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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. Doctor doesn’t think he is going to make it through the night. The best part is he woke up late yesterday and they removed his isolation order. At least his wife and kids get to sit with him and have a final moment before he checks out.
  2. I’ve often wondered this. Why a minimum wage? What are the core things a minimum wage should encompass? Is this even a realistic thing to mandate on a federal level? Im not a fan of minimum wage. I just listened to a podcast the other day about a company that was up against the bricks during the pandemic and instead of cutting employees and wages, they told their employees to tell them how much money money they needed to make to stay with the company and also to redefine their position and let them know what they would bring to the table for that amount of money. They said the productivity of everyone went bananas because the employees realized they would never be compensated in this manner anywhere else and the company is flourishing because of it.
  3. mr.yuck


    @Merceris this gonna be the official 2022 thread or are you gonna do a thing?By far my favorite thread! IMG_1304.MP4
  4. @Dirty_habiTRight. But what I’m saying is, control samples are an important part of determining the accuracy of all testing. This meme seems to insinuate that medical professionals can just toss in a handful of positive control samples to help support some narrative, which is preposterous.
  5. You know what… he’s not dead yet. These type of motherfuckers are too hard headed to die. We’ll see how this plays out.
  6. Are you saying that you think these doctors or nurses or whomever have 1000s of preinfected swabs that they are either using on people to make them sick or are at the very least pulling the old switcheroo with infected swabs to boost their numbers? My understanding of a control swab would be for a medical facility to have on hand to test the validity of their testing. If the swab that they 100% know is infected with Covid pops as negative or vice versa, they have a serious problem with their testing methods.
  7. The final update. Got a call from my cousin this morning that he is on the road home to go pull his dad off the breathing machine. He has been unconscious for several days now and the doctors say it’s pointless to even put him on a ventilator. Even if he does clear the virus, the damage to his lungs is so severe, he may never be able to get enough oxygen to his brain to wake up and be functional. This is the end of his story, alone in a hospital room. He went unconscious and stayed that way before his wife or children had a chance to say their final piece to him, just like so many others who took a chance with the virus vs. the vaccine. I’ll do a final update in a week or two when I’m able to get a full picture of what his total treatment was and the aftermath of how the family on either side of this argument ends up dealing with each other as well as their own biases.
  8. mr.yuck


    It’s a brand new era baby. Your shits getting deleted and I got 1000 internet points this morning.
  9. I don’t know about you, but I’m a Mayo on both pieces of bread type bro. But butter on the bottom and Mayo on top may be the truth.
  10. mr.yuck


  11. He fed into the fear of the Vaccine being rushed and unsafe. He watched the president of the United States get the Virus and make a miraculous recovery (thanks to the best medical treatment on earth from Walter Reed) and act like it wasn’t shit. Then decided at the age of 71 that the vaccine was so unsafe that he, too, would take his chances against the virus, even with his underlying health issues. The fact of the matter is, if this kills him, it’s absolutely going to tear the rest of the family in half. My one cousin following their family doctor of over 20 years and close personal friends advice vs his sister getting the inside scoop scraped from the depths of the dark web. The reality of the matter is he waited over 2 weeks to go to the hospital trying to tough it out while the virus wreaked havoc on his body.
  12. im not sure if they remodeled it since the guy died in 06 but it literally used to look like it was designed like it was a 7 year olds luxury fever dream.
  13. mr.yuck


    @One Man Banned has been cenxored! Bring back the festive anal sparklers!
  14. Yeah. It is what it is man. He made his choice to take his medical advice from the previous president and my smart although misguided cousin who gets all of her “news” from the dark web.
  15. His condition isn’t improving. Last ditch effort is now to put him on a ventilator.
  16. mr.yuck


    Happy new year snizs
  17. I like the aesthetics of Tesla’s. I’m not 100% on electric vehicles or my next purchase would be the Ford pickup joint. Im pretty sure if Tesla dropped a turbo diesel that shit would get @Dirty_habiTprecum flowing with all kinds of Elon’s a genius posts 😂
  18. If we’re doing crazy out of place houses I have to nominate Indianapolis Kessler Mansion For some real context on this thing you should type it’s address into google street view and walk down the street and look at the other houses on the block. Realtor dot Com
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