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Fun fact about halo3.


Dont pick legandary for diffculty your first swing at the game. You will become insanely frustrated and angry. You will die so many times you just dont care anymore. Honestly, fuck.


Im stuck at the part where im driving a warthog with like 5 marines in the back and i got to a n enemy check point. There are so many enemys here I really dont want to believe I have to get out kill them all. It will take forever. And I fucking drove off a cliff the first time and the second way is blocked by some faggot forcefeild over a tunnel.




Just in case any yall nukkas didnt see these videos.






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i just popped in halo 3... the screen freezes. didn't know why, so i restarted it.


what happens?


i get the infamous "red rings of death". never had it happen to me before, and i've had the system for about a year. so i was like "oh shit" cuz i heard the horror stories so i figured that was the end of this xbox. but not so. i looked on the internet and on the "red rings of death" and it said you should restart, and if it persists then you gotta call microsoft. luckily the red ring didn't come back. phew

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luckily the red ring didn't come back. phew


Your games are going to start acting funny in the next week or so, then locking up the next.


Then perma RROD.


I hope you have your warranty.


I'm on my 4th 360, and I really hardly play it.


Anyways, speaking of microsoft quality control.




"reports coming in from all over the country that due to the way they were packaged in the limited edition tin, buyers of the LE and Legendary versions of the game are discovering the game disc inside to be horribly scratched. I picked up the LE this morning, and as you can see above, it's not in the best of shape. I played the game for about a half hour to see if it worked, and things ran fine, so you might want to give it a go before trying to return it. The good news is Microsoft will be offering free replacements of both the game and Essentials discs until December 31st. Of course you'll have to give up the game while you wait, but it's only Halo 3."


I'm starting to think this is part of MS's plan.


"We've shipped 'X' million Xbox 360s!! (with alot of those being refurb/replaced consoles)


Now it'll be "We've shipped 'X' million copies of Halo 3" (with alot of them being replacements for scratched discs)



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Some comments I've read about the CD scratching issue :lol:


"Those idiots. If you're going to make specialty packaging for your super-ultra-hyper-turbo-mega-delicious-buttsex edition of your biggest release of the year, make sure that the packing process doesn't scratch the disc up before you mass produce. Christ almighty."


"This is the peak of ridiculousness. It's like Microsoft is trying to prove that they can win this gen by selling crappy ass consoles and crappy games (I'm not dissing Halo, big fan, just the disc). I mean, okay they are a software company but COME ON!"


"Considering I've had to duck tape my 360 to a wall to make it stop eating my discs (4th free copy of gow ftw), it's a horrifying thought that ms could just scratch the disc beforehand and save my 360 the trouble"


"Excuse me when I say...MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Couldn't have happened to a more deserving fanbase. Now we need all copies of Madden to spontaneously combust."


I love the games that I've played on my 360, and the live experience is second to none. But I will be sitting out next gen unless they offer something like a 20 year warranty. This is insane. Maybe by the time my 4th 360 dies the PS3 will be affordable and have games. Maybe that was Sony's plan all along.

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played halo 3 for about 15 min yesterday...wasnt all in to it maybe i just need to get use to it.. way different from the other ones..but the graphics are the shit....was i seeing shit or can u buy guns and pop your self up in any place in the level u want by pushing the up arrow and goin around the level?? wtf is dat???

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Your games are going to start acting funny in the next week or so, then locking up the next.


Then perma RROD.


I hope you have your warranty.


I'm on my 4th 360, and I really hardly play it.


Anyways, speaking of microsoft quality control.




"reports coming in from all over the country that due to the way they were packaged in the limited edition tin, buyers of the LE and Legendary versions of the game are discovering the game disc inside to be horribly scratched. I picked up the LE this morning, and as you can see above, it's not in the best of shape. I played the game for about a half hour to see if it worked, and things ran fine, so you might want to give it a go before trying to return it. The good news is Microsoft will be offering free replacements of both the game and Essentials discs until December 31st. Of course you'll have to give up the game while you wait, but it's only Halo 3."


I'm starting to think this is part of MS's plan.


"We've shipped 'X' million Xbox 360s!! (with alot of those being refurb/replaced consoles)


Now it'll be "We've shipped 'X' million copies of Halo 3" (with alot of them being replacements for scratched discs)




Fuck Really? No Wonder. My GH2 Didnt want to play for some reason and then saw all them scratches. So, up to this point, there is nothing we can do to fix that>? or do i have to just buy a new one?


*Side Note.


My CD Doesnt look like that one on the pic. Its a thin circled Scratch around the disk. I thought it was because i didnt put the cd in right. But if i didnt, it woulndt play it and i had that game in there for like a couple of weeks. It just started failing me.

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By the way, theres some shit going around on xbox live where if you put your motto as 'Make Xbox Live Free' and you get like %75 of people to do it, they will make it free.


But then people were saying that if you do that you'll get banned.


Either way I'm just gonna play it safe and keep my motto as 'buttseckz r00lz'

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I had one dead out of the box, one freezing with a fucked up picture, one freezing with a fucked up picture that ended up RROD.


It's infuriating.


I did the extened warrenty at Gamestop (which I usually never recomend doing) but in this case it worked out great. Every time it fucked up I brought it back, got a new one 5 mins later. Only problem was spending another 50 for the next warrenty (they are not transferable).


The RROD is so prevalent that Microsoft has a system where they send boxes to your house so you can send it back to them.


Have you ever heard of such a thing?


Of course products break, you ship them back to be fixed.


But Microsoft's policy seems to be "Oh don't worry if it breaks, we got boxes to pick it up when it does, and you will have a refurbished one in 4-8 weeks."


It's astonishingly absurd, and yet I've told the gaming industry that I will put up with such a fleecing by getting 3 more 360's after that.


MS does not get my money next round. As I said, the games are fantastic, but it's almost as if they are saying to Sony, "Look! You guys suck so bad we can sell our customers consoles they know are going to break, and then send them scratched games so the system can then scratch them some more!"


We are idiots.


If you are one of those people that still have their launch day 360's and have had no issues, congrats, your experience is an anomaly. You received the xbox 360 Jesus edition.

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