10 years ago and was for sure the culprit. When we crawl back out I says to rich, I says "at least it only like a $3 part." Rich looks at me and says "yeah. I think I got one at another house I can go grab." We both started laughing but we both knew he was serious. He stepped outside to go run and scavenge this repair part. He was gone for about 20 seconds before he came back in and said "actually man, I was on my way outta town and Im running late. Do you just have some tin foil I could borrow?" The dude wrapped the shit up with foil and disappeared for a few weeks letting the shit rain dirty dish water on the lady below for about 20 days. He eventually had me patch the ceiling below and took it off my rent.
  14. Just looked up binance and read nothing but terrible reviews. Is this just internet fags being over critical of the thing? Does anyone have any practical experience with it justifying complaints of lost money during funding from bank accounts and non existent customer service? @poes
  15. I was trying to convince my wife to get that new razor with the foldable touch screen. Was curious to see how that screen held up. She is a fan of the moto z. That was a good phone that lasted her about 3+ years. I had the same phone and had battery life/charge issues about 13 mos in. Now Im rocking the cheapest on sale ass phone I could find at the time. Galaxy A50. I dont recommend this phone to anyone. It does what it wants. As soon as I do an update there is another update ready to go. Lol. Good luck.
  16. To expand on @abrasivesaintquestioning, where do you get your info on all this various crypto? It seems like a wacky world of bullshit out there and I have no idea how to separate the wheat from the chaff.
  17. My last land lord was mr fixit. Mister skirt the law. Mr hire some junkies off craigslist. I gave him a bunch of pain killers once and he took it off the rent. There was a time he hired some primo crack smokers to cut some tree branches from a big ass tree out front. Three of them showed up. Two little guys and one big fat guy. So they sent the 300lb dude up the later while the 2 little guys held the bottom. The fat guy fell off the top of the ladder and blasted his head open on the side walk. There was blood staining the sidewalk for a while after that. The landlord came over complaining about how the tree guys were suing him and some one else was suing him for lead poisoning their kid and the people that lived in the converted garage on our property was suing him because the ac unit fell out of the window, hit the roof below it and made part of the ceiling cave in on grandma. Lol. I cant believe I lived there for 7 years. I have more all from this place. I'll post later.
  18. @Tails0nElol jesus christ bro. I was really hoping this att and sprint merger would have given them a leg up to competing with verizon and who ever else. It just seems to be more power to fuck over their customers.
  19. Here we uave the whole crew at H&R Block trying to figure out how to charge me $35 to print out my taxes from 2017.
  20. @Dirty_habiTi feel like this change happened fairly recently with amazon too. Like maybe within the past year or two.
  21. Back in the days when you could chalk it all up to boys will be boys.
  22. One day after highschool I was fucking around in my car on a side street trying to duck this one annoying kid. I was with my ace at the time and I threw the car into reverse and started creeping backward so wouldnt see us. I didnt even fucking look and crashed into the ladies bmw behind me. The homie jumps out of the car and starta yelling about his neck like it was her fault. I jump out of the car and hes talking about suing me. I geg even louder and tell him I'll kill him before he gets a chance to take me to court and add in "I know where you go to school." I look over at the lady and to see if there is any damage. She is crying and shit and it looks like those two little vents are hanging off the front. I offer to try to put them back in for her and through the tears she tells me its no big deal, dont worry about it, I'll fix it myself later and she took off. It wasnt until years later I realized that she was probably terrified that I was going to hurt her or her kids after listening to the exchange me and the homie had just before. I hope her husband didnt beat the shit out of her when she got home.
  23. Hahaha. How did I miss this masterpiece?
  24. Nice thread bump. Ive been missing yard sales and fleas badly last year. I also get into a bunch of places where tenants have dashed in a hurry and left behind some cool shit for me. Im hoping this year things open back up.
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