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IDK, pretty straight forward. Is there a legitimate reason to motioning to your partner like "should I put this bag of drugs in his wallet?" and your partner to nod yea to you, then later on in the report you say the drugs were discovered in the wallet?


This exact thing happens pretty frequently, and the police usually get caught doing it when their departments are new to body cameras, like in this case before word gets out they pre-record.  They hit the record button to get video evidence of them "discovering" the drugs,  not realizing the thing is constantly recording, and when you hit the record button it automatically saves the previous 30 seconds where you planted the drugs.






First case I saw like this one was in Baltimore, where the cop planted drugs inside something that would have been impossible to find during a normal search like in a can or something. Same scenario, wanted to record himself heroically "finding" the drugs, but inadvertently recorded himself planting them seconds earlier. Fun fact, they usually never charge themselves with drug possession and are actually hard to convict, even in clear cut cases like this where people just assume cops are somehow better people than normal citizens.












Here's a more recent example of a pig that did this so frequently his own department investigated him for over a year because he'd get good citizens with nothing to hide to consent to a search (BTW never consent to a search).



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Yep, the cop in Florida. I might have spelled the name incorrectly as there’s heaps online about it - I went down the rabbit hole a bit last night trying to figure out wtf. Best I can judge is that he felt he was doing some social justice/cleansing as there may have been a little bit of white trash profiling going on. 

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@Hua GuofangMy best guess is he was a sociopath (clearly) trying to stand out during the first year of his career by doing "excellent police work" finding drugs and making more arrests than his peers.. Being interested in this subject I've noticed crooked police like this (along with sexual predators)  tend to target people they think nobody else will find credible. Sometimes the sexual predator and crooked police officer are one in the same.



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I'm genuinely curious if people who say "All Cops Are Bad" or write ACAB on shit really believe that all cops are bad. Obviously there's evidence to prove that there are cops doing horrendous shit (and unfortunately getting away with it), but do you think all cops are acting in this manner, and therefore bad?


Or is it an "Us Against Them" mentality making "Them" the enemy, and therefore bad?


Wow... that reads like an old nerdy white guy, sorry. 

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@Joker Highest rates of domestic violence  for any profession doesn't count, because it's not all of them. Voting in a union rep that mocks a dying mans last words on a shirt doesn't count either, because that's just most of them. How many of the "good" cops that are left over honestly believe 100% in every single law they enforce? If none, then what is it that separates one of them from the otherwise friendly guy down the street that knowingly helps kidnap 2 or 3 innocent people month?  Not everyone would have a clear conscious doing that type of work, so from a certain perspective the word all is totally valid. I mean it's not like most of us wouldn't love occasionally separating a random poor family over minor weed possession, expired immigration papers, or some other victimless crime. It just takes a special kind of person is all I'm saying.

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1 hour ago, Joker said:

I'm genuinely curious if people who say "All Cops Are Bad" or write ACAB on shit really believe that all cops are bad. Obviously there's evidence to prove that there are cops doing horrendous shit (and unfortunately getting away with it), but do you think all cops are acting in this manner, and therefore bad?


Or is it an "Us Against Them" mentality making "Them" the enemy, and therefore bad?


A good question.  Kind of related, I held on to this meme with a similar question.


He might make a semi logical point, but look again at that guy.  When he peers out his window at 2am and sees a shadowy figure stealing his car, what do you think he does?  Does that look like the type of guy who calls the cops, or the type of guy who's going out to the driveway to handle his business?


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I think it's fair to say there's different levels to this.  There are some hardcore people that haven't seen shit, don't know shit, won't be seen talking to the police for any reason, and handle any business personal or otherwise by themselves.  They don't fuck with police.  Many of them are in prison based on their principles and I have a certain level of respect for that.



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10 hours ago, Mercer said:

@Joker How many of the "good" cops that are left over honestly believe 100% in every single law they enforce? If none, then what is it that separates one of them from the otherwise friendly guy down the street that knowingly helps kidnap 2 or 3 innocent people month?  Not everyone would have a clear conscious doing that type of work, so from a certain perspective the word all is totally valid. I mean it's not like most of us wouldn't love occasionally separating a random poor family over minor weed possession, expired immigration papers, or some other victimless crime.

I will argue that some, when they don’t wholeheartedly support a law, don’t enforce it. When the guy down the street that is kidnapping people is doing so very willingly and consciously. Unless there’s some outlying factors, diving into the technicality world. 


Drawing from personal situations, I have been in situations, and seen situations where cops let shit slide where they would have been 100% within their legal rights to slap some bracelets, some minor offenses, some not. Now i have most certainly seen the other side, and experienced it a couple times. 


A kid i went to high school with became a cop after his military service. I forget what branch and what his rank, title or whatever was, but he was the type of dude that sets charges for breaches. He hates being a cop. He says he lets people slide all time, to the point where he’s been chastised for it by superiors.


