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I think I'm going to stop playing COD4.


I noticed that a majority of kids who play are using gay-ass firmware and its not even fair.


Especially if they are kids who got $50 a month internet with $5,000 HDTVs.


My DSL, 20 year old TV deal can't handle it. Especially when I can sneak up from behind and shoot them until my gun has to reload and STILL not get the kill.

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Heres some good classes for anyone who plays COD4. Most of these are Search and Destroy-minded.



M16 w/ Red Dot


Flash bang

P1: Frag X3

P2: Stopping Power

P3: Extreme Conditioning



Mini-Uzi w/ Silencer or P-90 w/ silencer (longer range)

M1911 silenced

Stun grenade

P1: Claymores

P2: UAV Jammer

P3: Extreme Conditioning or Dead Silence



RPD w/ Grip


Stun grenade

P1: Frag X3

P2: Juggernaut

P3: Deep Impact



Dragunov w/ ACOG or R700 w/ ACOG


Flash grenade

P1: Frag X3

P2: Stopping Power

P3: Extreme Conditioning



AK-47 w/ Silencer

P90 w/ silencer

Flash grenade

P1: Frag X3

P2: Overkill

P3: Extreme Conditioning




Silenced M1911

Smoke grenade

P1: Claymores

P2: UAV Jammer

P3: Iron Lungs

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ay peyote, i'm sure your a good player n all, but i am not a fan of those classes. The RPD is probably the fuckin stupidest weapon in the game, Juggernaut is fuckin lame and the M40A3 is better than the R700, plus the P90 is fuckin stupid too.


the class i'm most frequently rollin wiht right now is


M40A3 w/ ACOG

Gold Deserteagle

Frag x3

Stopping power

Steady aim. (no scopes can work like a shotgun in those close range situations.)



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um... are you nuts? the RPD rapes. its like a sniper LMG. with the grip its fuckin deadly accurate from long range and with deep impact and stopping power u can pretty much rape anything.


favorite RPD moments-


on Strike, when everyone camps in that second floor room by the main intersection of the map, unload deep impact on them from across the map thru the walls and kill all of them lol...


i have a friend who is a fucking god with the scorpion. i always though that gun wasnt worth shit, i watched him play with it and he was dominating everyone, with only iron sights. he was so accurate with it at long range, it was nuts.

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maaan thats why i hate that shit! its a fuckin stupid gun, all you have to do is fire in there general area, with a fuckin 200 round clip, you get hit by 3 of the shots, and your dead, shits ridiculous. its just cheap as hell, like the m21, or P90... i jus fuckin hate whenever i get killed by that shit, cos its a fuckin lmg, that shit should not be able to stretch the map, kill me with 2 shots, at the same accuracy as a sniper... WITH 200 ATTEMPTS....


in my opinion...

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hahaha, you are right. it is cheap.


but since when is there 'honor' in videogames? if other people are killing me constantly with that class, fuck yea i am going to turn that shit on and kill them back. Its about winning.

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oh for sure. if im getting repeatedly raped by an entire fuckin clan of people doin' nothin but spraying, then fuck honor. ima pick that shit up and obliterate. but ima never have it takin up a space on my custom classes...


other than that, i like to try n uphold some kind of 'honor'. cos its always more entertainin knowin that you jus merked a pro clan without resortin to cheap classes and plenty of frags...

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BIOSHOCK 2 confirmed.




Not liking this whole new development team thing, though.



Man, fucking bullshit. This is why I hate monolith gaming monopolies like 2K and EA. They buy out small, independent companies like Irrational (now 2K Boston) right when that company is about to put out a hit, or in this case a completely fucking balls-to-the-walls groundbreaking game, and then push for an immediate sequel that they then farm out to some other bullshit satellite 2K or EA company that needs work, generally because they don't have the skills to create their own kick-ass game. This happens so much. One particular example is COD3, which sucked fucking balls compared to COD2 and 4, because it was created by a different company.


This would be like some company other than Bungie making Halo 3 or some company other than Insomniac making a Ratchet and Clank game. Even still-independent companies like iD do this shit, like giving Quake 4 to Raven, which resulted in a bullshit game.



BTW, I still wear two of my three Bioshock shirts on a regular, almost weekly basis. The third one is so bootleg that I never wear it outside of the house. It's basically just a white t-shirt with a Big Daddy sticker on it.

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Also, I finally bit the bullet and bought a PS3. Blu-Ray is pretty fucking cool, especially the sound. It's much more consistent in volume than standard-def DVDs. Picture is obviously better, though not miles better. Upconverting is decent, about the same as the 360.


Main reason I bought it was for Blu-Ray. Now that HD-DVD is officially dead, I went with Blu-Ray since I got the HDTV in December and I was dying to see a few movies in high-def. Basically, the cheapest stand-alone player is $350-400 bucks depending on where you buy it, and the PS3 is $400 bucks AND it plays games. So it was really a no-brainer. Only thing that sucks is that the 40-gig model, which is the only one out there right now (they took the 80's off the shelf), doesn't have the "emotion" chip (gay name), which means that there is NO backwards compatibility with the PS2. That is bullshit, IMO.


I bought Resistance: FOM, which I played for a bit, it's decent but it wasn't a mind-blower. I don't think any FPS game will ever blow my mind again after playing Bioshock, the standard was set so unbelievably high. I then bought the new Ratchet and Clank game a few days later. That's really the only game I REALLY wanted to play on the PS3, since I love that series, and it's awesome. Real fun shooter-platformer.


All-in-all, I'm not unhappy with the purchase. The Blu-Ray is great, and because it has an ethernet port and an OS of it's own, it is future-proof in terms of updates--the first Blu-Ray players are not upgradeable, so all the early-adopters that paid $1000 dollars for their Blu-Ray players back in 2006 are now fucked and stuck with a player that can't do Picture-in-Picture that was introduced in firmware 1.1 and the online-capabilities that will come in firmware 2.0.


The built-in wireless is great, haven't tried it online though. Online is free, which is awesome. But Sony's online GUI fucking sucks, especially compared to Microsoft's Marketplace.


If I look at it as a Blu-Ray player that happens to play games, then it's great. If I look at it as a gaming console that happens to play high-def DVDs, then it's only so-so, because there's really only a couple of games that I believe are worth buying at the moment. As far as FPS games go, the 360's controller is far superior with the full triggers rather than the PS3's half-assed bumper-trigger. But I'm torn, because I don't want to pay for the Gold membership and the PS3 online is free.


Speaking of controllers, Sony is finally putting out a Dual-Shock controller for the PS3 in April. It's out in Japan already, I had one sent to me through play-asia.com for $55 already, which is only five dollars more than it will cost when it eventually comes out here. When I play Ratchet and Clank, the controller vibrates, so it will have some retro-capability with the older games.

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Yeah, I got that on my Netflix queue. What sucks is none of the video stores rent Blu-Ray, only Netflix. Buying them is ridiculously expensive, but Netflix doesn't charge any extra to rent them. We're waiting for the new Rambo movie to come out on high-def in May, because that movie kicked fucking ass.

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