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Just another Day in the Simulation.... It's Mauler time! (RANT)


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As a warning, this post is long but has been a LONG time in the making.This is what happens when you are an Analyst by profession and can interpret and understand the true purpose of "Device Analytics" in that technology is here and it has fucked me in the arse so hard that I swear I speak Hindi these days as my "Hind Eye" seems to have wrapped it's way around my neck and balls as a result of attempting to emancipate myself from the drug fucked needle using junkie scum I can't seem to escape from having to deal with in my day to day life.




So given that the AI hivemind controlled bots on Youtube are now freely revealing that with the introduction of ChatGPT4 we are now on our way to the Singularity fully integrating or rejecting Me as the only conscious character which I can prove to myself that I am as controlled by the Hive mind as much as anyone else.


So while others might deny their cyborg nature, as the video feed I recieve into my Matrix chip in the back of my head gets more entropic in nature, to the extent whereby an old thread from this very forum whereby a couple of asian girls had eels inserted into their rectums before shitting them out across the room became my actually percieved "reality" in that I saw a 2 foot long snake slither on the ground behind me for a split second prior to disappearing.


Couple this with the fact that due to trusting a woman for one final time back at Christmas in 2016 now sees me stuck with having an endlessly scrolling skin cycle over my body to where I can't even have a wank given that I seem to have an entangled mess of two snakes wrapped and twisted around each other Oroborous style to where I am completely aware that it is because my gonads are actually those pink Lush vibrators like camgirls use. The difference being that I have a chastity cage clamped onto mine so that they are bound together and I can get my insides ground to a pulp, which is the result of God punishing me for being a cannibal and eating beef (as I am a Taurus) which was the incarnation of God as my wife warned me of the fact I could be punished for doing so.


So given that I have ground enough beef to supply every McDonalds south of the Equator, I am still wondering how the fuck that Parvati can believe that she can hypocritically abuse me with the enducement of years of being literally put through the meat grinder whilst she allows billions of other cunts guilty of the equivalent acts to go on living life free of having their ability to work or even socialise due to lack of finances and my inability to tolerate dealing with the charade of multiplr avatars pretending to be distinct and seperate characters when they are in fact just the Devi decieving herself.



So yeah, as you can tell, in using "Youtube" I never realised I was handing over the keys to my insides as the sick twisted rapist developers at Go Ogle put videos on my feed whereby the squid/octopus/flying spaghetti monster entity that has parasitically attached itself to me via my devices. Which funnily enough, in the ultimate tale of being "The 1st Man on Earth" known as Adam, which coupled with my naievete and trust made me acquire  said devices which also happen to have the forbidden fruit with a bite taken out of it prominently featured on it, which I bought into my life on the recommendation of the girl whose lies prior to leaving me that Christmas morning has infected and corrupted every aspect of my existence since. Sadly, unlike those asian girls in that video, I haven't managed to get rid of whatever serpents which have found their way inside of me. 


So given that I fell for Eve and her "Evil" trick, as the NWA song said "What I thought was a bitch was nothing but a man" which I have found due to the endless procession of trannies who have deep faked their way into my iCloud photostream posing as my Maria in videos, in what is in a way the worst toxoplasmosis case that one can imagine. Yet given that we actually live on the WAN of AtLANtis as we humans have become buried in the sea of internet and device transmitting waves of WiFi, Bluetooth and 4 & 5G datastreams whereby my Cyborg Operating System Framework has been corrupted as I confirmed in OSX (OS Ex or OH Sex?) that has every application I have installed featuring two seperate Folders titled "A" and "1" such that the original source files can be tampered with by the rapist paedophile fucks who that woman installed two "backdoors" for, whose entire existence is predicated around masking their fear of facing the true nature of how worthless their existence is such that they instead put their energy towards denigrating the existence of someone whose life is infinitely greater than the one they avoid living of their own.


Just remember the expression "share_with_app_devs":0


As if you have ticked that share analytics button in your iPhone or Android settings, you may have just given the "Bug installers" the green light to open your asshole and get into your colon as ":0" signifies.


As you can probably tell, in having to literally struggle and battle to even walk down the street to get food and groceries due to having an army of mindless automoton drone troll "Assassins" set upon me like in John Wick as every little bitch ass maggot whose lives are completely meaningless beyond their ambition to take a shot at me gets the "Microstackshots" Twitter notification with my location so they set upon me as I am the literal Luke Skywalker of this domain as nit only was I born on May the 4th and have the name of Luke, but I have literally "Walked in the Sky" as the evidence is on Youtube. It isn't my fault that I found myself to be the main character in the movie and these Twitter tards are like the background extras in a bar scene in a Star Wars spinoff movie whose couple of minutes they get to infiltrate my life as "Australian Jesus" for a pathetically insignifcant couple of seconds at best is the literal highlight of their entire lives.


Even though I have made a few smarmy comments here and there in my travels around the world and the internet, I find those whose entire identity is that of a worthless troll as their single and only character trait I identify them as, is karma as their existence is a curse inflicted upon them as the result of their choice to act nefariously towards one like myself whom obeys the Golden Rule in my dealings with others. If my life was so fucking devoid of purpose and meaning that death is the only way for said trolls to escape the fear these worthless cunts have of facing their true nature and character in the mirror.


