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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/30/2010 in all sections

  1. I got there at 6:00am and the place was open, will show you later... Later.
    3 points
  2. whatevs. sall good. theres not to much in there movin for video anyways. ride this one out for a couple minutes ha. you fuck with final cut obviously?
    3 points
  3. In the modern day of "Reality" TV scams, there are few channels I can watch without rushing to the gun rack and putting the barrel in my mouth. One channel that I can usually rely on is The Travel Channel. Most of their talent can be a little too sugar coated for my bitter hateful heart, but one true master of television always brings faith back into my tv --Anthony Bourdain. I know his show is produced and scripted, but it doesn't matter. The dude holds down "reality" for me when it comes to how he writes. I also like how he calls people out on his show and talks shit. So I think this dude deserves some appreciation. One of the best shows on TV hands down.
    2 points
  4. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD BITCHES** Kinda cheating here. 1. Broken 11. Motorized- An English '34 Ford 3. Happy- 10 year old beer that was brewed in my grandparent's now house. 4. Filth 7. Rust- Manure spreader 5. Before- Building a greenhouse from scratch. Sorry, no after yet. 6. Repetition 8. Music- Look like notes to me. 10. Sport- If splitting wood was a sport, I'd be a champ. And that's all I got.
    2 points
  5. If Rocky Dennis puts you in a choke hold --YOU BETTER ACT QUICK. That fucking guy could headbutt Jupiter out of it's orbit with that skull.
    2 points
  6. this is ch.0; all inhabitants use logic that is not quite logic at all... Plus, this guy just dragon uppercutted a raging special person. I've seen these types straight go off on some normal people. However, the handicapped people were always being harassed first. You know you got beef with a handicapped person now son, that's the worst beef ever man.
    2 points
  7. Not at all man :cool: A good friend of mine. Thats me in the reflection ;)
    2 points
  8. he deserved what he got. * nobody calls my black friends niggers but me.
    2 points
  9. oontzin showerin-sorry no nudes clothin flossin-as always bussin-not tables signin-apparently they dont like graffiti, fastfood and bare chested gq models picked up this walkin-not christopher kitteh sharks win first game in round two teh endo
    2 points
  10. If anyone cares... I had something happen to me on Monday night and I've lost vision in my left eye and feeling in my left leg. They still don't know what it is but they thought it might have been a stroke at first. I'm fine now but I won't be drawing or doing anything for a while until I get my vision back. The very long story is here: http://www.shapelessmass.com/snm/?p=1660
    1 point
  11. http://www.megavideo.com/?v=9HZBBPG7
    1 point
  12. Whatever about those banks. They're not that great. Move on. It's like people going crazy over Love Park being a bust. Giant cities have many awesome places to skate. I understand the nostalgia and all, but come on. Not to mention the fact that there is only a small group of people who shred those things. Most people act like it's 1990 and roll up the bank, do some shitty flip trick and roll back down. That shit is boring. ALL HAIL CARDIEL.
    1 point
  13. WILD STYLE jam next month...with cope2,indie, busy bee of chief rocka n otha shit...good..god....
    1 point
  14. Yupp ALL OVER TOWN is gettin action bump
    1 point
  15. seriously though thats fucking mental.
    1 point
  16. *pause so this guy hammered out 5 little wontons and then set himself on fire in the classroom in front of them??
    1 point
  17. wu-tang is for the children... ...where are they?
    1 point
  18. Get busted via facebook. They will hand your information over without a search warrant just with a request from a law enforcement agency. This will let anyone who lurks to monitor and data mine collect info so they can get a search warrant. This will announce to the whole world you support or do graffiti, though nothing wrong with supporting the culture but make sure you upload no flicks and make no references to graffiti off facebook. This will probably get you busted if they ever really want to bust you, honestly what do you think the pigs are fucking stupid and never heard of the interent? Yeah cities don't have threads cause of them and your burros. Yeah people cop bigger cases cause of you. Honestly think of who you have on your friends list, think of what facebook does to invade your privacy, think of how quickly you want your internet fame. I fully support any of you in your choice of internet fame, but understand what it comes with, personally i am in it for the long haul and hope to be painting in another 20 years cause I fucking love what I do. Ok I must be drunk right now so I am going to shut the fuck up. No offense to support on 12oz I got nothing but love.
    1 point
  19. the whole argentinian team is gonna be coked up and we taking this one home ... GO MARADONAAAAAA
    1 point
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Its fucked up to kill kids.. But seriously theres enough people let alone chinamen in this world.
    1 point
  23. i doubt its gonna be good if i go to court as i have thrown a bin at a kid in one of those electric wheel chairs a while back...but he called my mate a filthy nigger.
    1 point
  24. depends on what kind of disabled he was?? if dude was a vegetable sitting there in a wheelchair and you cold cocked dude then that grounds for you getting bitch slapped and pee'd on
    1 point
  25. Fuck drugs/alchoul, all i got was this lousy ass post, child support and no yob!!! Mang i hate weed been clean from that ish for a week "Feels Good Man"
    1 point
  26. listening to Spice 1 and Dubeeeeeeeeee.
    1 point
  27. headed home... canyon... deeeeep. misty... was pouring for the majority of the 20 mile ride home... was fucking starving and decided, like an idiot, to stop at mcdonalds... and i feel a slight tinge of guilt for this picture, but i had to.... one of many rainbows after the rain... NH until next time......... fin
    1 point
  28. Sober for 2 1/2 years now. Hit rock bottom after going hard for a good 15 years straight, destroyed a lot of good shit in the process. Pretty much had to restart my life. Trying to get all those years back. Did it myself in my own way. Wasn't easy.
    1 point
  29. laugh all you want..... i know how im living, comfortable.....so much so i don't need to point fingers. anyway....congrats forsit, keep it up. i
    1 point
  30. Samurai were ballers, ran the entire country and had all the real power. Ninja were part timers and had very little significance in Japan but make for better movies in the states. Honestly, I can't even think of one Ninja movie that wasn't made for American audiences. Also, Japanese people will think you're a straight up nerd if you ever mention Ninja or Samurai. It would be like some Japanese person into knights and asking about jousting and shit.
    1 point
    1 point
    1 point
  33. Had these two tonight. Aventinus Eisbock. A sort of ice-distilled super charged aventinus weizenbock. Amazing. Pretty boozy and spirt-like at 12%. Uerige doppelsticke altbier. Sort of like a double-alt. Really sweet and malty. Also had that ballast point yellow tail, not bad. I also became aware tonight that I hate dunkelweisens. Probably my least favorite style.
    1 point
  34. Double palm to face ....... I wish I had more hands
    1 point
  35. :lol: :lol: it gets its exciteing times/beef....(wickedwacko!)
    1 point
  36. no. even it is/done by a writer. i say no, its not.
    1 point
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