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Cube makes for an interesting political commentator. Spews a lot of MAGA rhetoric, sprinkle's a little Black Nationalist on it, then switches all the way over to Socialism on the same subject. Unlike Kanye he's able to finish a complete thought when speaking without bouncing around between ideas. Thing is, it really shows when someone is just repeating rhetoric they don't fully understand, or read up on. So also unlike Ye, Cube doesn't realize that by repeatedly switching between whatever catchy sound bytes he remembers, he's contradicting himself ideologically when he's tossing these word salads together. Much more palatable for the average never read a non-fiction in their life type mouth breather, which is of course the vast majority of Americans.

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5 minutes ago, Mercer said:

Cube makes for an interesting political commentator. Spews a lot of MAGA rhetoric, sprinkle's a little Black Nationalist on it, then switches all the way over to Socialism on the same subject. Unlike Kanye he's able to finish a complete thought when speaking without bouncing around between ideas. Thing is, it really shows when someone is just repeating rhetoric they don't fully understand, or read up on. So also unlike Ye, Cube doesn't realize that by repeatedly switching between whatever catchy sound bytes he remembers, he's contradicting himself ideologically when he's tossing these word salads together. Much more palatable for the average never read a non-fiction in their life type mouth breather, which is of course the vast majority of Americans.


I guess when you become the personification of "straight outta Compton" and that type of behaviour is accepted and expected by everyone around you, reading books for a deeper understanding on subjects takes a back seat to what ever emotionally driven hard point you are trying to make. I was pretty young when I realized that learning something new isn't a priority to most people.

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He was always on a genius level when it came to breaking down hood shit. Also think he was the smartest one out of NWA for jumping ship, and going solo first, starring in movies and shit. There's no way I'd consider him stupid. My thing is, there's certain subjects that require a deep dive, before ever speaking on them. Having never starred in a movie, or not being built like a tank yet hard to hit, I'm just trying to pretend I'm the smart one here for being well read on dry shit, and the multimillionaire I'm pretending to be smarter than hasn't.

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Bro. You can be a rich idiot. The two things aren't mutually exclusive. The older I get the more I think being smart might actually be a hindrance to becoming insanely rich. I tend to over analyze every aspect of everything in my life to the point where once I've made up mind on something, the market is already dead lol. I need to start yelling shit like "America first," and "YOLO," as daily affirmations in the mirror before heading out to do some reckless shit that might make me rich.

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5 hours ago, mr.yuck said:

This is actually kind of fucked up. What about the millions of Californians that are defrauded by this extra tax everyday who don't have the time to stop their day to redeem their 5-10 cents?




The family members involved are all facing like 6 years over this shit.




Lol, fraud 🤣   how's that fraud?  


So I take it when the prosecutor shops some where cheaper when they could've paid more, that's fraud too!  


Freaking retarded.

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4 hours ago, morton said:

With their hands on that much aluminum they could have made good cash just scrapping it.




The story didn't specify, but I made the assumption that they bought the cans at scrap prices in Arizona and then just trucked that shit across the border to get the higher value refund price. Personally, I never understood California's  recycling system to be a built in cost of the product that's redeemable later. I just thought the higher value paid was an incentive to recycle program. I thought this was just smart business.

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I get the fraud argument I didn't see until Fist666 pointed it out, but, at that point I really find it more so frivolous complaint on the behalf of prosecution due to the argument of the stock market buy low sell high analogy.  I think a really good lawyer with some jedi mind tricks can persuade a juror to favor the defense.

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Pretty much what the prosecution is saying.  Someone who lives outside of California buys stock/commodity and sells it to a resident of California for more than the original purchase price. 


 That's fraud!   And we are coming after you!

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1 hour ago, nicklesndimes said:

you'd think a good criminal would catch on after the first million or two and cover their tracks lol



I worked at an aluminum die cast plant for a few years and we had a dude that was stealing 25 pound ingots and hoarding them. A few years later he showed up at a scrap yard with a trailer full of them and was surprised that he got arrested.

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