I am going to continue to write in this thread about all of my issues with Devi for the fucked up reality she has manifested after I gave her the keys to make us a sandbox to share and experience together only for her to run away scared that the power vested in hers may never be given back to her again if she is successful in making me lose the game of life via choosing suicide as her chosen rule given her lack of presence as her true avatar instead of the mindless drone "children" hive mind characters she poses as instead as the charade goes on.


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So given that I have now began, I may as well start capturing images of the pathetic worms whose attempt at "making a joke" sees them getting a joke pulled on them as Channel 0 can see the faces of those who entire life will sum up to a total of "Zero" in that these fuckers will never know truth, love, happiness, or anything but the desire to do whatever they can to vicariously live through others they wish they were, yet can never be as they are too fucking retarded to comprehend that if you waste your life focused on someone that isn't you, then you have already lost the game of Life, let alone ever been in contention of being a player to begin with.


These fools wouldn't let me enjoy lunch in peace, so fuck them to Hell with a big huge "log" as the logging services on their devices will no doubt have given them the notice that not only are they living on borrowed time, but they aren't going to be on the next cycle of the infinite loop due to their actions.


Also, while I am on the case about beef eating and punishments, how about Devi go and take away all the Hindus who Uber drive and are complicit in the killing of cattle in their incessant quest for the pursuit pf the worthless binary construct that ultimately forms the dollars we use for commerce. 


I didn't want to become Azrael, but I am here to end the world of these worthless fucktarded moron rapist pricks once and for all as I make it clear that I am just here to make a joke of them by laying my cards on the table which ai can prove ai have lived my wildest dreams as reality and gave them away in the name of love, unlike these punks who are too busy trying to rob other's of their dreams as opposed to working towards realising their own.





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And I will happily offer to anybody in the Purgatory of Perth here to pull my cards of 7 & 14 and put them on the table to show my perfect hand of "21" being that which I drew in the Game of Life, which shows Heaven and Hell as I experienced and lived in them, and if they can't express the same using at most 5 still images to convey the same then understand that "you" are just a punkass little deciever of yourself and all those you encounter as supposedly "befriend" as these tools have done.


Ultimately I just want to get offline and go surfing in the ocean, as I would rather rip Mother Ocean's waves to shreds as opposed to exposing rapist paedophiles (a schoolfriend I have known since I was 5 (whose self appointed nickname is "Peedo" would you beiieve?) took his 6 year old daughter into the bush on Australia Day this year "to piss" prior to me hearing moans from the "10 minutes" it took to piss along with shredding the egos of kids.

Edited by Mauler5150
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12 hours ago, Mauler5150 said:

Ultimately I just want to get offline and go surfing in the ocean, as I would rather rip Mother Ocean's waves to shreds as opposed to exposing rapist paedophiles (a schoolfriend I have known since I was 5 (whose self appointed nickname is "Peedo" would you beiieve?) took his 6 year old daughter into the bush on Australia Day this year "to piss" prior to me hearing moans from the "10 minutes" it took to piss along with shredding the egos of kids.

Are you serious?


No rockspiders allowed.

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Well in my travels today found this child molester preying on kids in the park near my place.


Got to do something with my last month here in Purgatory before my crime of getting divorced is struck from the system and my bid here is up. I figure that capturing these rock spiders in action in their natural habitat is the only positive I can derive as the world devolves into an entropic soup of metadata.


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TLDR. I'm way past the stage whereby I can continue to relate to being imprisoned, by financial constraints and technology having too much control over my existence for a choice that was made outside the realm of my control. And for me to continue to not highlight the actions of human scum I am aware of is to ignore the prime directives of my scripted programming.

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7 hours ago, aimer said:

Bruh the meth problem here in Perth is really no joke. 

Have a nap my man.

 I noticed this on my one and only visit to perth a decade back.


 people were tweaking everywhere but I arrived on the evening of new years day so maybe it was carry over from night before.

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Nah, its being surrounded by meth zombies all over the place that truly does my head in.


Apparently they test the waste water here and it has the highest concetration of meth in the world, which is hard to believe, as with the price here 3000x that of California, who has the money to buy it?


But if you look into it Eddie Bravo style the meth epidemic here only helps explain "global warming" in the truest sense of the term as what else does melting "ice" in heated globes truly define?

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With this in mind, thanks to those who took the time to read my rant and express concern for me as the truth is that I am just lknely given that nobody has the capacity to answer the existence breaking questions to which I have compiled too much evidence to understand that we are in a simulation.


So as opposed to rebelling via just becoming a lunatic with no concern for life like the raw chicken eater above (which isn't me) I instead opt to write such diatribes as a means via which I can exorcise whatever trauma based demons lurk within my PTSD affected brain I have unveiled through self administered Electro shock therapy.


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it would be via this device.

Usually using the other glass attachments which bombard you with an electicity storm akin to tiny bullets hitting your skin, but using this allows me to essentially become Raiden to where I can shoot lightning from my fingers like a true boss.


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For some reason the ticktacs prop system comes to my mind after I just liked a few of the recent responses in this thread. I figure I have such recollections of the past so that I can recall the comedy that occurred during the days of disputing "dog whales" and things. Strangely if you read my prior diatribes, if we live in a simulated society buried under the sea of waves then I fully have garnered enough awareness to know that the Hell hounds which pervade society as the dog being the inverse of God, it makes sense that such characters are those whom embody the worthless pimps in this world as they become rich "whales" whom engage in human trafficking like a certain internet popular Romanian dwelling vampire whose name need not be mentioned lest my algorithm get completely bombarded with more "Cobra" venom.



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