This kid fractured the occasional law growing up, and it was honestly quite hilarious to me that he became a cop, but i’d trust his judgment. 

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@One Man Banned


Thanks for the honest, thoughtful answers. I see the thinking/logic behind what you're saying, but as an old white guy who recently went through some horrendous shit that forced me to sell my home to keep my family and myself safe, I wish there were more cops to enforce the laws. Had I took on the situation myself the outcome would have been very bad for me. As writers we're taught to handle shit when it shows itself, but some situations are out of our control... or I guess out of my control, maybe you guys dive in no matter what, I don't know. All that said, the comments about cops letting things slide when they're in their right 100% to take action is part of the problem I dealt with. When I confronted the cops about it they informed that they're one squad car that covers a 2 mile radius so they can't possibly be everywhere all the time, and as such have to prioritize. So even though me and my neighbors were dealing with real bad shit, it was low on the list of things to handle. That's no way to live, and I've heard that neighborhood has only gotten worse. And the way Portland is going, it's only going to get way, way worse. 


My point is I think some cops are bad, absolutely, but I also think most cops are understaffed and therefore overwhelmed. I think because of that cops make choices and react poorly. Doesn't make it right, I'm not condoning those actions, just typing my view on why some cops might be bad. There are definitely people who should not be cops that are, but I don't see that ever changing. It takes a special kind of person to choose that profession and I think 90% of the ones who do have a power complex. I suppose the ACAB rise is valid when you continually see the dumb shit happening and realize it's always been happening only we now have proof thanks to technology.  


Anyway, thanks for taking my question seriously. I realize my ramblings aren't based in facts, just opinion, but thanks for letting me rant none the less. 

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Damn, hope everything turns out ok for you. 


I’ve always wondered about the concept of more “ethically strong” people joining the police force, one of those “if you don’t like something do something about it,” type situations.. Then we come down to Mercer’s argument about enforcing laws you don't believe in and so on, very complicated. 

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1 hour ago, Joker said:

Thanks for the honest, thoughtful answers. I see the thinking/logic behind what you're saying, but as an old white guy who recently went through some horrendous shit that forced me to sell my home to keep my family and myself safe, I wish there were more cops to enforce the laws. Had I took on the situation myself the outcome would have been very bad for me. As writers we're taught to handle shit when it shows itself, but some situations are out of our control... or I guess out of my control, maybe you guys dive in no matter what, I don't know. All that said, the comments about cops letting things slide when they're in their right 100% to take action is part of the problem I dealt with. When I confronted the cops about it they informed that they're one squad car that covers a 2 mile radius so they can't possibly be everywhere all the time, and as such have to prioritize. So even though me and my neighbors were dealing with real bad shit, it was low on the list of things to handle. That's no way to live, and I've heard that neighborhood has only gotten worse. And the way Portland is going, it's only going to get way, way worse. 

Feel for you and where you're coming from.  Good friend just got the hell out of PDX and even the surrounding area because people keep getting killed and such.

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It's a very grey subject.  To what @Jokersaid, I believe the cops are at times understaffed, but also quite under trained for the amount of different shit they have to respond to.  People take that job for different reasons, I'm sure plenty want to feel in control or be in control, and others want to do some good in the world by whatever personal definition they have of that.  There's definitely racists and assholes and the like because the cops come from mankind and mankind is full of racists and assholes and such along with the good peeps.


I've found some of the anti-police protests interesting in that some of them include chants of fuck the police, but other people have chanted shit like do your job.  Some of the same people who demonize the police when a minority is killed are the same people who are mad the police haven't caught the neighborhood rapist or whatever.  I guess my point is there is an expectation for the police to perform some basic duties even by people who openly state they have no trust or confidence in them, and that's kind of divisive thinking for one person.


Again, I'm neither pro nor anti.  There's certain shit that's unbelievable to me, like how the NYPD has avoided outside oversight in spite of a long record of serious corruption.  People are in the thread next door kicking tin foil hat conspiracies around when you have shit like this going on daily smh.  

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2 hours ago, One Man Banned said:

Feel for you and where you're coming from.  Good friend just got the hell out of PDX and even the surrounding area because people keep getting killed and such.

I've been here since 1994 and seen it go from not too bad, to really great, to bad, to really bad, to worse... and that trend is continuing. Every major city has it's growing pains but Portland has been growing very quickly and the leaders of this city have no idea how to handle it. As such, it's become a shit hole compared to what it once was. I lived in downtown for 20 years and finally reached a point where I couldn't wait to get out to the suburbs. Once I did I ran into even worse shit (as previously mentioned), and now I live just outside the city limits in an area that has it's own police force who prefer to handle even the smallest infraction as quickly as possible... and I have no problem with that.


It's been sad to watch Portland crumble beneath the feet of the very people who made it into what attracted people here in the first place, but that happens in every city. It's to be expected. Glad your friend got out when he did.


Sorry, I've derailed the conversation. Back to bad cops...

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