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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. Lol. That cribbage phone number is everything.
  2. no. I was wondering why it looked familiar but I couldn’t place it. Thanks for the reminder.
  3. Yeah I get that. We still do Christmas and shit for all the younguns in the family but as for each other, we don’t care. We buy each other cool shit throughout the year. I think it might be dope if we started making our own holidays that are important to us. We could blast off fireworks in February and beat the traffic😂
  4. @NightmareOnElmStreetme and my old lady have completely stopped celebrating all holidays and birthdays. We have such a good time 365 that it feels silly to let a calendar dictate when we should have fun or take off work or whatever. I think a lot of it has to do with having the opportunity to be able to take any day off when ever. The 3 or 4 day weekend because of a particular calendar situation loses its luster.
  5. Are cults still a thing? I feel like we are due for another massive suicide cult. Did smart phones and google ruin cults? I know if one of these loons approached me with their bullshit my first reaction would be to whip out my phone and consult with google.
  6. mr.yuck


    Even weirder is some one is still paying to maintain and host their webpage. I was thinking about sending off a money order a few years ago to get one of their recruitment VHS tapes.
  7. Oooh total fuckin sneak move. @ndvif I’m understanding correctly It looks like testimony that he made in a civil case was used against him in his criminal case. If the same questions were asked during his criminal trial he would have had the opportunity to plead the 5th.
  8. Watching fat white women pander to a certain subset of black stereotypes is fucking hilarious to watch. It’s like a modern day minstrel show without the blackface and nobody gives a shit
  9. It’s easier to wear a tent than it is to maybe walk for 30 minutes.
  10. that’s not very body positive of you! lol
  11. Let’s bring back crop circles. Giant 12ozs across the country.
  12. dope color scheme. Needs more arrows
  13. I think the transparency was when they realized there were too many witnesses to counter what ever horseshit scenario the surviving cop was cooking up and they changed the status from second shooter to Good Samaritan.
  14. Jesus Christ. When will people learn to just let the police die. Rip good guy with a gun.
  15. Ahhahahaha. Home boy was like “oh no! I can’t believe I’ve been caught fellating out in the open in broad daylight!”
  16. @ndvthat one was a family game. If some ones holding a monster hand they might bet $2 to let everyone know. These dudes are so full of shit on a day to day basis, I can’t resist the urge to call them and they end up two dollaring me to death all night lol.
  17. @LUGRgood pick. The 80s… what a time to be alive.
  18. Oh shit. Is this batteries not included?
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