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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. God aborted his son in his 99th trimester
  2. Why are they pushing people to get more and more doses, do you think? To finish them off quicker?
  3. Frickin awesome @Schnitzelthats some good lookin corn.
  4. How many shots and boosters do you think I need to get before I’m completely fucked?
  5. I read that the Chinese are spreading miss-information via various online sources to keep people from getting vaccinated. They are using the unvaccinated as a Trojan horse biological weapon to bring the west to their knees.
  6. When I catch Covid don’t come blast my lungs with your AR! That shit won’t help.
  7. @Kultsthats fucking wack. I understand the reasoning behind it. But you don’t build a trust bridge by beating people into submission financially. The Delta and Alpha strains aren’t even a concern here anymore amongst states with large vaxxed populations. But that’s not to say that there can’t be a resurgence of those more deadlier strains if people don’t get hooked up with the shot. It’s like several years ago when all these Jenny McCarthy ass clown parents stopped vaxxing their kids for what ever reason and shortly afterwards there started being large outbreaks of the fucking mumps and measles and shit. The disease isn’t going away, let’s just be smart enough to not be killed by it.
  8. Lol. Is this the big “gotcha” moment? When a vaccine that was created to combat a particular virus no longer works at all because the mutation of the original virus is so wildly different?
  9. lol this bitch is wildin!
  10. Lol. Not longer than getting his old lady knocked up to try some boobie juice. What if she had a kid and then she was unable to produce milk. Now this foo got a kid with none of the reward. That’s a bad plan and thank god his old lady curved him!
  11. What cool shit do you think is going to happen this year? I think we will find out China has been cloning humans since the late 90s.
  12. I feel like hate is the wrong word. Indifference followed closely by annoyance.
  13. Do people still break into cars?
  14. Did you figure out that weird wall sconce deal @Dark_Knight
  15. I was reading up on Korea and how their rent system works. Apparently one way of renting is to put down a large chunk of money into an escrow type account that creates interest. The landlord collects the interest payments as rent. When you want to move you get all of your money back and are never behind. Everyone wins.
  16. yerrrk! Lol Penny used to make bitches mad uncomfortable while they were scurrying in and out of the back door. Hopefully they could make it out without Penny cussing these “slut ass white bitches” out the back door.
  17. yeah… it’s like that lol. Bruh! They want like 195k or something for it now as it stands. Gentrification is strong with this one. More than anything I started looking around last night at my surroundings and felt and overwhelming sense of accomplishment from where I came from. I felt like I was on some Boston George shit! (RIP) lol
  18. I was just cruising around Zillow in my hometown and clicking random red dots. I clicked on one and it happened to be the same house I was living in 20 years ago with my homie and his moms in this fucked up ass neighborhood. Although we made the best of it and had some fun times, there were a lot of people that never made it out of that neighborhood. A lot of these memories are terrible and I’m in my feels a little right now. I guess my mans mom escaped in 2008 and sold that shit hole for 45k. It looks like some one tried to remodel it and gave up. The money these houses are going for now is retarded.
  19. “Just needs a little TLC!” ”This ones a diamond in the rough!” ”Great starter home!” “Handy mans dream!”
  20. I feel like she popped out of a cake? Those stripper titties were fire to an 11 year old yuck.
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