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The Dream

Steel Schnauzer

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Was waking across a very shakey bamboo bridge across a sheer canyon.  Bridge was on stilts not rope kind. Bridge wobbled and wobbled and began to fall. I had to jump the the limbs of a tall pine tree next to the bridge.  Someone was in the base of the canyon but I couldn’t see their face. Falling bridge almost hit them. They were rushing to lift bridge back onto its stilts to help me get out of the tree. But the bridge kept tipping over and I had to climb down the tree and side of canyon. Then awoke. 

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you recently fucked a chick with a cavernous vaj.  You didn't have your regular rubbers and were using lambskin.  You smashed so vigorously the condom was breaking up.  She tried desparately to hold it together but it broke off in that grand canyon and became lost somewhere on the floor below.  You said fuck it and flooded the canyon.  Now it's haunting you.


You pervos and your weirdo sex dreams, sheesh.    

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5 hours ago, KILZ FILLZ said:

Was waking across a very shakey bamboo bridge across a sheer canyon.  Bridge was on stilts not rope kind. Bridge wobbled and wobbled and began to fall. I had to jump the the limbs of a tall pine tree next to the bridge.  Someone was in the base of the canyon but I couldn’t see their face. Falling bridge almost hit them. They were rushing to lift bridge back onto its stilts to help me get out of the tree. But the bridge kept tipping over and I had to climb down the tree and side of canyon. Then awoke. 

oedipus complex mixed with some childhood blunt ass trauma

also dickhole sprinkles

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Lucid dreaming is what we need to figure out, on my bucket list.


One of those people that doesn't believe in dreams having meaning or reflection.


I do belive in how fucked up we really are when it comes to having sick ass dreams .


Two days ago, I had a dream where there was no people in some city I wasn't familiar with, only to find out that I was inside a snow glove with sand that "felt" like hot snow.  The environment was cold, but the sand in the air was hot.


You already know, the "meaning" of this dream was I was thirsty and needed to take a shit.

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I think it's interesting that no matter how well you explain your dream it never will convey the meaning of how it felt to "be there".


The other night I had a dream where nobody was in my house.  It wasn't my house that I live in now, it was some other house with many rooms and my family all lived there with me along with my girlfriend.  It wasn't a house I knew or have been to before.  Anyway, the house was empty and there was this feeling that everyone was just "gone".  They didn't leave and go somewhere else, they just didn't exist anymore.  My dream didn't explain this to me but it's just how it felt.  It was very frantic and sad feeling.  The empty feeling was something that didn't leave my thoughts as I looked through the house.  I couldn't shake the dread that everyone was "just gone" and I didn't know why or how.  The house "felt dark" and like it had been empty for a long time.


I found that I started having very vivid dreams again when I stopped smoking reefer and when I stopped drinking alcohol.  The alcohol one makes sense because you don't really get very good REM sleep when you've drank before bed, so you never really enter into a state that you could dream in very well.  Not to say it never happens, it, for me, was just very uncommon whether I had gotten really drunk or just had 2 beers (officer).  The reefer one doesn't make sense to me unless you consider that it's numbing your brain to the point of not getting into that imaginative state.  The sleep on weed felt like it was deep sleep but I almost never dreamed for years and years.  Now that I've quit both things I have crazy ass dreams almost every night.


I could go on and on about this subject and what I think about various nuances of it but I won't beat it to death right here right now.

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What about a shot of liquor or wine before bed? Heard it's suppose to boost vivid dreams but I put a lot of things into consideration. Like food, the amount of sleep you have available and hydration.


My vivid dreams ALWAYS happens after I hit the snooze bar.  Here is a trick I do that works for me.....


◼For about two days, set your snoozes to 5mins apart


◼Pick a random day where your snooze time is 30mins (the trick is to forget what day it's going to happen)


By doing this, I acquire maximum vivid vision, bad thing is half the time I don't wake up to my next alarm, so I stopped doing it lol

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I'm not sure about how one drink will affect your sleep, but I would suspect that it does still affect it to some degree.  I'm no scientist and I have no professional study in the subject matter other than my own personal experience.... but I think, for me, 1 drink would suppress my ability to dream vividly.  Of course "everybody's different" so that could easily explain away why some people are able to dream after drinking, but the explanation for that could also be that their body is so used to alcohol being in it constantly that it was returned to "somewhat normal" in that condition..... although that "normal" isn't the same thing as a sober person's normal.  I would say it's "less" and maybe just barely dipping into the state that allows dreaming occasionally.  Again, I have no idea what the fuck I'm talking about though... just speculating.

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◼Cell phones have a blue light filter. Also, this is available....




It emits a blue light in the ceiling that will go on and off.  When on, you breathe in, when off, you breathe out.  It's suppose to put you to sleep on less than 20 minutes, a breathing exercise that works, confirmed by yoga. Also, helps with vivid dreams.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just woke up from a nap and had 3 dreams in one.


First part:


It started out being a normal day where eventually ended up being My Day.   My refund kicked in with lots of money, when shopping and everything was cheap, got invited to a huge party and a crew invited me to carpool with them to the party.  One of them mentioned that they got us on rooms at a hotel.


(This comes from new people I met and they are about that google life, getting uber's, nice income jobs.  HIPSTERS one would say, buy they are nerds.)


At the party, there was a girl hella eye bawling me, I knew she wanted me.  She found a way to tell me how she felt, through a musical number.  All of a sudden, the room was all theatrical, lights all fancy, and she ended in a pleasurable note while staring at me for a good 3 seconds.




After everything when back to normal, I had the urge to give her a hug and say she did a very good job.  Because of that, she gave me all her info, where she lived, phone number, email, etc. I, ha, offered an uber to my "room" , but she had a lot of studying to do, one was music and the other was geometry.  She wanted a ride back to her place and meet up later.


(Shit I did in high school)


The driver knew what was going on, so he took us to some road that seemed like a water park for cars.  At this point, things started looking all punk-ish and gave me many changes to make moves and succeeded. When ride was over, she said "don't forget to call me". I was like no doubt.


All of a sudden, I ended up at some house with more nerds, however, one of the girls I knew.


(This girl was this new gal I met that recently became single and she was part of the new crew I met)


For what ever reason, she wanted to bone, but with one of the nerdy guys in front of everyone.   They were all discussing sex positions and everyone started taking off their shirts while she went inside a white bathtub naked.  One of the nerds started recording everything and his footage was being live streamed at some TV that was near by.


(The footage looked amazing. I asked him what camera he was using, and he said Sony, which makes sence, since I was watching video portraits on youtube with a Sony camera)


All of us were now part of this weird scary sex scene? I say this because us guys were just looking at her , wanting her.  There was a bucket full of her cum and the guys were dipping in their fingers and showing her she was delicious. She was saying stuff to the camera, and ended it with "catch me next time.......[she came , passed out in the tub and we left her there while leaving with a stare as though she was a sacrifice.   Scene was over and we all applauded and talked about the scene. Before waking up, it seemed like it all went to reality to where in real life, I wanted to message her and ask her if she was into acting. At this point, within the dream, I wanted to message her on facebook and tell her about my dream.  I was tempted, but than I woke up like What....the......fuckkkkk.....


I had a dream (rare) because my first job canceled and decided to sleep more (I woke up to my alarm, dismissed it, than saw I had the day off, went back to bed, had this vivid dream).


To explain all the feelings that I'm going through right now is impossible.


This is why I hate all dreams.  They make no sence and bundle up all these feelings at once.


Now I'm going back to bed lol here we go......

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