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15 hours ago, Kults said:

Ya dont say






13 hours ago, Hua Guofang said:

Saw that^^


MMA fighters should take a leaf out of Anthony Hopkins' book.

Colby Covington (the pro trump MMA MAGA guy) was told he was being dropped from the UFC before going into the last fight on his contract ,even if he won. They didn't like his style, or crowd engagement and thought he was a boring fighter regardless of his skill.



Before the last fight, he made an off hand comment about Brazilians during his last fight there. People started throwing food, and got upset, the UFC loved/banked off of the crowd engagement there, and he accidentally made a name for himself. Dude immediately went out and bought a MAGA hat after, started talking mad shit, and it made him a millionaire practically over night. Now people pay money in the hopes of seeing his ass get whooped, it's going down this Saturday Night, flip side is the MAGA crowd loves him and will pay a premium to watch also. Personally I'm fan of Usman, because there's so much beef/hype between them for Saturday's fight, I'm paying $60 to watch along with millions of other people caught up in the hype.



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12 hours ago, Hua Guofang said:

He was warned by his DNI not to attend this dinner and that he was being maneuvered into a compromise by the Russians.


He still attended. Then he lied to his AG and the VP elect about his contact with the Russian Ambassador afterward.



If the intel agencies I "ran" illegally spied on me I think Id disregard their directives too, bloop.

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2 minutes ago, Hua Guofang said:

Different org, he wasn't FBI, he was in Defence intel and it was DNI that warned him, not FBI.

I mean, we already know we dont agree on this so I wont get too deep into it but I still think its all bullshit. i wouldnt trust any Obummer leftovers either if I was Trump, regardless of what org they hailed from. 

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DNI came from Reagan era, worked for both Bushes, Clinton and Obama. Doesn't come any more non-partisan.


The warnings were also given well before Trump was the pres candidate. The Russians had been working him (and others) for a while.


Not everything is about Trump.




Edited by Hua Guofang
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32 minutes ago, Hua Guofang said:

Not everything is about Trump.


Not even you truly believe that.


Thats a fair point about being unbiased, never looked too deeply into it. Honestly though, if you think Russia has any political power left on the world stage I dont know what to tell you. They can barely even feed their citizens. Worry about China if you want to believe in a Boogeyman

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I believe this was time trolling... Basically a way to virtue signal while planting more seeds of decisiveness. Regardless of people's outlook on whether she's genuine or not, between all however many human beings on planet earth, it's ludicrous to presume she's the top choice for the best amongst us.


Maybe I'm cranky, but seems like click bait to ensure Time stays in the number one spot of the public discourse for the next week or two.

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1 hour ago, misteraven said:

I believe this was time trolling... Basically a way to virtue signal while planting more seeds of decisiveness. Regardless of people's outlook on whether she's genuine or not, between all however many human beings on planet earth, it's ludicrous to presume she's the top choice for the best amongst us.


Maybe I'm cranky, but seems like click bait to ensure Time stays in the number one spot of the public discourse for the next week or two.

That's not what it's about, though. The award isn't who is the best, it's who impacted the world the most - for good or bad.


Their choices are always controversial, so it's not click bait, it's the standard.




BTW, I only posted it in here for a bit of triggering, lol. I don't have an opinion on her either way as I don't follow what she does or says. I'm more interested in the reactions to her, from both sides.

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5 minutes ago, Hua Guofang said:

That's not what it's about, though. The award isn't who is the best, it's who impacted the world the most - for good or bad.


Their choices are always controversial, so it's not click bait, it's the standard.




BTW, I only posted it in here for a bit of triggering, lol. I don't have an opinion on her either way as I don't follow what she does or says. I'm more interested in the reactions to her, from both sides.

Alright, Ill play along. What impact did her shit fit have on the world other than some funny memes?

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1 hour ago, Kults said:

Not even you truly believe that.


Thats a fair point about being unbiased, never looked too deeply into it. Honestly though, if you think Russia has any political power left on the world stage I dont know what to tell you. They can barely even feed their citizens. Worry about China if you want to believe in a Boogeyman

Lol, thanks for the heads up! (wrote my Hons thesis on Chinese strategies in 2006, learned mandarin and worked out of the country for 5 years)



Seriously though, foolish to write Russia off. They still have the second largest arsenal of operational nuclear weapons and have a retaliatory strike capability as well as a continuous at sea deterrent. Russia is the #2 oil exporter in the world, #3 producer and are #5 largest LNG exporter. Russia is the second largest arms exporter in the world (when it comes to tech, it is still a race between them and the US - China still copies and buys Russian tech). They are a G8 nation and hold veto power in the UN.


They're pretty solid metrics with which to measure power on the world stage. Not sure how you do it.




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15 minutes ago, Hua Guofang said:

Lol, thanks for the heads up! (wrote my Hons thesis on Chinese strategies in 2006, learned mandarin and worked out of the country for 5 years)



Seriously though, foolish to write Russia off. They still have the second largest arsenal of operational nuclear weapons and have a retaliatory strike capability as well as a continuous at sea deterrent. Russia is the #2 oil exporter in the world, #3 producer and are #5 largest LNG exporter. Russia is the second largest arms exporter in the world (when it comes to tech, it is still a race between them and the US - China still copies and buys Russian tech). They are a G8 nation and hold veto power in the UN.


They're pretty solid metrics with which to measure power on the world stage. Not sure how you do it.




That arsenal is ancient dude. Would half of em even work? Fuck if I know but seems like a massive stretch to think they have any kind of real influence left.


Their entire country is falling apart. 


Ya second largest arms exporter of 30 year old rusted AKs...cmon man. Gimmy a break lol


If nukes were the strongest indicator of influence on the world stage maybe they wouldn't have lost the cold war. Culture won, of which they export absolutely none.

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16 minutes ago, Kults said:

That arsenal is ancient dude. Would half of em even work? Fuck if I know but seems like a massive stretch to think they have any kind of real influence left.


Their entire country is falling apart. 


Ya second largest arms exporter of 30 year old rusted AKs...cmon man. Gimmy a break lol


If nukes were the strongest indicator of influence on the world stage maybe they wouldn't have lost the cold war. Culture won, of which they export absolutely none.

Sorry, simply not true and happy to pull the data when not at work. They are the #1 nuclear threat to the USA and they are testing new tactical nukes (cruise missiles), which is why the US just pulled out of the INF.


You need t update your knowledge. Start with the S-300 family purchased and deplyed by China, India, Iran, Turkey, Egypt, Greece and a lst of other countries. Then you can look at the aircraft carriers they export, the nuclear submarines, etc. etc. Seriously, if you think all Russia is exporting is old junk, you've got no idea. They're one of the most advanced arms manufacturers in the world and I'm happy to drag all the evidence out any sane person would need to be convinced if you really want to stick to your story here.


Sure, they're country is in deep shit. their demographics are fucked, they have a petrochem economy and their attempt to become a tech leader in ITC fell utterly flat. There's no doubt about any of that.  Doesnt' mean they don't have power on the world stage though. You've been following the situation in Syria, right?


Culture won the Cold War?! Hahahaha, yeah, sure thing, kid!


PS - I listed much more than just nukes as their levers of power, have another read.

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