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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. Nah. I dont do that anymore. I had 8 employees once upon a time. I do help people make the transition from employee to business owner a lot though.
  2. Good. Maybe this is the wake up call these youngsters need to realize their relationship with government and politicians. Hopefully they all move on to get real jobs.
  3. @KILZ FILLZyou're not wrong. I straigt raw dogged that pb&j burrito. I used to throw them shits right on the stove top, too, until my old lady started yelling at me about the flour dust or whatever leaving black residue all over the place. Now I heat them up in a pan with my pinkies up.
  4. How long do you cook yours?
  5. Lol. I just watched the video. 😂 He kept falling down. That old leg probably turned all kinds of green and purple instantly. Ol Joe tried to play if off but deep down inside he was like this:
  6. Hell yeah. That shit is always funny. I hope some one has put it to some benny hill music already.
  7. @NightmareOnElmStreetI over extended myself again. Shit happens from time to time. Hopefully this will be the last time this ever happens.
  8. Im gonna put yall up on game. Ive been livin poor as shit for the past few weeks. So Im starting to experiment with fusion cuisine.
  9. I think an important distinction to make regarding crime and illegality is malum prohibitum and malum in se. I think this is great place to start with separating and then examining your own beliefs.
  10. Lol. Gimme a break. Drug dealers fall into all political spectrums. Just like they fall in all socio economic backgrounds and also come from all races. This whole "conservatives aint never did no wrong" is silly.
  11. I think this is a valid statement for a lot of todays favorite fuckboys. I know I could be a lot more successful with a multimillion dollar spring board than with out it.* *The above statement is not an endorsement of any Trump business, property, or family member; living or dead, and is intended for entertainment purposes only.
  12. The one on the left looks like a scary ass-upper middle class-klan rally-tin man.
  13. What in the actual fuck is happening in here?
  14. Im sitting in the drive thru at taco bell. Bout to eat a whole bunch of their "meat" for the first time in over a year. RIP butthole.
  15. This thread is dope. Like seeing that kems. Him and geser were super influential to me in both size and style back in the mid to late 90s. Those styles are super clean, too.
  16. I hate the hvac industry with a passion. Not the techs in it, but the industry as a whole. I had my entire system replaced and had 3 companies come out and quote me between $23-28k. I promptly told them one by one to get fucked. So I called the homie who owns an hvac company and he came out to look at it did his calculations and priced me at $14,000. He was telling me that their price on equipment was around 3000 and the rest of the labor and materials was probably around another 3000. Other business related costs were probably around 1000 bucks meaning he doubled his money. Which means these other companies were looking to quadruple their money lol. I guess thats what happens to prices when you have to pay a sales force and in house accountants large warehouse space and vehicle fleets. Regardless, they still came in trying to sell me over sized units for the size of my house and the region. It was like they were trying to cool down the sun and melt 10 ft of snow.
  17. There should be a whole thread about what you call dirty feet in your locality.
  18. I hate going under there bro. Its a super tight fit and im extra long. It would be interesting to see how the middle support of the house is set up, though. Id like this thing to be straighter than that pre98 steve harvey hairline.
  19. Wow. So here is some shit I didnt notice when I got started. Apparently the house has sunk in the middle by a few inches. The boards hung on the walls are level. The ceilings are dipping and running uphill or downhill all over the place. Gonna have to do some black magic to get my crown and door casings straight and even so it doesnt look like a trunk slammer remodeled this house.
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