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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. I just went to the grocery store. I put half of my groceries on the scale and weighed them at 49 cents per pound like they were bananas. I just saved a fuck ton of money and technically still paid for everything.
  2. I thought it was interesting that some one from the Green Party was discrediting electric vehicles.
  3. bro. They look fucking terrifying. Non of them look like they are having a good time or are even there for a good time. I need a translation on that one.
  4. I watched this… documentary(?) Ted talk(?) style thing the other day. The guy presents a fuck ton of worrying information. I’m generally not an alarmist but the information provided leads straight to fuckedville. Need to refocus on building my little piece of wilderness.
  5. The Zika babies are going to be the answer to the worlds water shortage in 20 years when their heads are fully developed.
  6. Here comes: mass evictions mass foreclosures end of unemployment benis gamma variant lock down 2.0 IMG_0347.MP4
  7. Yeah @Schnitzelthats the guy. He’s like the Simon Cowel of interior design.
  8. That’s good man. I don’t think people are half as awkward and creep show as they think they are. Or maybe I just have a high tolerance for that shit lol.
  9. So did you creep her out like a pro or what?
  10. @Schnitzel Didn’t they just renovate your house? Am I gonna have to learn to count in kilometers? Fuck. I was watching that Aussie reno show with the flamboyant dick head. Everyone was there measuring in millimeters. Like 600 mm. And then my brain started smoking when I realized they could have just said 60 cm. Like I couldn’t Imagine yelling a measurement out to some one like 16,000/32nds to the long point. Your way of measuring is probably way better.
  11. I’ve been listening to a lot of this guy. His whole first album was mouth music and table beats. This is the most boot strap shit I’ve ever heard.
  12. Any woman that chooses to get sealed in a box to piss and shit on herself is wife material.
  13. Well to be honest, the dope thing about real estate is there is always another deal to be had. Keep stacking your money or at least maintaining what you have until you go back full time. I bought my first house recklessly. It almost landed me in jail and when I dumped the property, I lost about 20k in physical money and lots of time.
  14. Do you qualify for an FHA loan? You only need 3.5% down for that one. You’ll get smoked with PMI that never goes away but you can always REFI with a different loan structure when you get back to work.
  15. A man is walking down the street and gets hit by a bus and dies. When he comes to he is surrounded by fire and hears millions of screams. He realizes he is in hell and starts sweating in terror. He see’s the devil headed his way and is literally about to shit himself. “Hey there,” says the devil “No need to be so scared. I’m really not that bad of a guy.” The man says “You’re not?” The devil replies “Nah, they got me all wrong upstairs and to prove it to you, I’ll let you pick how you get to spend eternity down here.” The man starts to look a little more relieved. “You see, I’ve got 3 doors over here. You can choose one to be your punishment for all eternity. And to prove I’m a great guy, I’ll let you look behind each one before you choose.” The man follows the devil over to the first door and the devil flings it open. On the other side is this hideous demon with a shovel. The demon scoops up a shovel full of hot coals and dumps it on some poor souls head. He shrieks in pain as the man slams that door shut. “Holy fuckin shit,” he exclaims “ I definitely don’t want that one.” “Very well,” replies the devil as he swings open the second door. One the other side is an equally hideous demon with a whip. On the end of the whip is a razor. He cracks the whip across some poor souls back splitting it wide open. ”No no no no no,” stammers the man. “Show me the 3rd door. The devil swings open the 3rd door and behind it is an old man chained to a wall. The old man is moaning and looks like he’s had the life sucked out of him. When the mans eyes adjust to the light he see’s this super sexy woman on her knees bobbing her head on this old mans dick furiously. He grabs the devil by the arm and yells “I want this one! I want this one!” The devil looks at him and says “are you sure? This is for eternity after all.” ”Yeahyeahyeah! Door number 3 Door number 3!” The devil says okay and walks through the door with the man. When they get on the other side the devil says to the woman “Times up, your replacement is here!”
  16. I’ve been wanting to say it for a while, I just didn’t want to ruffle and feathers.
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