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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. I dunno. Ill give it a try for science. @One Man BannedLol its not that bad. But I'll never go out of my way to put ketchup on anything. I think meatloaf is the only thing that gets a pass.
  2. Hey its sonny. But I dont know what this movie is.
  3. Customers dogs Beans Awake apnea soundin ass Baked bean lookin ass Baby pig soundin ass 20210406_120733_001.mp4
  4. That's how I'm going to start drinking lacroix.
  5. @One Man BannedI did some research on your ex. Im sorry to say it wasnt just the fry guys. It looks like charlie tuna was on the list.
  6. For sure. He seems like a really genuine dude and his hood pass is triple platinum.
  7. I just got done watching steve austins show with Ice T as his guest. It was amazing and not at all what I pictured stone cold to be like.
  8. Paper work day: Vendor packets, w-9's, COIs. Booooring.
  9. Burger King can miss me with that gay shit
  10. Im torn between the two. I didnt realize what was going on with the top one until I read the description. That shits slick.
  11. Im up for whatever reason watching this infomercial selling silver dollar coins. I dont know much about coin collecting, but I know a bunch about when mfers are full of bullshit. I was trying to figure out why in the fuck 2021 silver dollar coins would ever be $129 apiece. I went and checked the US mint site and they were selling the same shit for $75 apiece but were out of stock. It really feels like these shit heads are buying the mint out, creating an artificial scarcity and fleecing old folks out of an additional $50 apiece.
  12. I keep looking at this like its one of those stroke pictures.
  13. Oh my fucking god. Theres more. This is nightmare fuel. richard slimmons richard seminems
  14. Im trying so hard not to hate you right now 😂
  15. I dont know jack about new mexico. Im interested to see how this turns out. See if you can find some one wearing a sombrerro unironically.
  16. That shit makes my dick an innie. And always makes me think of
  17. You know thats interesting. The IP isnt taxed until sold. But if you are selling something like digital music thats a nontangible product as well. This also makes me think of an article or something I was reading a while ago about the weight of data. I might start a new thread about why the government is so faggoty.
  18. I would say thats a weird flex for the government to tax something nontangible as property, but they protect intelectual property, too
  19. A federal property tax, though? I dont know either. Just thinking out loud with you.
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