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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. First things first: Do all of your shimming off camera. Its boring. Next step is to install your top jamb piece. Like so Next you need to cut and measure your side jamb pieces. If you cut them a hair long they will lock in the top and bottom pieces tight. Careful when cutting through knots. They will come loose and fall out. Side note: This is why I hate Home Depot and Lowes. Here is a side by side comparison of clear pine from a lumber yard and what ever lowes has to offer on the right. The inferior corporate conglomerate wood was more expensive. I could have bought clear pine from Lowes but it was $10 a linear foot. If you dont know about pine prices... thats fucking outrageous. Anywho. Luckily that little knot didnt go all the way through the board and I was able to hide the chunk out on the back side. Those side jambs above are pretty tight. The one on the right top could be a little better but "caulk and paint will make you the carpenter you aint!" -some dick head painter on the job when caulk was invented Step next: Measure from the outside of your left jamb to the outside of your right jamb since both sides of my jambs are 3/4" thick and I want 1/4" reveal on both sides I subtract 1 inch from the total measurement. This number is the 2 short points on the trim. In order to find the long points you need to know how wide your trim is. Mines is 3 1/2". Oddly enough you just multiply the width of your trim by 2 (7" for me) and add that to your overall length. I make marks on my jamb for my 1/4" reveal It helps me line up my first piece. When I put that first piece up i only shoot one nail in the middle that way you can adjust the left or right up and down a hair if need be when installing your side legs. measure cut install your side legs and try not to nail at an angle to keep your nails from hooking out the face of your jamb. next up is the skirt trim. This ones easy. Pull your tape from the outside of your legs to get your measurement. Stand your trim upright. Cut the ends at 45° angles. The face of your trim should be longer than the back. The long points will be your measurement you took. Install. When cutting your returns its easy to get screwed up if youre just going at it. So an easy trick to remember is if you are cutting a return for the right side of your window trim, you cut from the right side of your trim and turn your saw to the left (45°) And thats a window
  2. @Schnitzelthe devil is in the details. I do returns on the ends of my skirt trim that goes under the sill as well. It's been slow going on these windows because I tried to cheat a step on my initial framing. Its not locked together like it sould be so its warping and cupping instead of just being able to slide my trim in and nail it, im having to shim everything so that it doesnt pitch back or forth on a curved surface. A complete window in normal circumstances shouldnt take more than an hour. Im getting 2 of these done in a day.
  3. Here's a little step by step on the sill construction. Step 1: Get your inside measurement Pro tip: Dont forget to take your pictures upside down for maximum confusion Step 2: add 8 inches to inside measurement to get overall length and cut your stair tread down to length Why add 8 inches and how do you know you need to add 8 inches? There is a little bit of simple fraction math involved but it basically deals with the width of my window trim which is 3 1/2" and my jamb material which is 3/4" leaving a reveal of 1/4" where the jamb and trim meet. There will be 4" on each side of the sill that the window trim will sit on. Step 3: mark out your 4" from the outside edge of the tread. Pull another measurement from the rounded tip back 1 3/4". Step 4: Nothing in this house is even so there were some other fractional cuts I had to make. I wont bore anyone with the details. Also I have no way to describe what I did. Anywho, cut your 4" pieces out and dry fit your sill in place. Step 5: Damn thats a nice fit homie. Check it out from this angle. If you were running the land lord special, this mofo would be done. But you arent gonna get top dollar for the land lord special. You are going to want to cut your sill legs back at a 45° angle along that dotted line I drew for you. Once you have your sill cut back... STEP 7... Measure from the wall to the tip.of your sill and cut you a little triangle piece of sill at 45° STEP8: Flip the little triangle piece around 12 different ways until it fits right and you have a nice rounded window sill all the way around And that's it. I ran out of material and had to go to the store. I will pick this back up tomorrow.
  4. @Mercernot to worry. As soon as Im done upstairs Im moving downstairs to do the same shit. Then when I sell this mofo, I might keep this thread going as the jump off to document the building of my rental empire.
  5. My man. You have inspired me to go dust off some old hardy boys books.
  6. New service wire installed Started trimming out some windows this weekend. My windows were too deep for regular window sills. I settled on cutting down stair treads to make the window sills.
  7. Federal fraud and only 100 hours of community service? Those Clintons sure can broker a sweet ass deal.
  8. @Dirty_habiTI just read that a few minutes ago. Correct me if Im wrong, but all that falsifying records and what not was on a federal level, right?
  9. Lol @Kultsthose kuntzman memes were straight fire and ended too quickly.
  10. Fried chicken, gravy boats, and ros(ay)? Im in. Whats that place called @Kults I hope its cuckle coos or some other rediculous french shit.
  11. Oh shit. I think we just got a starbird out here on the east coast. Maybe its not, but it was some ch8cken joint ive never heard of.
  12. @LUGR @One Man BannedThat solid white is expensive, too. Chunk light has superior flavor.
  13. A big mac style sandwhich with chicken salad on the top and tuna salad on the bottom. All ingredients accounted for.
  14. I havent had a chicken sandwhich I could really fuck with since '99. It was the Hardee's spicy chicken for .99 . I spent about $600 on spicy chickens and flat black that summer.
  15. Look how happy she is riding that robot dick.
  16. @CLICKCLACKONER that sucks man. I was looking through their site and all of their new jeans look like they were stitched together from a scrap pile. 100% cant fuck with that.
  17. Ive only ever known 2 people named Greg. They both kinda had a Nelson from the Simpsons vibe.
  18. @NightmareOnElmStreetI dont have kids so I dont have 24/7 experience. I could see the appeal of straight uppercutting one of these busters out of their shoes. But I know from my own upbringing of getting beat, that shit didnt do anything to correct my behaviour. If anything it made me get sneakier at not getting caught and for a long time it normalized using violence or perceived violence as a means of getting people to see my way. It's been 14 years since I got into my last physical altercation and from time to time I find myself standing in the middle of traffic ready to work some fucking dildos head over after I catch them red faced in the rearview, giving me the finger, and mouthing all kinds of profanities at me.
  19. It was one of the more fucked up things Ive personally been a part of in the legal system. I caught my dui because I blew a 0.2 a few months before my 21st birthday. They put my homie in cuffs and when he asked what he was being arrested for they literally said "I dont know. We'll figure something out." That's one of the reasons I was so excited to hear that one of their officers was murdered in the line of duty. Hopefully it was one of those fuck head ass good ol boys.
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