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What it does


If approved by voters, the measure will amend the city charter to establish an independent police oversight board with members approved by the City Council.


Members would wield a significant amount of power. The board would have the authority to discipline and fire police officers — a power currently reserved for the police commissioner. They would have a guaranteed budget of no less than 5% of the police bureau’s budget, which this fiscal year would have been $11 million. That’s compared to the current Independent Police Review board’s $2.8 million budget. And they would function independently of any government official.


The new oversight board would have the power to investigate all deaths in custody, uses of deadly force, complaints of force causing injury, discrimination against protected classes and constitutional rights violations. The board would also be tasked with making recommendations on police policy and directives that the City Council — and not the police bureau — would get the final say on implementing. What types of policy the independent board could recommend has not been defined.


The board would also have the power to subpoena documents and compel statements from police officers during investigations. The measure says board members should have diverse backgrounds, including lived experience with systemic racism, mental illness and addiction. It specifically prohibits current or former police officers — or anyone in their immediate families — from serving on the board.


The proposed changes would mean the end of the Independent Police Review, a city agency that investigates complaints made against police. Many have criticized the agency for lacking the power to hold police accountable.

Another major critique of the current system is that Independent Police Review investigations are often confidential. Disciplinary decisions are left up to the police chief and police commissioner — a post currently filled by Mayor Ted Wheeler. Those decisions can be overturned by an arbitrator if the police union appeals.


State law shields most of these investigations into police misconduct from being disclosed to the public. So while Hardesty has promised a more effective and transparent form of oversight than what the Independent Police Review offers, it will require changes to state law and within the union contract to become a reality.















In the grievance, which was sent to Deputy Police Chief Chris Davis by newly elected PPA president Brian Hunzeker, the officer’s union is requesting the city cease implementing changes to oversight and discipline without first coming to an agreement.


Voters approved the measure following months of racial justice protests in the city where police have used significant force to break up demonstrations. Many complaints about officer conduct at those protests are currently under review.


In a statement Thursday night, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, who narrowly won a second term in office this week, said the measure reflects the will of the people.


“The City will actively defend the voters' decision and comply with the Charter Amendment to meet any bargaining obligations required by law,” Wheeler said.


Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty, who fought to get the measure on the ballot, acknowledged that to fully realize her goal of transparent and effective police oversight, state laws and the union contract will both have to be changed.

“We must change the arbitration rules in Salem so that it will allow for the community oversight board’s decisions to be final,” Hardesty said, hours after the measure passed. “It puts us in an excellent position on Jan. 17 when we start negotiating the new Portland Police Association contract.”






police union will never agree to terms to allow civilian oversight. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well we can put this investigation to rest now. I've done some digging, and guess who's family pet was caught up in a catnip raid 4 years ago, and is still on probation for it now? I swear these criminals must think we're stupid or something. Way I see it, those officers had no other choice.


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"The First Amendment clearly and unmistakably protects this man’s right to post an offensive photo about a police officer," he said. "The only people who broke the law here were the police officers and TBI agents who participated in this flagrantly unconstitutional arrest."

"I am riled up about the government imprisoning someone for disrespecting them," he said.



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Its kinda confusing, because the article states "doctored".  So is that as in photoshopped?  If so I can see how that would be harassment.  


Now if whatever "doctored" is supposed to mean, but if the photo is real, then as a juror, I would see he distribution as two rights.  First and for most, archived for historical reasons, and second, the first amendment.   


Why I chose to historical archive ment before 1st amendment, is because in the defense historical archivement because this way it can be spun and explained in many many ways relating to freedom of the press, not only the freedom of expression which truly should be the first amd foremost but at this time here in the states amendments have become increasingly politically charged in triggering a way of thought, amendments easily cause anxiety.  And in any case on any side of the law prosecutorial or defensive at a jury trial the first and last thing I would want to do is cause any juror stress or anxiety which can lead to negative outcomes for multiple reasons. 


Anyhow, I think the arrest is BS.  Sounds like a case of retaliation to what was posted. 

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On 1/24/2021 at 4:33 PM, KILZ FILLZ said:





"The First Amendment clearly and unmistakably protects this man’s right to post an offensive photo about a police officer," he said. "The only people who broke the law here were the police officers and TBI agents who participated in this flagrantly unconstitutional arrest."

"I am riled up about the government imprisoning someone for disrespecting them," he said.




I got arrested in Dickson TN 19 years ago. I was drunk driving, stealing gas, and recklessly endangering a child at the time. The police were talking mad shit to me and one of them said something about how my parents raised me wrong. I looked him dead in his eyes and told him to shut his mouth and that he didnt know my parents and how brave it was for him to trash people that werent there to defend themselves. He then apologized to me for bringing my parents into it. Lol. 


I hope it was him that got smoked.

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