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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. Russia’s been fucking with Ukraine. I feel like they cut the whole countries lights off a few years ago.
  2. @nicklesndimesyou still alive man? I just smashola’d on some shrimp scampi. It was fire!
  3. @ndv I was trying to figure out why we even give a shit about the Ukraine. I feel like they have some major natural gas infrastructure that russia wants to control. If they control that infrastructure, they control the flow of energy to almost all of Europe and nobody wants that.
  4. @mortonhaha that’s wild. I think my first reaction to some one sleeping while standing up would be “yo, this guy is dead, probably!” On the sleep apnea tip, it’s pretty easy to tell if you have it or not because you literally stop breathing while you are asleep and then jerk back to life when you need more air. My dad has it and I apparently have it as well. When my dad got his c-pap machine and used it for the first time, he popped out of bed in the morning doing the can can and said he’s never had sleep that restful in his life. I think my wife was telling me that there is an at home test you can do to let you know how often you quit breathing and for the duration of time you quit breathing. Then the company sends you a c-pap or what ever other machine you need. This way you don’t have to go anywhere to have a sleep study done on you. I’ll be looking into this option soon.
  5. @morton caught a piece of THIS on the radio the other day. You might enjoy it, too.
  6. I don’t know what to think anymore. Also love is a strong word. Unless I said I loved them at some point. No more questions!
  7. Sorry for your loss! At least that pointer toe nail looks like it may fall off down the line. Isn’t broken toes one of those things they can’t really do shit about but stick your foot in a boot? Plus side is you might get one of those neat little scooters to roll around on. Kick push.
  8. @KILZ FILLZmy FIL was a welder for the shipyard for like 40+ years. He said back in the 80s after partying all night they would climb into these big ass ballast tanks and go to sleep or like 4 or 5 hours at a time, wake up, do a little welding then go home.
  9. I don’t like it when twins are talking and end up saying the same thing in perfect synchronicity. It’s weird and unsettling.
  10. Hahaha. Is that a mini draw bridge to grant access to ye olde mythical porcelain shrine?
  11. Haha That show is my guilty pleasure.
  12. @NightmareOnElmStreetword up bro. Keep pluggin away. That spot looks like some kinda underground mail room or sweat shop.
  13. he could have nicknamed the vaccine the “maga vax” just like Obama did with the ACA. The MAG-cine
  14. If you are trying to sand it down you are killing yourself. Get some blue top mud and sand it smooth in a quarter of the time!
  15. Hey! Look at you go man. Any reason you are using green top mud and not blue top?
  16. Did Dhabz get the ‘Rona? It’s been awfully quite on the Covid front!
  17. i heard something about this yesterday on the radio. They were saying that it could streamline transactions to which my wife replied “these faggots can streamline this dick in their mouth!” I’ve never been more proud! But I digress. I feel like the people that think this is a good idea for the future are the same people that will buy their pack of joints from R.J. Reynolds or Phillip Morris.
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