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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/09/2010 in Posts

  1. what the fuck? im that red tampon kid? that sucks. fuck you Zoes. those were good movies i posted in the recommendation thread. fuck the world.
    4 points
  2. The Fish that saved LA. again. Dudes made some clutch shots before in the playoffs, .04. But he put the Lakers on his back and carried them in the 4th when we needed it. Dude was choked up at the end of the game. Fish is a solid teammate. LOL @ Celtics pwning the Lakers in every aspect of the game, except the final score. The refs are making/missing some horrible calls on both sides. With Kobe, Lamar and Pierce and the rest of the celtics in foul trouble. After the Artest take down 24 seconds into game I think the refs are trying too hard to keep it clean. This is the Finals and LA vs BOS, let 'em play!
    3 points
  3. your boys .....not your crew but your people they know
    3 points
  4. In that kele piece, there are serious inconsistencies in the E's that need to be addressed, they don't match each other well enough. If i would have done the outline once, then stopped and inspected it, then reoutlined in a different color before filling it, it could have worked better. First time straying from simples in a while though, kinda felt good. done in an hour.
    2 points
  5. LOL... do u ever go looking for porn, only to get distracted by even moar porn, then when ur finally all done with yourself and your clicking away the 20 to 30 pages u already have oppened up, u see the girl who first caught your eye at the beggening? haha thanks guys...
    2 points
  6. Pretty damn good turn out considering the thread being dead for so long. Here are the entries for the GOES battle. If you're still wanting in try to post it by noon today (Wednesday) for the official voting stuff. cuze Decyferon empty_can makineasykills freakeenyc specta pesk..TA..rth..DBC wry troofandroomaz
    2 points
  7. This man dictated my actions flawlessly. *deep breath* bump: AVOID, SOUR, KLEVER, LEDER, ZHOU, PAEBAK (Why not?). Also: Pi Crew.
    2 points
  8. fools is out for the kill. these 12oz streets aint no joke.
    1 point
  9. just took your last tamp away, because trolling fags love the blood flow
    1 point
  10. recently found this site and i'm out of lurk-mode. just wanted to say much respect to cats out here emptying cans all night for their own reasons. Not a native detroiter but I've been in the city for a good 3+ years and I've been heavily influenced by writers such as dems, dont, loaf, army, gray, elmer, hughes, eddie, teck9, stori, peru, reft, pak and many, many others. I can't deny these influences in my own writing. having had the oppurtinity to paint with some cats out here, I can honestly say this scene is alive and kicking. I've been all over the US and even abroad and Detroit stays gully. that is all.
    1 point
  11. The officials need to step it up a little bit.
    1 point
  12. yeah. but not everytime. but the flicks are poppin. just enjoy the shows. brought shit back to action flicks.
    1 point
  13. Hey faggot, I think you should kill yourself.
    1 point
  14. monument valley got nuked in Preacher. just sayin.
    1 point
  15. Hey enthusiast, you make yourself sound more and more ignorant with each post. Post something you enjoy, stop whining, and open your eyes, you child.
    1 point
  16. lol seems like size21 always gets hit with somethin whack. nice post
    1 point
  17. Daily Sketch Thread: "CONSOLES" CONSOLES...:D
    1 point
  18. Exactly what I've been saying^^^ We outplayed the Lakers in every way possible- except the part where you make easy, wide open shots. If Allen had had a terrible night we would've won. Instead he had possibly the worst shooting performance of his entire career. Painful.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. More from Beijing and Xian 2009,
    1 point
  21. Really? You mad! Perhaps you should take up professional basketball and play D on Kobe.
    1 point
  22. get knocked the fuck out..... bump cst rta what crew,,, CLEVELAND
    1 point
  23. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us..................WE TOOK OVER.....That how you hit a spot. Fuk throw ups.
    1 point
  24. Theme from the bottom...thanks for that doc. It was great.
    1 point
  25. that game was as sloppy as a bobcats/nets game, but the Lakeshow got the W, so I'll take it
    1 point
  26. Lakers fans out east? I startin to like ya. Kobe!!
    1 point
  27. [/img] [/img] think i prefered it in black and white.
    1 point
  28. It always bums me out to see ARMNS with garbage on them. Where are these kids finding these things that they write shit like TITS MCLOVIN on em, but i almost never can!??!!?
    1 point
  29. Dude... yeah, raced tonight. Needed to test the knee out and see what it can handle. I'm stronger than I thought I was but not as strong as I should be, and I have no engine for big, long efforts. The knee felt fine most of the race till the end, when it started to really flare up. Right now, sitting here typing, it's killing me. I need to go to bed. It was good for morale to see that I could put in efforts at the front, whether trying to bring a break back or just keep the pace high. Still not sure about racing this Saturday, though. While it was nice to get out and get some fast paced racing in... the evening ended in bad form. A good friend and past teammate passed out after the sprint finish. Stopped breathing. Long story really short, one hour later he passed away. I'm in shock, stunned and in awe. I keep telling myself he passed away doing what he loved to do... cycling. Rest easy, David.
    1 point
  30. goner rumor eulogy onorok kerse phone nice thread!
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. http://i766.photobucket.com/albums/xx303/erikkk_photos/the%20come%20up%20of%20MESH/tbslut2.jpg http://i766.photobucket.com/albums/xx303/erikkk_photos/the%20come%20up%20of%20MESH/tbslut4.jpg SPREAD THIS SHIT ...SHE FINE AS HELL :)
    1 point
  33. "so thats what life is like for those poor dogs in favela..." *shuts TV off
    1 point
  34. Re: NHL 09-10 Season (aka pens repeat, kris draper loves anal sex)
    1 point
  35. ^real talk, truth or whatever else is the latest cosign....:D Subcultures are and should be characterized by a systematic opposition to the dominant culture. I don't think this can be said for 99% of graffiti anymore. Instead of being about mystery, self-reliance, individuality and inventiveness (in both aesthetics and approach) it seems more to me like a slightly warped mirror image of pop consumerist culture. Only a matter of time before the covers of some graff mags read like a tabloid "OMG Revok pregnant again! Who's the father? turn to p.3 to find out" Does this rant qualify me as old and bitter, officially? :lol:
    1 point
  36. Haha time to stand up bigman! People are getting away with all kinds of wak shit these days because graffiti has turned into a social networking pyramid scheme. People like Meph suck up to the most famous guys that they can find in order to get fame by association, and everyone else is too afraid to call him out on being a biter since they dont want to ruin their chances of copping a bit of easy fame themselves. Its like a big gay conga line of suck ups and biters. Time to fight back....with knives apparently hahah
    1 point
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