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offensive jokes..


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why was only the white people rescued in the boat accsedent?

it happened in the "black sea"


what do u call a rich white guy in a black neighboughhood?



whan did a jew give money away?

in his dreams


what did bill cosby say wen he saw the fat black chick?

mmmmm i carnt wait to get in that chockolat pudding


when do u call a blonde a genius?



why was the jew in the sewer?\

he droped 5c


what do u call a nigga with a bike?



how many blonds does it take to skrew in a lightbulb?

2, 1 to get the lightbulb and the other to ask a dude if he does it for her she will give him head


what do u say when you have the lights off n ur tv is floating?

put it back nugga


Did you make all of these up yourself?


Can we stop posting the jokes that we make up ourselves, or think of in the bathroom.

Because they're all really bad.

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How do you get a one arm polock out of a tree?

wave to him.


Did you hear about the polock that tried to commit suicide?

jumpped out of his basement window, survived.


what do you do when a polock throws a granade*sp, at you?

Pull the pin and throw it back.


if they were posted already sorry.

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Two gay dudes were in the shower together, the phone rang. One gets out to go answer the phone, before he leaves he says "baby dont jerk off without me"


he comes back to get in the shower and theres cum everywhere and says "I thought I told you not to jerk it without me"


the other fruit replies "I didn't, i farted"


(sorry thats fucked up, and hella gay hahah)

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and now for a big post:



two condoms walk past a gar bar. one says to the other "wanna get shitfaced?"


why don't sharks eat niggers?

they think it's whale shit.


how long does it take for a nigger bitch to take a shit?

9 months.


what's long and hard on a nigger?

grade 6.


what doe you call 5 niggers in a car going off a cliff?

a shame since it held 6.

what do you call 6 niggers in a car going off a cliff?

a good start.

what do you call an empty car going off a cliff?

a waste.


what do you call a nigger in a suit?

the defendant.


how do you stop a nigger from drowning?

you don't.


how does a black woman help stop crime?

she has an abortion.


what do you call 100 niggers in a field?

the good ol' days.


what do you call a black hitch hiker?



what's the difference between santa and a jew?

santa climbs down the chimney, the jew floats up.


how do you know when a muslim boy become a man?

they take the diaper off his ass and put it on his head.


what do you do after you've raped a deaf and dumb girl?

break her fingers so she can't tell her mum.


what do broccoli and anal sex have in common?

if you were forced to have it as a child, you won't like it as an adult.


what's the worst part about being a pedophile?

having to go to bed at 7 o'clock.


when is it bedtime at michael jackson's house?

when the big hand touches the little hand.


what do michael jackson and acne have in common?

they both come on your face at 13.


did you hear that mcdonalds is bringing out a 'michael jackson burger'? it's a 40 year old piece of meat in between a 10 year old bun.


- mummy mummy, katie won't go skipping with me!

- leave her johnny! you know it makes her stumps bleed.


what's blue and doesn't fit?

a dead epileptic.


what did the jewish pedophile say to the little boy when he got into his car?

hey! go easy on those sweets.


a man goes into a drugstore and says to the druggist, "i need some birth control for my eleven-year-old daughter."

"is your little girl sexually active?" asks the druggist.

"nah, she just lays there like her mother."


a man walks into a sex shop and goes to the counter and says to the shp assistant "i want an inflatable doll". the shop assistant says "i have two types :- christian dolls and muslim dolls". the man asks "what's the difference"? and so the shop assistant replies "the muslim one blows itself up"


a boy cries out 'mummy mummy, do i HAVE to keep sharing this room with my sister for the rest of my life! I am sick of it, i want my own space and she stinks!

mummy replies 'look timmy, i told you we cant afford a funeral'.


a mother is sitting in the garden with ther three daughters.

daughter #1: 'mummy mummy why am i called rose?'

mummy: 'because after you were born a rose petal fell from that bush over there and landed on your forehead'

daughter #2: 'mummy mummy why am i called tulip?'

mummy: 'because after you were born a tulip petal fell from that plant over there and landed on your forehead'

daughter #3: 'mnanmaamnnammamnammangh'

mummy: 'shut up fridge'


there's this shipwreck, and 3 survivors wash up on an uninhabited island: two handsome virile young men, and a beautiful lusty young woman.

now, of course at first they're upset about the shipwreck, losing their loved ones, being stuck on the island, etc, but hey, they're young, they have their needs and urges, and pretty soon nature begins to take its course, and before you know it the girl is happily going at it with each of the two guys.

but she starts to feel really guilty about this, says this isn't right, this isn't what my momma raised me for. and she gets really beat up over it - and she kills herself!

now at first the two guys are absolutely devastated, understandably, left all alone... but hey: they're two healthy young men, they have their... needs... and pretty soon everything settles down into a nice happy routine once again, wink wink nudge nudge.

but then the two guys start feeling really guilty about the whole thing too, they say this isn't right, this isn't what god intended, this isn't natural. and they get REALLY beat up over the whole thing.

so they bury her.

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ok so this dog walks into a bar and the bartenders like sorry we dont serve dogs here, and the dogs like cmon man just one and the bartender says if ya dont get out ill shoot so the dog asks again and the bartender pulls out a shotgun and shoots him in the foot and the dog runs out yelping.......next day around noon, the saloon doors swing open and in walks the dog with a cowboyhat and stirs (the whole getup) and says,"im lookin for the man who shot my paw".....:king:


i dont get it?:confused:

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paint fumes: its a pun. you see, a classic scenario in western stories is the avenging of one's father, or "pa." this joke relies on the switch of words from pa, meaning father, to paw, one's foot. its a play on words





what's the most confusing day in harlem?

father's day.


what's the best thing about the million man march?

nobody had to get work off.


what's the difference between a black man and a large pizza?

a large pizza can feed a family.


i'm sure these are repeats, but i love 'em

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i didnt get the fox across canada either??


terry fox


Terrance Stanley "Terry" Fox, CC (July 28, 1958 – June 28, 1981) was a Canadian humanitarian, athlete, and cancer treatment activist. He became famous for his Marathon of Hope, a cross-Canada run to raise money for cancer research, running with only one leg. He is considered one of Canada's greatest heroes of the 20th Century and is celebrated internationally every September as people participate in the 'Terry Fox Run', the world's largest one-day fundraiser for cancer research.

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