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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. They should hold his account down and force him to stop posting.
  2. @ndvI figured out what they are doing. It’s a company that’s buying up houses and apartments and turning them into off campus living for a local college. The college is surrounded by hood. They are sourcing all of their “subcontractors” from these neighborhoods and paying them jack shit. Essentially these guys are gentrifying themselves out of their neighborhood. It’s fucked up.
  3. This one is totally worth the squeeze IMG_0279.MP4
  4. going back to sleep. This same dick head just told me they only had a budget of $325 to paint 5 rooms. Lol. I told him I don’t even have a new guy that doesn’t know what he’s doing that I could send out for that price.
  5. mr.yuck

    Current View

    Oh no, brother! You good?
  6. You have to. I just thought oriental is a weird descriptor for a flavor profile! Like I wonder if anyone would notice if they put “Smells like China Town” on the package somewhere.
  7. @nicklesndimes bruh! What does oriental taste like?
  8. mr.yuck


    I just discovered tandem mountain biking
  9. That’s gnarly. Looks like what I imagine chicken dicks might look like.
  10. @NightmareOnElmStreetIm so sorry you had to go through that.
  11. I really like that RAYS piece. There are a lot of learning moments to be had in the piece. Building symmetry in the R and the S. The use of 1 arrow within the piece to fill negative space. @Ray40
  12. This nurga was 45 minutes late so I told the people at the desk that this shit was wildly unprofessional and I bounced. I quintupled the pricing because their ideas were low anyway.
  13. Sitting in a board meeting room waiting to introduce myself to a company I’m not even sure I want to work with.
  14. No idea but I want to know what that is.
  15. @NightmareOnElmStreet whats up with that jug of beach sour pickles? What is that even?
  16. That sucks @Schnitzel. I can’t remember if it was always this way, but I’m noticing a large ratio of mouth breathers to non mouth breathers now that the masks are down.
  17. yeah she’s about 8 years younger. However she does have a father. I had to bring this travesty up to him when I found out. @NightmareOnElmStreetI was waiting for some one to say Forest Gump or some shit and then my man @ndvdropped the hammer with ET like it weren’t no thang! I think FMJ is the only Kubrick film I haven’t seen. I had to look up Paranormal Investigations. It’s got just enough stars to pique my interest.
  18. Holy fucking shit! ET? Up until recently my wife hadn’t seen any of the Back to the Futures or any of the Indiana Jones movies.
  19. @SchnitzelI feel like we should compile a list of movies we have never seen that make people outraged when they find out you haven’t seen it. Ive never seen Full Metal Jacket
  20. Gaaaasp *looks over shoulder I haven’t seen any of the Marvel movies outside of X-Men and Spider-Man.
  21. Really? Judging by everyone’s reaction it seems like no one has seen shrek. It’s just weird cuz y’all have had 20 fucking years to watch it.
  22. you suppose there are other movies we haven’t seen that probably everyone else on earth has seen?
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